**Ch 299: Under His Seduction

"Ooh, Haley came!"

Once again, Evan drooled over a different cousin that was related to Kai. Haley was Mrs. Nasberry's third youngest daughter.

"Do you ever stop!" Kai gruffed at him, which was funny, I had to admit.

"I'm going to turn in for the night," I announced to dismiss myself from their endless pestering.

"Have a goodnight, beautiful," Evan said, with a flirtatious wink. Kai looked like he wanted to murder him, yet he had a happier glint in his eye, which told me he was closer to Evan than he wanted to confess.

So I played along by giving Kai a delicate kiss on his lips. "Goodnight gentlemen," I say, but before I could leave, Kai gently seized my wrist.

"I'll talk to you soon," Kai informed his cousin.

"Have a good night, you two." Evan chuckled before we walked away.

"Evan seems to hold some resentment with your grandfather," I mentioned as we stepped out of the gallery.

Kai chuckled. "That's because our grandfather nags him about marriage. Evan refuses to get married, which brings up a conflict."

Now I better understood Evan's feelings towards his grandfather. I thought as Kai pushed the button to the elevator from inside the corridor.

"What's your grandfather's name?" I positively ask with curiosity.

"Vlad." Kai answered just as the elevator door opened with a ding.

He took me inside, and then the door slid shut. Before I could ask any more questions about his grandfather, Kai veered my body against the wall and metal railing after he pushed the button to our floor. It's apparent, he had other things on his mind. Those gorgeous eyes of his fawned over my body. Right through his pupils, his adoration doe-eyed me with pure love.

"Now I recently answered enough questions about my grandfather, my lovely," Kai whispered seductively, trapping me between him and the wall. "Shall we finish what we started in the garden?"

"Shouldn't we wait until we reach the room?" I giggled, attempting to tame down this beast before me.

Kai glanced at the numbers behind him before he faced me with this naughty grin. "We have time," he insisted otherwise as I saw we passed up the fourth floor.

Right away, his lips inched towards my neck before I felt his enjoyable breath on the skin around my left lobe.

"What if someone walks in?" I groaned the second he nibbled my lobe. "Ahh..."

"I'm sure they'll know to use a different elevator," his warm breath uttered into my ear. Then he licked it, which sent a tingling sensation to engulf my neck. His lips nibbled and nipped every area on my ear. Slowly, he worked his way to the space beneath my earlobe. A louder giggle grasped underneath my breath whenever he sucked right there on my skin. Loud suckling and sucking sounds emitted into my ear. Kissy chimes he stimulated with his mouth echoed inside the elevator as he continued to suck my flesh.

Firm yet gentle, his hands held my waist. Nevertheless, I tried fidgeting free against his sturdy body. Only my body quivered against his toned frame, which caused him to chuckle at my failure to get free as he continued to suck and nibble on my skin.

Upon reaction, I giggled whenever his delightful breath tickled a heatwave on my flesh. A powerful desire came over me while he continuously ravished the tiny spot under my earlobe.

Another moment had gone by, and he nibbled his teeth on my skin before he let go. Not even a second would prolong because his wandering lips feathered more nibbles along my jawline. From there, he worked himself to my chin, and then he was on my lips before I could stop him. Instantly, he had my mouth under his snaring spell. Incompetent to resist his amative allure, I motioned against his mouth, yet he claimed the lead, taking me under his dominion. Together our lips join as one with pecking and nibbling on and off thoroughly connected. Before I knew it, his wet tongue broke in. We lick and slurp each other right up. The way that the texture of his tongue rubbed on mine took me on a whole new kick. He licked and flicked it throughout my mouth, glomming the air beneath my lungs.

Any slim chance I had to seize, I somehow gasped for a single breath whenever he merely pulled away to adjust the rotation of his mouth. I do the best I can to keep up with his hungry flow. Between our licking mouths, I yelped when he sucked on my tongue for over a second. Then his mouth freed me so he could lick my lips. Without expecting it, his teeth captured my lower lip, and he sucked it into his mouth for a while, it felt. By the time he let my lip go, it felt swollen. My lip felt numb as he pressed his mouth on mine again. Nowhere close to being done with me, he pried my lips loose with the tip of his tongue, taking me under his lustful arousal. Our tongues coil into a knot whenever we flick them everywhere around.

My knees buckled and failed to stand firm if it wasn't for him holding me upright, I'd likely fall flat to the elevator's moving floor. His tongue conquered my mouth along with my ability to think.

After claiming his victory, he untwined his lips, leaving mine battered from our previous brawl. My chest puffed from all the strenuous heaving I did. Adrenaline scorched through my veins which sent this tingling sensation to flutter along my skin. Even my heart galloped with each beat like a pale steed romping wildly in the meadow. Such a forceful erotic energy blazed throughout my body as I tried to get back some mindful consciousness. Sure thing, he had me under one of his vampirism spells to seduce me to have his way.

"We should stop until we reach the room." I uttered, heaving against my chest. I felt gooey from the inside and out. My mind hasn't come back from the cloudy mist he mesmerized over me. Kai turned his head to see we had just passed the tenth floor.

"We've got time," his voice deeply vocalized before he ogled my breasts and then along the length of my curvy body.