*Ch 250: Spying on her Vampire husband

Somehow, I ended up wandering into this architectural column-structured room. Like ambling inside a Greek building, the rectangular-shaped room was large and bright from these golden colors.

Thick ceiling-high Greek columns were built around the edges of the rectangular premises. Made out of limestone is a golden curved staircase that blends behind the row of columns, truly marveled from across the room.

Between two columns, I walked over the tan-white marble flooring to stand within the center of the architectural structure. Above my head were these paintings of warriors in a battle.

Though I cocked my neck upward, I was rather surprised to discover they weren't men, but vampires, battling to detain each other. Details of the war colored the large ceiling in such vibrance of this battle.

Instead of wearing armor, most of them wore linen kilts or long brown baggy linen pants, and hardly any of them wore shirts. Vibrant red was spattered and splashed from the bloody massacre. Claws and fangs slashed deep bloody wounds on each other's muscular backs, torsos, and chests. Dead horses were slaughtered in the bloodbath.

Old-era Egyptian building constructions were crumbling from fiery brimstone, falling from the sky. Elements of fire, water, earth, lightning, and other natural components are used to signify their gifts.

Vampiresses and their vamp children and infants were caught in the middle of it. Such explicit paintings like these made it feel as if you could hear the suffering cries like the battle was occurring right now. A tear slid down my cheekbone to see an infant on the ground beside its detained mother. The vampiress looked like a mummified corpse, like that day I found Kai's mummified body in Egypt. Such thorough artwork of this battle was emotional and intense.

After marveling at the ceiling, I was about to cross toward the curved staircase. Until I heard male voices coming toward me from above the balcony stairwell.

"After the vote, we are ready for whatever comes next," emits this masculine voice that sounded like Levi.


That echoing voice stood out to me. I knew it was Kai talking with a large group of vampires. And they were heading my way across from me at the staircase. So I retrace back, lifting my gown to hide behind a column, where I waited as they neared. It probably wasn't the best idea to spy on your vampire husband, but I was curious about what he and his allies were talking about.

Just as I suspected, I peeked out enough to see them. Across the room from where I am. At the top of the curved golden staircase were Kai and a large group of his allies.

"There are a handful of the enemies of our enemies willing to join us," Mitchell informed as the group of vampire Alphas ambled down the steps.

They must be talking about me, I figure as I spied in unseen.

"That's interesting," another alpha within the group stated as they crossed between that row of columns.

Levi added, "Indeed, it is. It would seem they have taken a liking to your mate, Kai. You have their vote not to kill her."

The large group stopped in the center of the architectural column structure, while I ease my breath and heart to be calm and quiet. As I prayed, they wouldn't see or smell me.

Kai had his back turned from me when he faced his allies, replying. "The more we have on our side, the better off we'll be."

My chest heaved, hearing them, so it's official. They're getting ready for war, which undoubtedly involves me. I had such a mixture of feelings about this idea of a war to keep me alive.

"We also have clans living in other worlds that are willing to help," another alpha shared. "Those particular Covens aren't for killing any vampire's destined human mate."

"Good. It would seem everything is getting organized as it should," replied Kai.

The rest gestured a head motion to agree. Seemingly done with their private conversation, I go to tiptoe away before they caught onto my scent or presence, but then I heard something else interesting being mentioned.

"You haven't told Victoria the truth about them?" Levi asked, and my ears perked with interest. Who were they talking about?

"There isn't any point when she never believes me," Kai replied, and I was quite puzzled as to who they were referring to.

"You need to tell her before she finds out," Mitchell advised.

"We are under oath, and it's safer for her not to know," said Kai.

Now, I remember that vile vampire said there was still more I needed to learn about the vampire oath.

"I get what you're saying, but I feel in this type of scenario, oath should be broken," suggested Levi.

"I can't do that while she's pregnant," Kai stressed with a long sigh. "I've been putting her through enough as it is."

Hearing the sincerity in his voice, struck my heart big time with how much he cares for me and our unborn babies. Correction, he loved us dearly, and my heart broke into pieces, knowing what he feels. Shamefully, my heart still loves Orlando.


A bone-chilling sensation encased my body from this clamorous voice that came behind me. Kai veered around, and all the Alphas stared in my direction. Surreal moment, I swallowed a hard rock lodged in my throat, then I stepped out of hiding. I turned my neck and saw Ivan standing there behind me.

"I-I..." I stuttered with guilt from getting busted for spying on my vampire hubby, which I should've known better, but curiosity killed the cat. Quite literally.

"You shouldn't be spying on your husband," Ivan cut me off, scolding me.

He was sure to announce my presence, and busted me like a child getting their hands caught in the cookie jar.

"Victoria..." I flushed redder when Kai's voice sounded before he started to approach me. "What are you doing here?" he tenderly asked, and took my hands.

Submitting, I lowered my head and confessed. "I was only checking out the rooms. Then I heard your voice, and I got curious about what you were doing."

My heart pounds away as this heavy silence lingered longer than it needed to. Kai expressed gentleness, but I wasn't sure what he was thinking.

"Why don't you go with Ivan, and I'll catch up with you once I am done here," he sweetly told me. I gestured a thin smile. Then he kissed my lips, softly. After that, I moved toward Ivan. From here, he pulled me into his body, and he fastly hopped me elsewhere.