Bonus Ch 214: The Same yet Different

[For Reference: Continued from Bonus Ch 206. Skip or read.]

Of course, there were many tears and hugs from Ian's family. Inside his mouth he bites his tongue, so he wouldn't feed on them during their sentimental moment of goodbye. They helped him pack his car and then Ian was set.

"Are you sure you don't need us to help you unpack at the college?" His mother asked after he sat in his driver's seat.

Ian replied with a smile, "If I do I'll call you."

Then he started the car and his family waved him goodbye when he drove away. From around his shades, one tear slid down his cheek. The real reason why he had to leave so soon was that he had to protect them from this monster he became.


Within the hour, he arrived at the campus and took a breath to notice others were here to move in sooner than they needed to like him. He breathed and went to his dorm. Luckily, he paid extra money to not have a roommate, so he was in the clear for that one.

Once he unloads his boxes from the car. Hidden inside his dorm, Ian smirked and unleash his monster. Only to test his hasty speed ability, he put his stuff away, zooming everyplace. Once he was done, his things were unpacked and arranged flawlessly. Something that would have likely taken him weeks to do. Took him a mere five minutes, if that.

"Awesome," he enthrallingly chuckled.


During the weeks, Ian fed on nearby animals and tried to avoid humans. The more he got closer to them the weaker he felt. It was only a matter of time before he lost control and he knew it.

Now in the moment of hunting, he walked down this dark alley.

Those shades camouflaged his red frightful eyes, and he drew in stealthily to this rat eating a piece of moldy bread by a dumpster. Ready to pounce, he went for the kill!

Till he skids on his treads to stop because this lovely short blonde came swooping in from thin air and grabbed his meal before him. The rat squeaked when she bit it and sucked the life from it. Ian was taken aback by this while he watched her feed. Indeed, he thought he was the only one that turned into a monster overnight.

Finished, the girl tossed the dead rat and saw him. She cocked her head and went to his face. "You're like me?" She smelled his face and just knew. She wasn't sure how but she just did.

Meanwhile, Ian was drawn to her beauty. His heart fluttered in such a heavy beat that he didn't understand it.

"I guess so," he spoke and felt goofy inside.

"I knew it! You're a werewolf too!" She chippered, thinking she wasn't the only weirdo out there. "So you woke up as a wolf in your bed too?"

"Uuh..." Ian got tongue-tied and was taken aback by what she said. "Not exactly."

"Umm," she thought aloud and cycled him. "Maybe we aren't the same."

"Maybe but I still woke up differently," Ian said, cycling his neck to her every step. He was so lost in her beauty that he'd say anything just to keep her interested at this point.

"Like how?" She raised a brow above her shades.

"I found myself sleeping on my ceiling," Ian indulged.

"Have you been hearing a strange whisper telling you to feed on blood?" She asked.

"Yes, and another whisper like somebody out there is calling me," Ian added and she took off her shades. Showy red oval eyes might his sight and he felt all gooey again. Never in his life has any girl made him feel the way this girl did.

"I heard that too. It's like a beautiful melody calling me," she said, smiling. "Maybe you are a werewolf like me."

"Ya," Ian purred like a lovesick puppy. He was too dazed at her beautiful face. Until she glared, hissing these adorable fangs that looked so cute to him.

Then he snapped his googly eyes awake and realized something was lurking behind him. He turned and saw nearly face to face were two tall men dressed in black and had eyes glowing red.

"You two young ones couldn't be more than mistaken," said the one man.

"Then what are we?" Being rather bold, Ian asked as he felt the short girl hiding behind him. Her tiny nose just reached his shoulder. He sensed she was scared and he felt something strange inside his conscience that wanted to keep her safe from these strangers.

"Vampires," the other man said. "To be more specific, she's called a vampiress and you are a vampire."

"I'm a werewolf!" Behind Ian, the girl stood on her tippy toes and hissed but then she hid again in fear of them. Weirdly enough, she felt safer with Ian.

"You darling, are a shapeshifter. There are many species of our Kind," the other vampire corrected.

Getting curious, Ian asked, "then what am I?"

Both adult vampires grinned at the juvenile. "You are considered one of the top predators of our Kind. You're a predatory vampire."

"Then what Kind are you?" Ian asked, interested.

"Hunter species," they said together.

"How did this happen?" Ian asked, perplexed. "How could this be real?"

"Relax and let me explain," said the one vampire, and Ian nodded to listen. "Your mother was a human and your father is a vampire. He left you for your mother to raise and that's why neither of you knew that you weren't human. Once a vampire and vampiress turn eighteen your instincts kick in. Those whispers you hear are your instincts to guide you. The other whisper is your father calling. He will teach you how to control and use your instincts to survive."

"What do you mean our fathers will teach us?" Ian asked confused.

The vampire explained. "Your human mother has done her deed by raising you. Now it is time to learn from your fathers to be a vampire. Feeding on animals won't be enough to stabilize you."

"Wait, we have to feed on humans?" Ian asked and felt revolted.

The same vampire nodded and continued. "Yes, you will. And understand, we have rules that humans aren't to know about our existence. Unless they are granted by an Alpha to be one of us. But the most important thing now is, you must find your father. The Alpha from your father's clan is likely waiting for your arrival."

"But none of this makes sense!" Ian argued frustratedly. "Can't you help us!"

"I just did," affirmed the vampire. "The journey is for you alone to endure. Go to the call and he'll be waiting."

[Next Chapter is back on the main story.]