*Ch 283: Splash of Blood

After I cared for the wound and washed diligently in the shower, I ate lunch. Then I went for a dip in the indoor pool. Nobody was in here, so it was nice and peaceful for the taking while the vamp or human kids are in school. The water was exceedingly refreshing as I floated in the deepest end on my back wearing my bikini while it still fits. My mind was in a blissful mindset. For once it felt great to skip college today and pamper myself for a change.

When I noticed myself dozing off, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. A splash of water was suddenly heard echoing across the pool. I looked over in the direction I heard it, and instantly I noticed the water was rippling like someone jumped in. Plus, the one glass door from the outside was open, which implied that somebody came inside. I searched the water but didn't see anything, but then I felt something swimming fast behind my back.

"Rome!" I called since I knew he'd be childish enough to try creeping me out.

Something solid and decently sized skimmed my lower back that instant. I looked below the depths of the water, and I swore to have seen a long shadow swim off in a circle. But it was hard to tell because the pool was enormous and it's 20 ft deep, where I am at.

"Very funny, Rome! You can stop playing around now!" I faked a chuckle as I floated in one spot, trying to spot him under the water. Being a vampire, he was invisible because that's how fast they were. Plus, vampires can breathe underwater, so he didn't need to come up for air, which was such a disadvantage for me. Another solid hit bumped into the back of my ankle.


I yelled when something long and thick curled around my ankle like a giant tentacle. My head submerged underwater, and I got pulled down 4 ft under before whatever it was released my foot. I swam back up, desperate for air. Water splashed once I resurfaced, and I saw this black scaly round muscular snake body. This isn't Rome!

I swam to reach the ladder but hardly neared it when I saw a shadowy figure of a long and thick massed snake swimming underneath me. The thing was humongous and certainly not from Earth. I kept swimming as its body curled away before it whipped in my direction. My leg got snatched, and I felt needles puncturing into my flesh.


My head goes under, and I splash around for the fight of my life. Bubbles and blood started to float around my vision as I struggled to get back to the surface.

"Help!" I merely managed to yell before my head went underwater again.

This otherworldly serpent, coiled his body around my waist and then to my stomach. My arms thrash as I feel its grip squeezing the life out of me. I fight as the creature takes me deeper down. Only a trail of bubbles and blood is what I saw when I gazed up. My ears popped from the water pressure, and my lungs were stifling. Anytime I flexed my stomach and chest, the serpent squeezed me tighter. My eyesight was cutting out, and I was drowning. Who would've known my life would end like this?

My wriggling sapped, and my eyes nearly sealed forever, but then I saw tons of shadows above the surface. All at once, they dive in, and I saw they were the guardians along with Ivan. Exceedingly brisk, the grip from the serpent released my body, then Ivan swam me up to the surface. I gasped and coughed up water. Kai and a handful of others were waiting for me at the ladder. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the water.

"I need Zoey!" Kai bellowed as he leaned me into his body on the floor mat.

"She's coming!" his brother Chester replied.

Huge bubbles of blood were gushing up like a volcanic spring when I stared at the pool. The guardians resurfaced, and with them was this long otherworldly serpent. Scaly black skin armored its body, and yet, its skin tone scintillated a shiny metallic. Teeth-like spikes went down from the middle of its body to its tail. The face was shaped like that of a dragon, and it had a thorny crown on its head. To top it off, the serpent was giant like two semi-trucks.

Such a beautiful and mighty beast it was until the vampires abated it. Bite wounds and claw marks from the vampires encased its body. Which had blood spewing into the pool as it floated dead in the water.

All the guardians, including Ivan, climbed out of the pool fully clothed until they started to strip off their wet shirts. A loud crunching sound took my attention from them, and I saw Kai bite his wrist. Then he shoved his wrist into my mouth. A mouth full of blood seeped into my throat. I gagged on whatever remaining blood I didn't swallow, before I could push his arm away.

"What are you doing!" I choked while blood was dripping from my bottom lip and chin.

I wiped it away, coughing to death as Kai replied. "It's for the babies. One of them is nearly detained."

I was stunned to hear that whenever Kai picked me up. He carried me to the lounge chair, and Ace covered me with a towel. Zoey came in right away, and sat across from me on the other lounge chair.

"What happened?" she asked, examining my body.

My legs and abdominals were bloody with gouges on them from the spikes on the serpent's tail. Then she carefully peeled the band-aid off my neck, which hurt more than it should. It felt inflamed and infected.

"Did you bite her?" Zoey's face was shocked when she looked at Kai, sitting beside me.

"Yes, I had a battle with my instincts." Kai sighed, ashamed of himself.

"You straight out tried to feed on her?" Rome chuckles behind Zoey.

"No." Kai sheepishly chuckled. "It was intimate at first, until it wasn't."

Kai's friends, his brother, and Chester's friends chuckled at him. Zoey wasn't amused by their chuckles. She took her job as a doctor quite seriously whenever it involved medical emergencies. Meanwhile, I got my phone out of my handbag, which is on the lounge chair Zoey sat on. I flipped my sticker mirror open, which I put on the back of it, and saw the bite was twice as swollen and infected like blood poisoning.