*Ch 282: Instincts Take Over

Beep! Beep! Beep! Four hours later, the alarm on my cell phone was ringing, but I ignored it. Instead, I stayed snuggled on Kai's chest. He stirred and lifted upward to reach for my phone on the nightstand, which elevated my head until he laid down.

"You gotta get up." Kai cooed, caressing his hand along my hair.

"I don't want to!" I grumbled, and it made Kai chuckle.

"Are you skipping college today? he teased, kissing the top of my head.

"Yes!" I complained and got snippy. "Now let me sleep!"

Kai chuckled at my grumpy behavior before he pulled the blanket over my shoulder. Then he cuddled me all cozy and tight. It didn't take long for me to doze off into a deeper sleep again.


I felt these tickling kisses, gliding along my throat. "You gotta get up," Kai whispered into my ear. Then I felt his wet tongue slide across my earlobe. I giggled as my eyes peeled apart. After my vision came into better focus, I found myself staring into Kai's marveling eyes.

"What time is it?" I whispered, and my voice sorta cracked.

"It's the afternoon," he chuckled. "I need to go hunt."

"Do you have to go?" I whimpered, touching his face while he sat upright on his elbow.

Kai faintly smiled before taking my hand away to hold it. "I have to, and you should eat something for lunch."


I was too sleepy to argue, so I sat up to kiss him and hoped this would preoccupy him to keep him here with me. Sure enough, once our lips touch, addiction takes over. Our mouths widen for our tongues to slick in. Inside our mouths, our tongues go on a yearning frenzy. They swirl and twirl without a pause. Kai ended up rolling me over on my back, and then he climbed on top of me. I spread my legs by bending my knees up for him to get comfortably fitted between them as my sheer laced lingerie gown flared apart, which exposed my navel.

On perfect melody, we both moan and breathe heavier through our nostrils. Never once did we end the kiss for a break. Our mouths continuously slushed and slurped each other's taste right into a pure desire. Until I released to nibble and bite his lower lip, which I loved to do.

"Grrrr!" Kai growled a sexy hiss in response.

So this time, I curled the tip of my tongue and licked across his mouth. My eyes open to see his eyes glowing seductively red. Sultry eyes hazed upon me as his pupils dilated in high elevations of arousal, which triggered his libidinous to go on overdrive. I knew his lips were the erogenous zone for him.

Lost of control, his body weight forced me down to the mattress and pillow. He farther climbed on top of me as one of his hands groped and squeezed my left leg. His face dipped right in the area between my neck and shoulder, where he ran a trail of nibbling kisses up and down it in a constant manner.

The rush was exciting and explicit. A powerful amatory radiates heat within me, and I practically scratch my fingers along his shoulder blades. I bump my waist into the humongous bulge in the middle of his boxers and grind my crotch against it.

Again we both moan, but Kai's moaning sounds more like a growl. He hissed as I continued rubbing my satin panties into his groin over and over again. Once I licked his neck and shoulder with my tongue, his hiss turned into a growl. In response, his other hand squeezed my breast from over the thin satin. My head toppled to the pillow while my waist bucked upward into his bulge whenever he sucked my neck harder than before.

"Ohh, Kai!" I moaned from a sheer amorous feeling that scorched in the sole center of my heart for him. Lust and utter desire cloud my mind into a dreamy haze I couldn't come down from. I gasped out of breath whenever he sucked harder on my skin by adding even more pressure. Sensuous sucking and suction sounds penetrated my left ear as he continued to nibble my tender skin in his warm mouth. The feeling felt amazingly hot while his hand still kneaded my right breast. Now he was nailing my erogenous zone.

My nails further dug into his shoulders and my toes curled as I squirmed beneath his weight. He was spinning me into space by the way he sucked on my neck with such vigorous might. Until his sucking got rougher, and I suddenly felt teeth pinching me. He growled viciously, and I knew what this meant.

"Kai, No!" I yelled, fighting to push him off me. He growled stridently, lifting his body on his palms from over my tiny figure. His face was hoary, and his forehead furrowed monstrously. Those eyes were bloodred and terrifying as his mouth opened with this reverberating hiss. Pointy iron fangs elongated broadly sharp before he pinned my hands above my crown, and his head plunged downward.

"Don't kill me!" I shriek, feeling his sharp fangs digging into the flesh on my neck. His instincts wouldn't allow him to hear me. So his fangs pushed harder, breaking into my skin. Blood rolled from my flesh like a hot iron bead.


On my second scream, he got out of the blanket and flew up to the high ceiling. His arms and legs contort backwards from the joints when he faces downward at me like this creepy spider ready to launch on its prey at any given time. He was outright grislier as he hissed venomously. His complexion was sooty, and his fangs were enormous until he calmed down. Reality switched on, and he finally regained control.

"I'm sorry." Kai grimaced full-heartedly into my eyes from the ceiling. "My heart wants you, but my instincts and part of my mind only see you as food right now. I need to leave so I don't feed on you."

"I-I understand," I stutter, sitting up horrified.

"Don't move!" Kai warned as he tried to smile. "Any wrong moves might trigger me to attack you."

I kept real still as he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. Then he vanished to his closet, quickly getting dressed. Still, without seeing him, the balcony glass doors open and shut that fast. I took a relieving breath, flattening into my pillow. After my heart rate mellowed from racing, I went into the bathroom and checked my sore neck. Two swollen puncture holes were visible, and blood clotted them. And there was a decent size hickey around it. Other than that, he didn't do any fatal harm. All I needed was a band-aid and Neosporin.