*Ch 260: The Untold Canceled Wedding

Rose held her chuckle as my stomach churned. Dear me, she wasn't joking. Even her eyes drooled that vampirism smile to reminisce the taste of her ancient human prey. Her tongue grazed her upper lip before she gathered any self-control.

"The smell of fresh blood from a battle attracts us as if the dinner bell rang," Rose admitted, staring straight ahead.

I didn't comment on that remark she made. Honestly, I knew vampires hungered for blood. The thought that dwelled in my head was to envision myself as a vampiress.


Maybe an hour later went by when we checked out the artwork. "Is there any hidden history about the Mona Lisa?" I outwardly wondered, gazing at the masterpiece before us.

"Not really," Rose replies as we strode off. "Only that her death was a cover-up."

"Don't tell me—"

"Yes, she was eaten by a vampire," Rose cut me short as she giggled to conclude my speculation. She couldn't keep herself from laughing at me, shaking my head.

"Forget I asked," I declared as we checked out more extraordinary artwork on display, including "The Last Supper."

Then Rose led me into a different gallery, displaying famous Greek goddesses and other famous statues.

Behind this one sculpture, Rose cut the corner and spoke in a whisper. "Come quick before anybody sees us."

I briefly glanced, then hurried in once I saw nobody noticed. Right behind the display was a hidden passage that took us inside another corridor.

"Should we be here?" I queried while we roamed down it.

"There's a reason why I wanted to visit this Museum with you," Rose confided. "There's something I wanna show you that isn't on display for human eyes."

"But I'm allowed to see it?" I mistrusted it.

"Of course, you'll be a vampiress queen as of this brightest Blue Moon," she reminded me, before she walked ahead on this white carpet.

Just by staring at her black long gorgeous straight hair, waving side to side as she treads off. Things pivoted darker in my surroundings.

"Rose," I called, but I never heard a response because my time-gap gift took my mind somewhere else.

Vivid lighting came into focus, and I found myself inside an old ancient tent. Giggles from these ladies emanated into my ears.

"Rose, my dear, you look beautiful." I hear Rose's mother say.

I swerved around to see Rose, sitting on the floor rug, with her legs bent up underneath her knees, while her older sister was braiding flowers in her hair. She wore a golden dressy tunic. Inside the tent was Veronica, Mrs. Collin, Rose's mother, her sisters, and five other vampiresses I'd never met were here, helping her to get ready.

"We're so excited about this wedding." This vampiress with long auburn hair expressed with a smile.

She had a diamond-shaped face, a small nose, hooded agate color eyes, and sharp perky lips. Like Kai and Coraline, she has the same eye color as them. She had to be related to Kai, but I never met her. Pushing those thoughts aside, I stared around, trying to figure out why I was brought here during Rose's wedding with Ace.

"I never imagined one of my daughters would end up taking our bloodline into the Royal bloodline," said Rose's mother.

"I saw it coming!" Veronica chippered, gigglingly. "Kai loves her so much."

My eyes gaped to discover this wasn't her wedding with Ace, but she was marrying Kai. This can't be right because he never said he married her. I must find him.

Using quite the force, I pushed through that achy pain in my head, and walked through the tent like a ghost. Outside were more tents and giggling vamp kids that were exhilarated about the wedding. After crossing several tents, vampires, and vampiresses, I found Ace. His snow-white blonde hair gave him away. Unlike everyone else, dancing and acting all giggly about the wedding.

Ace's eyes defined a scowl and his arms were crossed at his chest. Right in front of him, I stare at him. His eyes were darkly red. He had that identical dark expression that I'd seen in Kai. Nothing but a hollow hole was inside him. He was shut off from the world.

"Hey Ace, can you help..." his younger brother came up, but Ace growled maliciously, which shuts him up.

His brow furrowed into a hideous gargoyle, and his fangs unsheathed. That same anger Kai has, was now raging within Ace. He was lost and bereft without having Rose's love. Officially Ace's world has pulverized to nothing. He's not the same Ace I knew at my present time.

His younger brother cowered in fear as Ace hissed. "Don't ask me to do anything!"

He then veered off. This was my chance to follow. Around the tents, I kept up unseen from behind him. At this one large tent, he entered as I followed in. My heart flutters to see Kai right here standing before me. I must say he looked debonair in his golden wedding garment. He looked exactly the same in his appearance, like everyone else.

"What is it?" Kai asked as he studied Ace's face and strong body posture.

"I won't let you marry Rose," Ace retorted calmly with a hidden peril to his tone.

"Why?" Kai cocked his head, interrogating him.

However, I noticed his stance seemed vulnerable, and he kept rubbing his hands on his garment like he was experiencing sweaty palms.

"She's my mate," confided Ace. "I'm begging you as my brother not to marry her."

"And if I don't?" Kai seemed to pretense a challenge.

"I'll go in there and tell Rose the truth," Ace replies. "I'll force her to kiss me and complete the process for her to know she's mine. She might reject me at first, but we both know, given the days, she'll feel what I feel for her. Whatever love she has for you will be gone."

Dead tension emitted from the tent until we hear a guardian outside it announce, "Sir Kai, we are ready to begin."

"Alright," Kai replies to the guardian while his eyes never once left Ace. Still, silence lingered until Kai slightly sighed.

"Ok, I'll back off," Kai spoke up. "I just wanted to be sure you're her mate."

Ace didn't say anything as Kai passed his shoulder. I left once Kai left his tent to go to Rose's tent. Outside it, I still heard them giggling.

"Can everyone step outside!" Kai's broad voice demanded. "I need to speak with Rose alone."

One by one, his family and Rose's family stepped out. I followed Kai in to see Rose, beaming a loving smile at him. She was like a schoolgirl experiencing her first crush.

Yet my heart broke as her gaze altered more grimly to hear Kai say, "I can't marry you."