Ch 190: Ideal Friday Night

Nora gaped at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry about that," she shyly apologized for nearly falling on me.

I giggled sweetly. "You're good, Nora. I've tripped on these steps many times."

Her innocent eyes brightened up, and she was gratified. "Thanks for not laughing at me. Not everyone is so friendly."

"It isn't in my character to be cruel," I smiled.

I could tell she appreciated my friendliness and confided. "I'll be honest, when I first saw you, I thought you'd be the type to pick on me since you wear black and a lot of gothic styles. Over me dressing like a geek."

"You can never judge someone by their appearance," I told her, and she nodded in agreement.

"I love your ring!" She gleamed when she looked at my wedding ring. "It looks like a real rose made from a diamond."

I felt my ring and couldn't disagree. It was downright gorgeous. The diamonds were cut and curved flawlessly into thin rose petals to look like an elegant rose.

"Thank you, it's the wedding ring my husband gave me," I shared, having mixed feelings, but I tried not to show it.

"You must have it made to marry into the Collin family," Nora smiled. "It surely shows that your husband spoils you."

Before I could get a word out, Mrs. Nasberry announced. "Alright, that'll be all the time we have for today. I will see you all next week. Have a wonderful weekend, and don't forget about your assignment."

"Do you have a cell number I can reach you by?" Nova asked as we were packing our stuff inside our handbags.

I nodded and told her my number. Once we saved each other's numbers in our contacts, I asked. "When would you like to work on it?"

"I have a dorm. If you're free after classes, we could meet up today if you like. Unless you have something else going on since it's Friday." Nova replied with uncertainty.

I giggled when we stood up to leave and went down the steps. "Nope, I'll be free."

"Great, I'll see you in a few hours," Nova exclaimed cheerfully, and that doubt she had in her eyes faded.

Just as we were walking out the door, Mrs. Nasberry took my attention. "Victoria, may I have a word with you before you leave?"

So I gave a hand texting signal to Nora to indicate I'll contact her later. Then I waved her goodbye and turned back around to see Mrs. Nasberry waiting for me. Then she motioned with her hand for me to close the door.

I did so and then walked up to her small stage where she teaches us.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous.

As her wrinkly complexion turned fresh and youthful, Mrs. Nasberry replied. "I was going to ask you that same question?"

I tried not to gulp too loudly. "What do you mean?" I asked, nervously.

She gave a long sigh. "This entire week you've been depressed, dear." Now I couldn't even reply, yet I saw care in her gaze. "I might be a tough professor, but you must remember. Despite the truth you learned about Kai, we are family. I love you, Kai, and my other nieces and nephews, all equally, including that baby you carry. If you need anything, you can talk to me."

Now I sighed, "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. But I must ask if you think it's a good idea for me to have a partner?"

Mrs. Nasberry knowingly smiled. "There is a reason why I picked Nora. She's mostly a loner, so Kai will likely be fine with her. But if he isn't, you just put your foot down with him and remind him that his father has a zero-hunt policy with anybody attending his campus or working for the Collin family."

"Right, I'll remember that one," I giggled while I sorta made an awkward movement with my eyes, and then said my goodbye.

I opened the door, and her next class came flying in. And I ran to my class as well since I am late now! Luckily my professor for this class was in a good mood and didn't kick me out for being five minutes late.

The remainder of the day went by fast. I texted Nora and we met up at this parking lot.

"Are you sure you don't have any plans," Nora asked shyly when she second-guessed her proposal.

"Nonsense, I have nothing going on," I giggled and reassured her. "Which one is your dorm?"

"It's that one," Nova replied, pointing her finger toward the opposite dorms from where I am used to being around, but fortunately, it was away from Orlando and my other friends, I can't see anymore.

"Let me get my car, and I'll park in that lot," I told Nora, and she gestured ok with her hand.

After I parked, I heard my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my purse and read a message from Kai. "It's Friday night. What would you like to do?"

I kinda rolled my eyes and tossed my phone back into my purse. He honestly thinks I'd care to hang out with him. After all the lies and secrets about what he did.

"Is someone texting you?" Nora asked when I followed her upstairs.

"Yeah, it was only my husband," I expressed, curtly.

"Oh, are you guys in a fight?" She giggled since I expressed my annoyance.

"Let's just say men can be such a pain," I said passively, which made us both laugh.

If only this poor girl knew I am laughing at the irony that Kai isn't human, but he's certainly like any typical man. Certainly, Rose's opinions about vampires and men are quite accurate.

"Well, here's my room," Nora announced, opening up her door. "Make yourself a home. We can make popcorn and order pizza if you like."

"Now that sounds like my kinda Friday night," I giggled.

Honestly, going to the club wasn't ever my idea of fun. My other friends and Orlando were the big clubgoers over me. So relaxing back at home with some pizza is my idea of the best Friday night you can have. We both flopped on the floor at the coffee table and opened up our laptops and notebooks. By the hour, dinner rolled in, so we ordered pizza and then kept working.