Ch 196: No More Lies and Secrets

Thereupon that thought, I heard Jack hissing as he laid me on the ground and stretched tall. I looked above to see his eyes burning a thirty-red fire.

"Jack..." My voice faltered weakly.

In this rather gentle voice, Jack ensured. "It's ok, Victoria, I promise I won't feed on you."

Yet, I couldn't help but have a feeling that he was doing everything in his ability not to harm me. In his red gaze, I saw a lust that craved to have a taste for blood.

"Rome, take her! I'll meet up!" Jack spoke vast and serious when his eyes peered about the darkness. I looked around and saw we were in a patch of woods. Further out ahead, I saw headlights on this nearby roadway, so it's obvious the woods weren't that deep. Also, I saw maybe a few deer across the pond. Jack took off in that direction. Instead of feeding on me, he went after the small herd. They scattered out of sight like Jack.

Warm wet arms and a body embraced me. Rome nestled me up while he said. "Close your eyes."

I did that and then felt the gravity get lifted. Our clothing dried from his mad dash. Then a bright light hit my closed eyelids. Many voices penetrated my ears.

"Zoey, she needs help!" Rome shouts, frantically.

"Oh, my goodness, what happened?" Zoey's voice said in huge fright. I opened my eyes and saw we were at a busy hospital. "Bring her this way!" She urged and Rome carried me down this active hall.

Nurses and doctors were peeking at me as Rome carried me down it. Then we turned into this one patient room. Zoey turned the lights on and Rome laid me on the bed. That's when I looked down and saw my stomach oozing blood on the side of my womb area. There was so much blood, I couldn't tell how deep my injury was.

"Don't look at it. Just relax. You'll be fine," Rome gently forced me back while telling me in this sweet coaxed voice.

"What about the baby?" I ask, scared as Zoey came to the bedside.

"The baby is immortal, you aren't," Zoey reminds me when her hands touch the wound, and I screech in pain. "Shhhh, it's ok," she cooed and her eyes shut.

Green glowing light illuminated her entire hands and fingertips. Within seconds, I felt the pain departing.

Then Zoey opened her eyes and smiled at me. Things started running together when she started cleaning up the blood. Such dizziness spun my mind. That was when Dr. Riley came and began talking but my mind only gathered bits and pieces of what everyone was saying.

"She didn't lose much, so she won't need any blood," Zoey's inaudible voice informed her.

"Once you're done cleaning her, I wanna do an ultrasound," Dr. Riley said with concern between each word.

"How did this happen?" Zoey questioned Rome.

"A clan sent someone to assassinate her," Rome replied and I didn't understand why anybody wanted to kill me.

I feebly asked, "who's trying to kill me?" I looked at everyone spinning in circles.

"Don't worry about that, my love," Kai said when he emerged right here near the bedside. Jack and Ivan also appeared with him. I looked at my stomach nervously, but I saw Zoey had already cleaned up the blood and thrown out the blood-stained gauze.

I couldn't even communicate as I heard Dr. Riley say. "Let's roll her down and get an ultrasound done."

Rome opened the door and then I was strolled out. In no time, we were in this ultrasound room. Minus Kai, everyone else stepped out. Then Dr. Riley put the gel on my stomach and Kai stood next to me. Heavy pounds came from my heart while I studied the screen. I prepared to see the vamp baby growing inside me but nothing appeared on the screen.

"The baby is still hiding," Kai said.

Dr. Riley checked everywhere, replying. "I'm sure this accident won't help."

After talking she then cleaned me up. Then I was rolled back into a private room. Mr. and Mrs. Collin came in with his advisors and Kai's advisors.

"Who's trying to kill me?" I asked, sitting up in bed with them gathered around.

"I said don't worry about it!" Kai rigorously replies.

Now I was super mad and said sternly. "I am done with the lies and secrets, Kai! Now you tell me what's going on or I am leaving you to live someplace else!"

Kai took a stressful sigh. "You are a foreseen prophecy that said a girl with your gifts will be turned into a vampiress. And that vampiress will have more than two gifts and you're that girl."

Words were snagged in my throat to hear such a thing. "How can that be true?" I ask muttering.

"Numerous vampires can foretell the future like me," Mr. Collin replied. "Each in different ways."

Kai sat at my bedside, saying. "A handful of Covens wanna kill you because of how powerful you will become. Therefore, you'll make my clan and our Coven more powerful than everyone else's."

While I remained tongue-tied, Ivan added, "After being at peace for so long. It could cause a war within our Kind to claim you. Most prophecies were killed to prevent war but you were foreseen as the strongest one compared to those girls."

"To prevent any of that from happening, they wanna kill you," Jack said.

My mind was fried. "That's one way to sum it up," I said disturbed.

"Not to mention that none of the Covens who want you dead are supposed to touch you until a vote has been cast." Rome randomly shared and I'm sure I expressed this horrified look on my face.

Mr. Collin said, trying to be comforting. "We know it's a lot to take in but we are going to work together to keep you safe. Even if the Vampire Covenant votes otherwise to kill you."

I gulped upon hearing him say that. After taking a breath, I daringly asked Kai. "Are there any more secrets you kept from me?"

Kai painfully groaned, "During our honeymoon, I fed on Tracy and I possessed that horse to Kill Hector because I knew he inappropriately touched you."

My eyes gaped as Rome added. "And he fed on that trashy woman that kissed him that day you ran to Orlando."

I blinked quietly taking this in.

"Thanks for telling me. Now I wanna go home, I have college tomorrow." I tried to get out of bed. Right now, I want away from everyone.

Stopping me, Kai said sincerely. "I'll take you home, but I want you to rest one day, is all I am asking."

"Ok." I agreed to that and Kai flew me home. He tucked me in bed and then he went to kiss me but I moved away. I let him know I still wasn't on good terms with him. He sighed under his breath and frowned. After that, he disappeared.