Ch 186: The Pharaoh's Identity

Once home, I went to the bedroom and found the one I didn't want to see again.

"Get out!" I said ignorantly at Kai, sitting on the couch. Just because it was proven he didn't cheat. Didn't mean I wanted to see him after what he did.

He stood up chuckling. "Is that how you greet your husband?"

"After what you did today, I want nothing to do with you!" I grit my teeth angrily.

Without seeing it coming, Kai pushed me onto the bed and pinned me down!

I panicked as his one hand wandered up my shorts. "Don't you dare try anything!"

"Hush!" Kai shushed me when he pinned my hands above my head with one hand and smelled around my body. Against my chest, my heart thuds rapidly with panic. I felt completely exposed to him. As his free hand's fingers wormed up underneath my panty line. As fast as he touched me between my legs, he withdrew his hand away. While I remained panting nervously the whole time.

"There are a lot of vampires that will **** a woman and a vampiress because they have that power but I'm not like that," Kai said.

I yelled in his face."Then get off me! I'm not in the mood and I will never sleep with you again!"

Kai sneered at me and got up. "Trust me, after you've been all over Orlando. Sex is the last thing on my mind. I'm just making sure you only kissed him and didn't let him touch you between your legs again!"

"You monster!" I yelled at his insult and bounced up to my feet.

Kai snarled at me. "You could only wish I was a monster! Even both those monsters that you encountered. Fear vampires for good reason!"

I was shocked to learn what I saw was real.

"That monster that came in the bedroom and one that attacked me in the woods were real?" I asked in disbelief but yet I knew it was true.

"Yes, they were real and I saved you those times you were attacked," Kai confirmed. "Human eyes shouldn't be able to see them."

"Rex is a vampire, isn't he?" I randomly asked to clear this up.

"What makes you think that?" Kai asked a question over mine, which was annoying.

"Stop coaxing and answer my question?" I yelled and Kai shook his head yes.

"Rex and his clan are the Hunter species," Kai clarified. "The other reason why I didn't sense anything that night Orlando saved you from him was because Rex has a vampiress in his clan, that has a gift to block their scent."

Everything was really coming together for me today. I thought as I paced back and forth for a second to think. Until I stopped and looked at Kai who never once stopped watching me.

Then I shared with him, "it's my fault Rex is awake. I woke him up during my excavation in Egypt. He left clues for his mate to find him. Perhaps that's why he is hunting me because he's mad that I woke him, instead of his mate."

"What?" Kai said, utterly shocked, and expressed a deep breath. "Would you just stop with this whole Egypt investigation! It's getting ridiculous that you keep trying to find answers whenever there is nothing to investigate!"

I was appalled by his harsh words. "You're nothing but a cruel-hearted creature, Kai! First, my team was killed in Egypt, then Elena, and Ben! Rex has taken people away that I cared about! He got me thrown in jail for the murders of my team and almost with Elena. He's seeking revenge on me and I need to know why! From the beginning, I was drawn to Egypt and I need to confirm if I am understanding this correctly. I need to figure out if Rex is the vampire, I woke up. If so then he's the one that killed those ancient Egyptian people!"

Kai shouts with irrelevant nonsense. "Like Tom was really someone you should've cared about with the way he backstabbed you! You need to drop this whole thing before it hurts you. Those filthy Egyptians are long dead so let it rest already!"

Before I had any chance to speak my mind. Kai's face withered and blackness surged over me.

"Victoria, don't..." Kai's voice echoed away and I found myself inside this marvelous colorful mud-brick room that looked like a palace. I looked out the carved mud-brick framed window and saw I was back inside the ancient city in Egypt again.

I looked to my left when I saw something move. Then I saw her again. That 22-year-old Egyptian pregnant woman sat up from her bed. She got out of bed and I recognized that haze glossed in her eyes like how Kai had that toddler today. Only with her, it was worse like she had no self-regulation in her actions. In a zombified state, she left the room and I followed her out. Of course, moving hurt my head again.

"Victoria come back!" I overheard Kai shouting to wake me up but I ignored him and followed behind this girl.

We wandered the brilliantly painted hieroglyphs between the walls that were mostly deteriorated or crumbled to rock piles whenever I excavated them.

"Victoria, I know you hear me! Please come back!" Kai pleaded and sounded more frantic.

"No, I'm getting my answers!" I shouted back when I looked above me. Although I knew he wasn't above me. Only my mind left and my body remained with him. So it felt like I was trapped in a maze. A maze in which I follow this girl around.

She led me right to the familiar hallway where Tom and I had explored to find clues. Only now I was on the opposite end, looking out at where I once stood from before.

"Please come out, Victoria!" Kai begged, but I didn't care.

I stood still since I knew that Pharaoh would come in at any minute. Straight in front of me, sure enough, the Pharaoh came in where I first stood as the girl went to him. Upon seeing his identity, my mouth fell and tears threatened to fall from my eyelids. From the opposite view side, I witnessed her get snatched again by the blood-sucking monster. Steel-pointed fangs crushed into her neck bone as she struggles and fights. Until her body limped dead and her life was gone. Heartsick wasn't even the word to describe how I felt right now. I should have recognized the built body but I didn't. I should've known it was him that whole time.

"Victoria, come back!" Kai shouts.