Ch 187: Ancient Sin City

[Viewer Discretion Is Advised. The argument may be disturbing for some readers.]

My mind traveled back and I found myself in Kai's arms.

'Clean up this mess!' Those words sounded off in my mind again, from when I heard that muffled yet familiar voice barking orders. Right after the massacre, I witnessed in that ancient city, I knew the second I heard that voice in my time-gap gift, I knew it was familiar.

During the excavation, the Pharaoh's face was always hidden from me and his voice was muffled, so I never knew his identity. But now I know whose mummified body I found and awoken.

Aggression flares the highest it's ever been inside my heart and I shoved Kai off me, screaming hysterically. "It was you! You killed that whole ancient city in Egypt! You were the imposter that overruled the city and slaughtered everyone, including children and infants!"

Kai glared horrendously at me and hissed those minacious fangs. "Yes, I and my minions devoured the whole city in under ten minutes! Then my minions tossed their worthless body's into the farmland, so I could sleep without the worry of smelling their rotting flesh decaying! Then my mate, who is you, my love, woke me after waiting for far too long. After I fed on your team, I went to your hotel room because I couldn't handle being away from you any longer."

"You're the reason why I was framed for murdering my team!' I screamed as more tears fell from my eyes.

Kai growled, "that was my mistake when I left their blood all over your hotel room. That wasn't supposed to happen but because I didn't have any self-control over my caving for blood, I was overly messy! But I was desperate to see you. I found you despite my warning from my friends and Duncan, not to find you yet!"

I cried, "how could you do any of this? You killed my team and those ancient people long before!"

Kai hissed over my cries. "Don't you cry for that ancient sin city! Those filthy inbred ancient Egyptians were the real barbarians over me! Their prostitution was hardly half of what they did. That pregnant princess I fed on was willingly pregnant to her father! Then their false gods made me sick to watch. After I fed on the Pharaoh, I took over and enslaved them. I put them to good use to set up my clues for you to find me! Until I no longer required their services. After my minions fed, I ordered Rome to ease their memories. Then I barricaded myself in that hidden chamber so my family wouldn't disturb me!"

I couldn't fully comprehend his logic for doing something so horrible. "Being inbred and their ways of life isn't a justification to kill them! They were well known for nurturing their children! Inbreeding was their way to keep the bloodline pure! They didn't know any better! You should have taught them, instead of killing them!" I scolded him for his reckless decision and actions to do such a wicked thing.

"I hate humans, Victoria!" He hissed louder. "Why the heck would I become their teacher!"

"How could you do this, Kai? You killed my team whenever I made friends with them! Regardless, that Tom was a jerk, I'd never kill him!" I broke down in defeat and cried my heart out.

Kai crooned more gently and bundled me in his arms to hold me. "I told you, learning the truth will only further break your heart, my love."

But I pushed him away and cried heartbrokenly. "Don't touch me! Please go away, I never wanna see you again..."

I was far too upset to talk and went into the bathroom and locked myself in. Yet I felt broken from saying what I had just said to him. Between vomiting and crying is what I did for the remainder of the night.


A week passed since I saw Kai after the biggest mystery about Egypt was revealed to me. It was the first week of September and summer was slowly depleting into the fall season.

Although I hadn't seen Kai in all this time. Somehow I knew he was nearby watching me this whole week. Rose told me he's always near unseen.

For the week, Kai had eyes on me by sending his clan guardians throughout the college to watch over me. It was infuriating. However, it made it easier to avoid my friends and Orlando. Even though avoiding them broke my heart deeply. Yet I kept reminding myself it was for the best since I knew what Kai was capable of doing. If he could easily feed on a toddler and kill a whole ancient city.

I surely knew Kai wasn't one to mess with and he is a heartless killer. Innocent blood is forever tainted on his hands. To bear with knowing that knowledge further killed my heart from knowing such an unforgivable secret that I couldn't share. I thought and bared my pain as I walked alongside my Professor.

Today after my class with my Professor. Mr. Collin and Mrs. Collin picked us up in a limousine. Then we drove to this high-class restaurant that he owned. Mr. Collin, his five advisors, and his wife joined us for dinner. Certainly, it was odd to know only my Professor and I were the only humans dining with vampires and one pregnant vampiress. In this private room, we sat together and got our orders.

For myself, I ordered wedding soup. Over this week my nausea was only getting worse. Still, the pregnancy tests were negative but I noticed a tiny pouch in my lower abdomen was shaping. Which made it harder for me to deny I'm pregnant with a blood-sucker growing in my womb. Likely, this vamp baby I carry will be no different than Kai.

Across from the table between Duncan and my Professor, Mr. Collin started talking but I only half heard him.

"Now that you know the truth, I feel it's only right that you know the whole story."

"How much more is there to know?" I asked, ignorantly. "Isn't it bad enough to learn that Kai mascaraed a whole ancient city and ate my team because you chose that fate for them? They each had families that you selfishly took them from!"