Ch 225: Back Home

The next morning, I woke up completely naked inside the sleeping bag. My entire body was beaten like a bus collision. Then it kinda dawned on me that I had sex with a vampire. I'm married to a vampire, and I am pregnant with one. Yup, this is my unusual life anymore.

I sat up after hearing this noise, and I found Kai fully dressed in his gothic style short sleeves and shorts. He was packing our bookbags.

"Good morning," I said softly, and I felt something was wrong.

Kai hardly looked at me, saying, "You need to get dressed into warmer clothes. We're heading home today."

"Is something wrong?" I asked, but he stayed crouched and blankly stared into my eyes before he left the tent.

Deep inside my heart tore a thin tear. The reality of returning home slapped me. Back on earth is where all the problems lie ahead. We left earth during a difficult time. Now we were about to return home. Back into that fire.

I buried that distress and got dressed. Then I started to pack my stuff when I heard this snort outside the tent.

Across from me, the tent lifted from the bottom. "Kai, is that you?" I asked while something outside it pried at the fabric.

"Aaah!" I jumped and screamed when it ripped, and this raptor head popped into the tent. He snorts and growls at a louder pitch.

I fiddled with the zipper to get out as the hole in the tent ripped big enough for that raptor to crawl in.

"Kai!" I called as the zipper freed and slid open. I crawled out just as that raptor snapped at my ankle! I got up and saw no one was there as that raptor came popping out.

"HELP!" I cried out in aghast, and then the raptor leaped into the air, but just as it did. A windy swoosh past my body. Kai emerged and snatched the raptor in mid-air. Having no chance against Kai, he tore the raptor's head clean off and then tossed it away like a bowling ball. Blood sprayed over the entire area, and the body twitched before the nerves finally died.

I fell to the ground as Jack showed up and kneeled with me. Then all of Kai's friends appeared. Along with this other group of vampires. The one vampire in the center was dressed in all black, but wore a leather jacket over his shirt. I knew by his posture and that glare in his eyes that he was an alpha.

Again, I peeked at the raptor's bloody body and saw it had a black spiked collar, laying aside from it.

"You killed one of my favorite pets," the Alpha said maliciously at Kai.

Kai hissed his formidable fangs, "How dare you sabotage our campsite!"

"Your mate isn't welcome in our world!" The alpha vampire replied menacingly. "We don't need your war invading our planet."

Jack rose from the ground with me and hissed. "We have the right to visit! We still have yet to vote."

Another vampire dauntingly snarled, "Like we don't know you aren't trying to hide her on another planet if things don't go according to your plans!"

I was shocked to hear this news. Kai never mentioned this to me.

"I never planned on bringing her here!" Kai growled. "I came here for a visit because she has a passion for dinosaurs!"

Suddenly, everyone heard a roar from a tyrannosaurus.

The other alpha grinned evilly. "You best get out of here before she gets eaten."

Rome hissed aside from Kai, "Give us the missing stake, and we'll leave!"

"I think we rather enjoy the show," said a different vampire as they all started to laugh before they waned into dust.

"Grab what you can!" Kai barked while we felt the ground stomping.

Everyone flew around and collected backpacks. As the stomping neared closer, I looked into the lake water and saw it ripple with every heavyweight footstep.

"Kai..." My voice faltered with fear as that water rippled in thick waves from those footsteps nearing in.

"Let me concentrate," Kai replied with his eyes closed and his arm held straight.

An uproarious ear-piercing roar gurgled behind us. I looked over and saw not only one tyrannosaurus but there were nine of them. One of them lopsided it's head at us before it growled, and then they charged!

"Aaah!" I screamed as the ground shook so much that I lost balance. Then Jack picked me up and ran with me. Kai had opened the portal just in time. Out of time, I took one deep breath, and Jack dove us into the icy gel. We broke through the other side, and Jack placed me on my feet. Just as quickly, Rome and the fifteen guardians dashed out of the portal. The last to come was Kai. Just when he did, this enormous tyrannosaurus head poked into our world, roaring. Nearly inches away, it just missed Kai's arm. He ended up rolling on the ground before he stood firmly. Jack bolted to the portal, and kicked the tyrannosaurus in his huge nose so hard that he pushed it back into its world. Kai made his fist, and we heard those dinosaurs roaring from inside the gateway. Within time, Kai sealed the portal. After he huffed, then he faced me with a narrow smile.

"I'm sure breakfast is done," he said.

Just like that, I was back home on earth by Friday morning.


During the weekend, I hardly saw Kai. Monday approached and I was officially eleven weeks pregnant today. And I went back to college because Mr. Collin reopened it after what Kai did to Crystal.

Overall, it was nice to be back, but at the same time, it was better to be on a different planet.

During my Professor's class, I could hardly concentrate on my work. All I kept thinking about was that other world. Then I kept thinking about how Kai said he wanted to move me to another world for my safety. The idea is a bit absurd, but maybe living somewhere else would be better. I wouldn't have to see Orlando anymore.

With all these thoughts still racing in my mind, the Professor ended his class. Everyone started to dart off.

"Are you feeling alright, Victoria?" Once I made it off the steps, my Professor asked me. "You seemed distracted today."

"I'm tired today," I lied, but I didn't feel like talking about it.

"Well, do get your rest," he knowingly smiled like he figured out I was lying. But he didn't pry. My guess is he already knew things were complicated for me.

"I will," I said. "Have a good evening."

He smiled as I sauntered out of his room.