Ch 223: Eighteen Husbands

Still in the shower, we held each other. While we kissed and touched my stomach, growing such a delicate treasure we both made together.

For the moment, it was nice to forget everything that occurred on our planet. I could only hope things stay sweet and not go tart between us.

After we got out and dried off. Then we lay naked on the bed. Kai kissed me up and down on my neck like he couldn't get enough. The aftermath of our lovemaking made me sore between my legs and my body ached.

"Shouldn't we get dressed?" I asked when his lips nibbled below my left earlobe.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked before he chewed my ear. I giggled and wrestled his arms to stop, but he pinned them above my head.

I lose it in giggles, "This isn't fair, Kai!"

He released my ear and gazed at me chuckling, "It's not my fault you taste delicious!"

I giggled, "You're impossible!"

Kai leaned lower and kissed my lips gently and romantically. Our mouths parted wide enough for our tongues to slicker in. Not only did our tongues swirl but I know our minds, hearts, and souls did as well.

Then he slowly peeled away and whispered. "Perhaps, after a nap, we can go to the zoo."

I smiled heartily and whispered, "I like that idea."

"Then it's settled," he whispered and then kissed my lips again. Then he laid on my naked chest and we took a nap together.

After an hour of napping, we both got ready and met his friends at the elevator. Of course, I had to dress in another cute adventure outfit that made me feel like Indiana Jane wearing camo colors.

"Why do you guys get lucky enough to dress in our earthly clothes?" I asked once we ascended downward inside the elevator. The second, I asked, I was given that expression like I should know the answer. "Right, it's because you have mind powers that manipulate the human eyes," I answered my question and they chuckled at me before the door slid open.

"That would be correct," Kai kissed my head, saying while his friends laughed at me. Altogether, we started making our way to exit the hotel. Instead of using those strange vehicles, we walked out on the sidewalk for a scroll.

Kai informed me as we walked alongside each other. "By the way, just to let you know. If anybody asks, we are all your husbands,"

"Wait, what!" I asked to make sure I heard him right, "You want me to say I have eighteen husbands?"

"That's right wifey?" Jack teased, walking somewhere behind us, which had them laughing.

Kai chuckled, "Yes, remember what I told you about this world. You either choose to have multiple husbands or one husband."

"I remember, but I didn't think I had to play the part," I say sorta whispering to avoid people in this world, walking past us from hearing me. Then my eyes gaped to see they had pet dinosaurs on hologram leashes. One had a raptor and another one had a spinosaurus. Then there was a large family that had a tyrannosaurus. From plant eaters to carnivores, every species was here as a pet.

My eyes only gaped wider to see a dino park across this diamond avenue that was filled with benches, and a few fountains, and it had patriotic statues. It's not every day you see a raptor, playing fetch or a tyrannosaurus getting a belly rub. Or a triceratops playing ball with a bunch of kids. Yup, that's all new for me. This world was like the Flintstones gone futuristic.

Only everyone was dressed in camo. It was like the latest fashion to dress like you're out in the jungle. I guess living with dinosaurs gives them a wild preference for fashion.

After we hiked for so long, we made it to the dinosaur zoo. Kai paid for everyone to get in. And I was given a map of the exhibits.

"Have you ever been here?" I asked and they laughed at me.

"No, I never had any reason to come here," Kai vaguely replied like I should've known the answer to that question. But hey, you never know. So that's why I asked.

As one large group, we followed the walkways and saw a variety of dinosaur species. Then we had lunch. I had this breaded streak basket and gravy dip.

"Please, tell me, I am not eating a dinosaur?" I asked, dipping my streak in gravy.

"It's more like a mammal," sitting across from me, Rome replied.

"That's all I need to know," I said before his lips moved to add anything more.

Which had them laughing at me.

"Awe, can we check out the infant petting zoo?" I asked, studying the map while I ate.

Next to my right, Kai said. "Sure, then we'll go back to the campsite."

Just as he promised, we arrived at the petting zoo. It was full of hatchlings freshly hatched or not yet hatched from inside these incubators. It was like stepping inside a Jurassic Park laboratory where they hatched the baby dinosaurs.

"Would you like to cuddle this infant Brachiosaurus that hatched three hours ago?" This lady asked.

"Sure," I said before going into the short pen. I sat on the floor and she gave me this infant Brachiosaurus. The baby was kitten sized. Only it has a long neck, tail, and legs it has yet to grow into.

"She is so sweet," I said, awwing over her.

"She seems to like you," said the lady. "Their eggs are up for adoption if you wanna imprint with one before it hatches."

I looked at Kai who gave a faint smile. "I wish I could," I said softly as I cuddled this infant dinosaur like a human baby.

"What a shame," she said. "Did you just move here?"

"You could say we are from the northern coastal city," Jack replied next to Kai at the gate. "We all decided it was due time to move."

"Oh, are you guys married?" She asked, intrigued.

"Yup, she's our wifey," Rome chuckled next to Kai's right.

"Wow, you have eighteen husbands!" She looked at me stunned.

"Yup, wifey makes the rules," one of the guardians said.

"Wow, that's so rare," she said like she became envious. "Not too many women can handle being married to more than one husband."

"Yes, it can be a challenge," I say, not sure how else to word it because it was a lie. In reality, I'd rather drown myself in a bucket of water than be married to eighteen husbands that are vampires.

"No, I mean having more than one husband is known to be over-domineering. My sister is unhappy in her marriage with five husbands. They boss her around. As for me, I chose one husband and we formed a sisterly bond being married to him. It worked out better for us."