*Ch 259: First Two Steps

Sunrise, my eyes flicker awake over a warm body and fluttering heartbeat. I glanced around to find myself naked under the blanket while my head was resting on Kai's breathing chest. Stirring in his sleep, his chest elevated higher as he moaned awake.

"Morning, beautiful," he murmured as his fingers combed through the roots of my hair.

My chin lifted upward to meet his smiling sleepy gaze. "Good morning," I whispered before I kissed him. Right from underneath my hair, his hand held my nape as the tender kiss got deeper by us adding a little tongue. Next, the excitement came for him, so he rolled me over on the pillow. Around our pecking lips, I giggled, wrestling underneath his naked frame. But he kept me from going anywhere.

"I have to get ready," I whispered against his motioning lips.

"Why?" he teasingly played stupid before he kissed me deeper to distract me.

"I made plans with Rose today," I say around our nibbling lips.

"She's married," Kai chuckled. "She'll understand."

I giggled as he feathered scrumptious kisses along my throat. Not giving in, I resist his charm. I was doing my best not to fall for his seduction again.

"Tonight I'm all yours," I moaned from his lips pecking all over my naked chest.

He lifts his face chuckling a flirtatious smirk. "Alright, I'll let you get ready. I know you wanna go sightseeing."

"Thank you," I chuckled before kissing his lips.

"You're welcome," he lovingly smiled.

"I'm surprised our babies could unite such a powerful urge between us," I stated, giggling at the reflection of our wild fun night.

"They're supernatural with an innocent mind like your kitten back at home. All they know is that we were together. They only lack the knowledge of what we were doing," Kai knowingly shared, but he didn't seem to tell the whole story with this theory.

"That's a given," I giggled. "Why didn't you mark me last night?" the question came out at random, however, Kai smiled.

"Because you aren't ready," he replied as his thumb rubbed behind my earlobe.

"Will the bite hurt whenever you turn me?" I asked, feeling ambivalent.

I could tell by his eyes, he knew I was scared. Quite frankly, I was terrified to turn into a vampiress.

"I'll make sure the bite doesn't hurt, but the transformation process might be painful," he replied earnestly.

"Do I die?"

It might be a silly question, but I haven't read anything about turning into a vampiress. Kai smirked brightly. Perhaps, he wanted to laugh, but he kept himself from doing so.

"No, it's not like the vampire movies or books you read," he claimed. "You stay very much alive. Only your cells, blood, and skin tissue change throughout your body. Then by sunrise, you'll wake up being a newly restored you."

"Will I still be the same person I am right now?" I questioned, wonderingly.

Kai smiled heartedly. "Yes. Only, you'll have a craving for blood, and you won't understand your body or your enhanced perceptions."

"How do you mean?" I raised a brow, asking.

Kai answers. "You'll be stronger and faster. As a queen, you'll be more connected with each individual in our Coven, including our babies. With me, you'll finally feel what I feel because I kissed you and told you we're mates."

I faintly gestured to somewhat understand what he meant. If anything, I understood the part about us being mates.

If I were born a vampiress, Kai would've confessed to me that we were mates, then he would have kissed me to connect us as one, or vice versa to those first two steps because it didn't matter in the order with how he did it. I've read that the first kiss and confession sparkes the bond with a vampiress. A vampiress can reject it at first. But after the shock, she falls hard for her mate.

Here's where I missed out because I am human. I only felt part of the connection with Kai when he forced a kiss on me. Not to mention, his kiss was done out of anger because my heart is stuck on Orlando. Unfortunately, since Kai failed to raise me from infancy, my heart fell hard for someone else.

Aside from all the love drama, Kai confessed to me at the courthouse that we were mates, which completed the process of those first two steps.

Now there's only one more final step to take. In which, I have to transform into a vampiress to feel that unbreakable love he feels for me. Then what I feel for Orlando will wither like it doesn't matter.


After those pondering thoughts, Kai and I took a shower together. Then we met Rose and Ace in the foyer. Instead of wasting the time driving to the Louvre Museum, Kai used his speed to zip me there in no time. Since Rose was fully pregnant, she couldn't carry my weight on top of her pregnant round belly.

"I'll see you in a bit." Kai kissed my lips while Ace kissed Rose.

Then our vamp husbands vanished once they saw nobody else was paying attention to their surroundings.

"Are you ready to go?" Rose treaded forward towards the museum when she asked me.

"I sure am!" I chimed excitedly as we headed in.

Surprisingly, we didn't have to pay to get in. Rose only gave a nod to this certain man at the front desk that had a few lines of tourists, paying to get in. I realized he wasn't a man, but a vampire working in plain sight.

Those thoughts soon came to rest once Rose and I started to explore. My eyes were dining in the 12-century fortress before it became a royal palace. Then in the late 1700s, it was publicly marked as a museum to showcase war relics, paintings, and art sculptures from around the world that are older than the palace itself.

We wandered the hall to find the famous Sphinx statue somewhere around this corridor. "Here it is," Rose announced to see it up ahead.

Once my eyes locked on it, I couldn't take them away after we reached it.

"It's extraordinary," I whispered under my breath.

Rose giggled, then she enlightened me once she made sure nobody was nearby us. "The real story behind this smaller Sphinx statue. It's the last structure standing after this ancient Egyptian city fell within the desert area in Egypt."

"Really," I whispered, intrigued as Rose nodded her head. "Hasn't it been documented in our history?"

Rose shook her head no, and then resumed. "The war wasn't documented because the whole city deteriorated into nothing from the desert sandstorms. That's why nobody has any documents on it."

"You witnessed the war?" I whispered as a family crossed by to check it out.

"Of course." Rose shared, lowering her voice as we wandered off. "We fed on most of the wounded warriors."

I gulped, "Please tell me you're kidding?"