*Ch 269: Introductions to a New Life and Home

Breaking the silence. "How's Victoria?" Kai asked, changing the topic.

"Exhausted from the trip," Sharlene answered. "She likely went to bed for the evening."

"No one bothered her at the Imperial Palace after I left?" Kai questioned.

"She's fine," Mia replies, before her eyes notice Ivan's jacket was torn at the seam on his shoulder. "Did something occur during your travel?" she pried, pressing the torn threads on his black leather jacket.

"No, not at all." Ivan lied, pulling her into his arms to sugarcoat her. "I must've torn it somewhere in the woods."

Ian held his tongue by biting his lip awkwardly when she eyed him for a second as if she was searching for answers.

"I see," Mia mumbled to see everyone give an impassive poker face.

Yet she wasn't blind to notice everyone's clothing was ruffled with torn seams and pockets. Zippers were off the tracks, and some of the vampires had missing buttons on their nice shirts. Overall, she had a hunch something went on that Ivan wasn't sharing.

"Why don't you head back?" Ivan suggested, then he kissed her. "I'll be home shortly."

"And safely?" Mia finished, raising her thin brow.

"As always," Ivan cooed and kissed her again.

Afterward, the Vampiresses took off, leaving them so they could continue teaching Ian his new skills and self-control. And most importantly, they had to be sure he was well-fed.

Hours later, they traveled back to the mansion late during the night. Upon entering the main front door, Glenn noticed Alice was still awake. All these hours, she watched tv and waited for him in the living room.

"Glenn!" Alice's voice pearled like a wind chime as she ran over and hugged him tightly.

"You're still up?" Glenn says surprised after they hugged.

"I couldn't sleep without you." Alice smiled, making her eyes glitter like jewels.

Ian was baffled why such a young girl was crushing on an older vampire. Sure, Glenn looked like he was only in his twenties, but Ian learned his dad and his friends were some of the first generations born.

"Is this Ian?" Alice asked, smiling at him around everyone.

Ian gleamed at her friendly face until he heard her loud fluctuating heartbeat pumping blood throughout her body and organs. Each pulse attracted his senses from how the bloodstream fluttered within her veins. He's provoked.

"FEED!" his rankling instincts yelled in his head.

Not thinking, Ian launched his attack as Alice fell ashen! In a heap of time, Glenn shields Alice as Jack manages to pull Ian into his grasp! Kai stepped between the two as he scowled at Ian.

"I'm sorry," Ian apologized, submitting his head. "I-I didn't mean to."

"You aren't in trouble, but you must be careful," Kai gently said. "Alice isn't food, she's Glenn's mate."

"Mate?" Ian repeated while slanting his head to peek at them around Kai's shoulder.

"Yes, some of us have mates," Jack briefly explained. "But not all of us do, like me and Rome."

Kai added, detecting his confusion. "Overtime, you'll learn more about everything."

Since not much was being said, Glenn announced. "I'll see you all tomorrow." Then he randomly disappeared with Alice.

"Let me show you to your bedroom before we meet Mr. Collin," said Jack.

"Mr. Collin!" Ian repeated, completely stunned. "You mean, Mr. Collin–"

"Yes, the same famous billionaire you're thinking of," Jack cut in. "He's Kai's father."

"He's a vampire!"

Ian held his head as his father wandered forward while everyone else, but Kai laughed at him. To be clear, Kai was getting tired of hearing about how famous his father became for his munificence. He missed the days his dad was famous for being a ruthless killer.

Kai sauntered with Ian as Jack took the lead. Not wasting time, they jumped to the corridor where he'll be staying.

"This is your room," Jack told him while they walked in. Ian checked out the new room. He was shocked by how big it was for one person.

"Are you ready to meet your other alphas?" Kai asked, once Ian was seemingly done inspecting his new bedroom and balcony.


They stepped out into the hall, "Why is Glenn's mate so young?" Ian randomly asked, walking in the middle of them.

"It happens, but they aren't romantically involved. Not until she's twenty," Kai clarified. "Even for being married."

"Isn't it wrong?" Ian appealed.

"Age doesn't have any meaning to us," Jack explained. "When you're immortal, time and age don't have the same meaning as it does for a human."

Ian noted, but before he could say something else. Erratically, Rome bounced to the front of them, laughing, "Yup, so that means if Jack and Sharlene have a daughter, I can date your little sister once she's twenty!" he teasingly harassed.

Jack swung a fist to playfully punch him. But he missed whenever Rome arched forward and hustled two feet ahead of them as they laughed.

"Unfortunately, what Rome said is true." Jack painfully chuckled, "However, I wouldn't mind because Rome is a proper vampire, so he wouldn't use her."

"Awe, I feel so flattered," Rome teased without turning his head to look back at him.

"Don't flatter yourself too much," Jack joked, and they all chuckled.

Ian could tell his dad was real close to his friends. They were like non-blood-related brothers.

Once they reached Mr. Collin's office, Ian was astonished to meet the man. He never guessed all this time Mr. Collin was a vampire.

After the introductions, Kai turned in for the remainder of the night. He stripped to his boxers, and then crawled into bed with the love of his life.

Victoria was sleeping soundly as the real beauty she is. Being rather gentle, he kissed loveable kisses along her bent neck. She moaned in her sleep before she rolled his way while her eyes remained shut.

Kai relaxed comfortably on his side before his fingers touched her face. A smile formed his lips. He not only heard her heartbeat, but he heard three more tiny heartbeats fluttering in her womb. He felt her stomach and sensed their offspring. One was asleep, while the other two were wide awake. He could tell by how their heartbeat fluctuated that they weren't sleepy like their one sibling.

"I love you," Kai whispered before he kissed Victoria on the lips.

She crooned beautifully while she squirmed her chin in her sleep.

Nothing could ruin this moment for him.

"Mhmm, Orlando…" until that pang ripped his heart in half to hear Victoria whisper her lover's name in her sleep.

"You gotta get over him, baby," Kai whispered, then he kissed her forehead as she muttered another sleepy moan in response.