**Ch 300: Devoured in the Elevator [R-18]

To his knees, he lowered himself to the elevator's floor. From around the leg slit, his hands spread the gown wider. My breathing quivered as his head disappeared from underneath my long flowy gown. His hoarse breath circulated onto my inner left thigh before he gave me a gentle kiss there. To come next, I felt a ticklish caress rubbing up both my legs until his desirable fingers attained the panties hugging my waist.

"Kai..." my mouth tried protesting, but once he slid them off my hips and down my slender legs, my body betrayed me. His dominance aroused me, so I allowed him to do whatever he wished as the elevator still ascended upward.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll put your panties in my pocket," his raspy voice chuckled as he untangled them off my heels. His body moved a bit as he leaned to stuff my panties in his back pocket.

"Aaah!" I sang a tiny squeal whenever he hoisted my feet off the floor. He overlapped my knees to straddle over his shoulders with my backside pressed against the wall. My fingers perched like a bird on a branch from the way I clutched onto the metal rail for extra balance. His heated breath fanned into the naked feminine area. There, he first kissed the middle of my slit before his arms somehow voluted like snakes between my legs while his shoulders held most of my weight. Right where his fingers could reach my wetness, he positioned his hands between my inner thighs near my core. Using his two thumbs, he parts my sex open while the whole time my body quivered. His tongue unfurled, and then he licked me up and down as he slurped in the juicy effect he caused over my body.

Even now, I am overly sensitive from the aftermath of his mouth kissing my lips, and it didn't help whenever his lengthy tongue entered my deepness. Dead on, he'd nail the tender spot that made my toes curl.

"Ahhh!" I bellowed in arousal, and my upper body arched while my head capsized into the elevator's wall. As Kai held me up by his shoulders, his tongue licked and slushed deeper inside. Inside my core, my walls clutched his tongue as I spasmed in delight. He flicked and wiggled it freely along every sweet location. I rode it out as my fingers dug into the metal rail.

Giving me an extra spin, his thumb searched my slit until he found my nub. Gently, he rubbed right in between the folds. My knees shake over his shoulders as he stimulates my clitoris. The way he rubbed my clit felt extremely good and precise.

"Oh, Kai!" I couldn't stop moaning from the pleasure he spread all over my body.

All the while, his tongue continued exploring my inners. Through and out, I felt the texture of his tongue teasing me. The way he would curve it and then flicker it in any random region made my insides throb for a more prurient stimulant.

As his thumb played with my fold, he was also toying around deep beneath me. My breathing got huffy because I screamed out in ripples of lust. Flickering deeper in, his tongue snaked far into the density of my core. Being relatively thorough, he crawled himself along each crossroad. He thrust me wildly like a ravishing beast that can't get enough. Jolts of titillation he soared into me stood unbelievably good to feel such an efficacious climax nearing. One big breathless whiff faltered under my panting breath whenever he uncoiled his tongue out, which I wasn't expecting to occur.

"What floor are we on, babe?" his muffling voice vocalizes underneath my gown. Of course, he had to ask such a question during the time I wasn't in reality. My mind was still caught in the tides of this pleasurable sensuality that accumulated in my body. Somehow my blurry eyes saw the numbers dialing passed fifty-eight.

"Floor sixty." I managed to utter through my huffing breath.

"We still got time," he emitted like a breath of fresh air. His mouth inches to my sloppy hole, where he first nibbled my nub for a bit. Sensitivity tickled over my skin as he lightly chewed and nipped it longer. For having lethal fangs, he certainly knew how to be delicate with every touch he applied to my clit. He sucked it harder before releasing it with a suckling sound. My clit throbbed and swelled from the aftermath of his foreplay. Without any discouragement, he twirled his tongue against it, getting nuzzled right between the folds.

"Kai…please!" I moaned. I don't know what I begged for. Other than needing more fulfillment. For a second, Kai mumbled a chuckle as he licked my clit to his fervor desire. One last time, he slipped my clit into his mouth, and sucked it for a moment. After he released me, he licked along my entire slit, going upward to my clit before his actions halted.

Furthermore, Kai used his thumbs to spread my slit, and then his tongue plowed inside my core. He thrust himself head in deep as he neared that zone he was probing for. No longer could my mind rake the crazy concept that he was devouring me in the elevator. Yet here I am, being gobbled up by a vampire that knew how to satisfy my every lustful desire. His tongue stretched more intensely along my inner sides. Heat surged within my stomach as his tongue probed my G-spot. He poked at the perfect angle, making me tighten my walls while my core started to convulse. That breaking point was nearly there while he bumped his tongue along every secret compartment. Without even trying, his tongue unlocked these hidden doors, leading to my undoing. My mind blew up in a kapoof. All I could hear were my groans, echoing over each wrinkle in my brain.

Pleasure scorched a raging fire right through my veins as his tongue made a mess out of me. Stars invaded my vision to see straight, thanks to this overestimated stimulation. My brewing climax hit like a meteor striking the moon. The riverbed overflowed just before Kai rewound his tongue out. Like a dog lapping water from his bowl, Kai licked me up without stopping. All I heard were these lewd wet sloppy sounds emitting in the elevator that his mouth developed as he licked the extra stream until he was finished.

Softer lips kissed the juicy cream between my shaky legs. Everywhere around, he pecked soft kisses all over my slit while I calmed down from my orgasm. My whole body was weakened and unstable. I felt rather numb from head to toe, and my hands hurt from digging into the metal railing. His head popped out of my gown right when the elevator dinged before the door slid open.

"Just on time," he gloated. If only I could strangle him, I likely would.