Ch 216: Gateway Portal

Between the hissing, swooshing, heavy bodies being flung, and the cries. In a matter of seconds, it was all over. Then it all went quiet. All I smelled was blood in the cold dark airy night.

"Open your eyes Victoria but don't look at the ground," Kai advised in a soothing voice before he took my hand. I opened my eyes and he led me to the car.

Then he let go of my hand to kneel and check the tire. As he examined it, I peeked over and saw his guardians disappear with the bodies of those men.

"Umm, do you know how to change a tire?" I nervously asked.

His neck moved and he glared at me. It's pretty obvious I wounded his male ego.

"Just because I don't know the names of certain items, doesn't mean I am asinine like you always seem to think," he hissed his fangs at me. But I wasn't threatened by him. I've come to learn that vampires and vampiresses express themselves by using their fangs.

"It was only a question, I wasn't trying to offend you," I carefully rephrase my words.

Kai stood, and said in a rather testy tone, "It's a simple assembly." He then opened the door and popped the truck, still talking. "All I gotta do is hoist it up with that one tool and then bolt everything back together."

He went back and with ease, he picked up the spare tire, tools, and jack.

"It's called a jack," I corrected while trying not to giggle at his grumpy face.

"Whatever, Victoria!" He snarled, coming over.

He laid everything out. Then in a matter of seconds, he jacked up the car and the tire was off and the spare one was on. Meanwhile, I had to keep my jaw from dropping.

"Get in the car," he said, snipping when he put everything away. I got in the passenger seat and then he got in the driver's seat. He started it up and drove out on the dark street.

"I'm sorry I do things the way I do," Kai apologetically said at the red light. "I'm only trying to protect you and our baby. It's frustrating that you won't listen to me."

"Don't hurt Orlando or my friends," I forced my attitude.

Kai snorted, "I can't promise you that. I advise you to stay away from them." "They're human, how could they threaten our baby?" I asked, trying not to raise my voice.

"You best listen," Kai warned, curtly.

I couldn't say anything. It's like talking to an emotionless totem pole. I remained quiet when the light turned green. Within minutes we were home.

"Get rest because tomorrow I am taking you somewhere special," Kai told me and then he walked out on the balcony.

After my shower, I lay in bed. Tonight, he didn't join me because he sat on the balcony.

Sunrise, I woke up and he was still right where I last saw him before my eyes dozed off. Once I ate and got ready, I followed Kai, Rome, Jack, and fifteen guardians into the woods with some bookbags and camping gear.

"Why are we here?" I asked, freaked out since Kai's demeanor has been fridge toward me.

He acts like he has a right to be mad at me. Whenever I feel like I should be the one mad because of what he's done to Crystal, and I can't believe he made me witness Orlando kiss another woman! That was downright awful of him to do. Bottom line, I can't trust that he won't hurt Orlando or my friends!

"You belittle my intelligence so much, Victoria. Now it is time for me to show you what a naive little girl you are," Kai disparaged me ignorantly.

Before I could mouth him off, I watched him hold out his arm and make a tight fist. The wind picked and the trees thrashed and moved violently. My hair blew up and I removed it from my face.

Then I gaped to see this light cycle growing as Kai's whole arm shook like he was fighting it to expand. It opened out into a large white vortex. Different contours and shades of white light swirled within it. Studying vampires, I knew Kai opened up a portal to another world. Reading about it sounded far-fetched, but seeing it before my eyes was astounding. Only the Alphas can open up these gateways into another dimension.

Once fully opened, Kai nodded to Jack. He and five guardians walked into the cycler white light. We waited a few minutes before one guardian that went in, came back out.

"It's clear," he said before he walked through that gel substance to go back inside the gateway. That was when the other five guardians followed forth with Rome.

"See yeah on the other side, Princess!" Rome hollered before he stepped into that jelly ice goo.

Kai took my hand and instructed me. "Hold my hand the whole time and hold your breath. When crossing between the portal, there is no oxygen to breathe."

"Wait, I'm scared!" I shout over the wind when we walked closer.

Kai softens up a smile. "I'll be right with you. Hold out your hand and Jack or Rome will pull you out from the other side."

"How long will I be holding my breath?" I asked, anxiously and my heart was on the throttle.

Kai replies gently, "It will be like dunking your head underwater and coming back up."

"Ok," I nodded.

"Take a breath," he instructed as we went for it. I did that and held out my arm. Kai pushed us in and it was like walking through a chilly gel. The substance sounds like breaking through thin ice over a pond.

Not once did I release Kai's hand and my eyes stayed shut. Just like he said, I felt my hand popping out the opposite side. Someone grasped my hand and pulled me out faster.

I huff and puff from shock as I noticed Jack had me. "You're good," he crooned and rubbed my spine. "Just breathe."

He had me sit on this grassy ground that had visible dirt patches. I looked up and saw everyone else come in. Then Kai shut the gateway.

"How will we get back?" I asked, panicked.

"Don't worry, I know how to do that with ease," Kai said, looking down at me. "I only have to think where I wanna go and that gateway will open. If the wrong gateway opens then I try again."

"That sounds so reassuring," I said, having my doubts.