Ch 189: Soothing the Baby and Mate

I moaned as his tongue kept taking mine on this adventure. Then he released me and whispered lovingly against my lip. "I love you, Victoria."

"I love you too, Orlando," I whispered and then pulled his lips back on mine. We pecked and rotated our faces at different angles. Until he pulls away, taking my breath with him.

He cupped my face and smiled to ask me. "Do you wanna know what makes tonight so special?"

"What's that?" I asked, feeling tickled by his words. Until I saw his eyes change bloodred. Before I could get away, he pinned me on his bed and forced my hands above my head. "Because tonight is the night of the brightest Blue Moon. Now I can turn you and you are forever mine!" He hissed and dived his fangs painfully into my neck. "AAAAAH!"


My body flew upright in the bed. I looked around and still saw it was late. My labored breath was huffing and puffing. Damp sweat was across my forehead.

"Have a bad dream, my love?" Kai's voice snatched my alerting senses. I looked to his bedside and saw him lying there shirtless between the covers and sheet in the twilight darkness.

"What are you doing here!" I kinda shouted but he chuckled.

"Last I checked this was my bed," Kai teased like this was a joke to him.

Being far from joking, I snarled my voice. "Last I checked vampires don't need sleep because you have an endless amount of stamina! So get out and find a different room!"

I breathed to chill out. Although I

kept the blanket over my chest because I was only wearing a sexy red lingerie gown. And I didn't need him getting any ideas.

Seemingly regaled by me, Kai chuckled at my hostile behavior. "Maybe not physically but mentally we do. Why else would I sleep for over many millenniums?"

"Don't even bring that up!" I gritted. "Just get out already!"

"No!" Kai chuckled unthreaded which of course, he would be. Seeing how he's a vampire over me being a human.

I growled angrily, "I haven't seen you for a week! What makes you believe I want to see you now?"

Kai chuckled again and I noticed his eyes were closed once my eyes adjusted better to dark. "It's funny how you're still upset about that but I am far from over it." I sighed speechless as he kept going on. "Keep in mind if I can accept you for being a kind human. Then you should learn to accept me for being a pernicious vampire."

"Just get out, Kai!" I argued, getting further frustrated but he shuffled my way and pulled me down to the pillow.

"What are you doing!" I snipped whenever he snuggled me up and rubbed my belly.

"Are you honestly going to deny me the chance to bond with our offspring?" Kai asked in this rather relaxed yet sleepy tone. Yet I couldn't say anything when I felt a calmness fluff over me once he stroked my stomach over the silky fabric gown.

"See, my love," Kai kissed my head side. "You can't deny the fact that I can soothe you after having a bad dream."

I said nothing and rolled over on my side. Behind me, Kai scooped me up in his arms and held me. Then he continued to massage my belly. Yet I weirdly had to admit this felt nice. I honestly felt so safe and cozy being in his arms. Although I hate to even think that.

Again Kai kissed my hair which made what I felt twice as strong. I couldn't resist and placed my hand over the top of his hand, softly caressing my stomach.

"Do you sense anything?" I thoughtfully asked in this settled tone compared to how I've been with him recently.

"No, not yet, my love," Kai lifted his head and whispered gently into my ear. Then he kissed underneath my earlobe. "You've been too tense recently, so the baby is still hiding," Kai cooed.

I sighed to myself and thought why did I even ask? Was I ready to accept being a mother to this vamp baby? I asked when my eyes closed asleep.

Early dawn rose, and I got up to get ready for college. Kai was still maybe sleeping in the bed. I wasn't certain but I quietly gathered my stuff and closed the door without disturbing him.


Professor, Mrs. Nasberry stalked across the small stage floor and looked at each of us. "For your first assignment, I will be signing you all partners. Together, you are to write a journal as if you were stranded in a jungle. Use literature and enthrall me with your creativity. I wanna read the sweat off your brow! Figure out each other's strengths and weaknesses as partners. Do what it takes to work together and create journal logs on how you both survived in the jungle."

I sighed at the thought of this first assignment and looked over my notes. As Mrs. Nasberry read off a long list of names to partner people up.

Although I was questioning if me being paired up with anyone was a good idea. Seeing how Kai is a ruthless vampire. I can't imagine he'll like this idea his Aunt came up with.

I thought as Mrs. Nasberry lastly shouted and veered up at us. "Then Victoria and Nora will be working together! Everyone gather and get acquainted with your partners if you haven't already."

On the spot, everyone started to scramble about and greeted one another. If they didn't know each other already. I observed, until I saw Nora walking up to me. She was certainly a nerd but cute. She wore a brown long unattractive skirt and a plain white button-down blouse. Her brown hair was tied in a long low ponytail, laying down her spine. To match her circular round face type and brown round-shaped eyes. She wore these round brown glasses that had a thick lens to top off her cute nerd appearance. Nora was certainly adorable for a geek, I concluded, and she was shy at that.

"Hello, I-I g-guess will be partners..." Nora stammered nervously and almost tripped on her long skirt when she tried to sit which halted her words.

Just in time, I caught her wrist before she fell sideways on me. "Are you alright?" I asked as she sat down with her freckled cheeks flaring red from clear humiliation.