Ch 224: Sleeping Bag [R-18]

"I see," I say nearly wordlessly.

Another one of Kai's friends declared. "No, we aren't like that. We let her make the rules."

I faked a smile in agreement and stared at Kai, who said nothing during this whole conversation. Eventually, she dropped the topic, and we left not too long after that to head back to the campsite.

After having a few s'mores over the fire pit hole. Kai and I entered the tent, where we cuddled inside the sleeping bag together. While his friends were chit-chatting, Kai and I started to strip each other out of our clothes. I pulled his shirt off, and then he took off mine. Following that, were our pants and underwear.

Then there was nothing but our bare skin touching inside the sleeping bag. He cuddled on top of me and started snogging every inch of my throat. My breath was heaving as my fingers coiled his hair between them.

"Ah!" I yelped the second he bit my neck and sucked on my skin. "Please don't bite me."

Gently, he released and replied huskily. "Relax, I didn't break the skin."

His lips fell on mine, and we kissed with fire. Before he breaks free, and starts going down my throat and further past my collarbone. His face nuzzled between my enlarged boobs. Both hands kneaded and pinched them, which made me whimper delightfully in this erotic sensation burning beneath my core.

"Mmm, ah," I moaned. "Your friends are going to hear us."

Kai growled naughtily, "I'm sure they'll enjoy hearing you scream."

I giggled as his head disappeared underneath the sleeping bag. "That's so wrong," I say, panting, and Kai only chuckled when he parted my legs wide open. That second, I felt his breath between my slit, which caused my hands to clench the sleeping bag. As my upper body and head arched when he licked my kitty. I purred while his tongue worked this magical feeling into my entire body. I quiver while his fingers spread my slit apart, and his tongue repeats to lick the outside of my flesh like a popsicle.

Then he dug his face in intensely as his finger rubbed my clitoris. He swirled his middle finger between the folds as his tongue stretched itself inside me like a slinky. Between rubbing my nub and along the barriers inside my chamber, he made my toes curl. My knees bent, and my legs wiggled to get away, but he wasn't having that.

For his domineering glory, he pinched my legs down with his body weight while his mouth and finger ravish me between torture and excitable surges of ecstasy. Intoxication turned my body into nothing but hotness. Hot sweat was forming on my skin.

"Oh, Kai, I want you!" I groaned loud enough that his friends stopped chattering for a second. I held my mouth closed and hoped they would go back to talking. All the while, Kai's tongue twitched and flicked on my g-spot. He cupped my bare butt and ate me out harder. Sweat was accumulating in my hair roots, and my breath wavered unevenly.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, climaxing and I heard his friends lightly chuckle from hearing me. My heart pounds and flutters out my chest as Kai pulls his tongue out. He then crawled out, and was on top of me with this naughty grin. His glistening lips kissed me strongly. I could taste my climax on his lips, and in his mouth, once his tongue forced its way in.

Naturally, my arms wrapped around his nape. Our heads title to adjust our motioning lips to make out the way we liked it. He partly slants his body upward, then I felt his free hand guide his cock into me. Gradually, he pushed in, and it slid in with ease. Then his hips pumped into me, and now I felt his beastie slide back and forth. Then the beat of our bodies increased faster and rougher. My lips break free, and he snuggles his face between my neck and shoulder. Goosebumps cover my body when I feel him breathing on my skin between his kisses. My nails clenched into the muscles on his shoulder blades. His entire back flexed as his groaning got louder and reverberated. Twice as hard, he thrust his waist roughly shoving his cock inside me.

"Oh, Kai it feels so good," I grunt, trying to breathe as he plowed right through me. Thicker oils on his back made my grip slip as he pounds his mass into my stomach.

"Ahhh!" He groaned when my nails scratched down his oily spine. Inside my chamber, I flex my walls around the length and size of his cock, taking me wildly.

My entire mind turned mushy when he declared lustily. "Ah, I'm cumming hard!"

I whimpered when his seed spewed out inside me while my honey seeped out of my entry from my insides rupturing. Slurpy lewd noises suctioned between our saturated bodies. Kai pulled out, shaking over top of me for a minute.

"Are you alright?" I asked, brushing my fingers on his sweaty scalp and hair.

I've never seen him this turned on. Instead of answering me, he passionately kissed me. And his boner poked into my sticky thigh until I felt his body shift. With ease, he pointed it at my entry, and it slipped into me.

Then he humped his waist into my juicy hole again. He pulled his weight up on his palms, and hovered over me. Beads of sweat dripped off his nose and splashed onto my navel. As he pounds his cock harder into my garden. Using heavy force, he thrust his body forward and pressed his penis, deeply penetrating my g-spot.

My nails clenched the sleeping bag again, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. While he held the pressure there for over a minute. Until he rocked his hips up and down harder. He pinned my arms up and struck his cock into me with stronger force. His momentum was headless and on cue in nailing my g-spot on point.

"Kai!" I holler his name as my whole body spasms from this fierce orgasm, electrifying my body and mind. Blood boiled hotly between us as he thrust vigorously to his eruption. His venom poured into my messy bloom until he was done filling me up. Sticky cream was flooding out of my entry. There was so much cum that it leaked on my bum and stuck between my thighs.

Any energy I had was depleted by him. He pulled out huffing and puffing like me. Then he laid beside me and wiped the over-built sweat off his forehead.

"Are they still out there?" I asked out of breath because I didn't hear his friends talking anymore.

With his arm over his forehead, Kai replied, still panting, "No, they left once we got louder."

I pant, cuddling into his sweaty body to fall asleep. Fairly fast, my eyes drift asleep.