**Ch 307: Confession

Once Mr. Collin saw they agreed, he moved along to the next topic. "Since that is settled, I also wanted to address that some of you broke my rules during last night's party. You ate a few guests, and as for you, Kai, you killed my business partner's son!" Mr. Collin retorted, glowering at the guilty ones between his five nephews and his son.

"We apologize for that." Evan apologetically submitted his head with his other guilty cousins and his one younger brother.

Mr. Collin pleasingly nodded and accepted their apologies, yet he didn't fail to notice Kai said nothing.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Mr. Collin eyed him intensely harsher.

"I am never sorry for feeding on anybody." Kai bitterly confirmed, keeping his manner seethed.

Mr. Collin growled. "It was one thing to kill that young woman in the lounge to feed, but you outright murdered my business partner's son! Do you not understand the position you put me in?"

Kai nonchalantly moved his shoulders and replied. "I can't see what the big deal is. All you need to do is cover up his death. It's not like our family hasn't done this over a trillion times."

"That's not the point!" Mr. Collin gnashed his fangs, losing his patience with his unruly son that never listens to him. Adult or not, Mr. Collin wanted his rules respected, yet his one recalcitrant offspring always goes behind his back and does something to defy him, he reckoned to himself.

Meanwhile, Rome and Jack felt that guilt killing them from the inside. To realize, Kai is taking the blame on their behalf had hit their conscience like a train ran it over.

"You always blow things out of proportion!" Kai hissed his fangs at his father while the family and everyone's advisers watched them wrangle it out again. Most of them tried not to grin at the father and son pair going at it. As usual, the family and their friends always found this humorous to a degree when it came to Kai and his father bickering about whatever it was that stirred the argument.

"Some things never change." Evan lowly chuckled, and Mr. Collin shot him an intense glare from overhearing him, of course. Evan did his best not to grin silly as his uncle stared him down. Up until he was able to take a breath once Mr. Collin glowered at Kai again. Almost everyone choked on their laughter because this was comical to them. To be clear, the only ones who didn't find this funny were Mr. Collin, and his advisors, including Rome and Jack, who were nearly biting their nails in guilt. Mr. Collin parted his mouth to speak until Jack and Rome walked to the center between everyone.

"Kai didn't murder your business partner's son." Jack blurted out his confession. "I did."

"Excuse me?" Mr. Collin raised a peculiar brow.

"He also didn't feed on the girl. That was Jack and me," Rome confessed before Mr. Collin had any chance to fully comprehend what Jack first refuted.

"Hold on a second." Mr. Collin said, raising his one hand to stop anyone else from speaking while he gathered what they had confessed.

Everybody else in the room was curious too, and Kai sighed as he sneakily lowered his head and rubbed his left temple with his thumb. As of now, he wished his friends would've kept quiet. It's one thing for him or his family members to break his father's rules, but it's another thing for any of the followers to break any alpha's rules within the Coven.

"Now, one at a time. I want you to explain this to me." Mr. Collin restarted once he collected his thoughts. "Rome, you go first."

"Jack and I got hungry, so we shared that girl and fed on her. We had a weak moment when she cut her finger, and we couldn't resist because it was feeding time. Kai and Victoria only walked in on us feeding, but he had nothing to do with her death." Rome explained, and Mr. Collin nodded, hearing his explanation. Then he pointed his chin at Jack for him to speak next.

Jack sighed. "I killed that man because he was with Sharlene. They had been flirting and dancing during the party, and I lost it when I found them making out in the dome garden."

For a brief moment, there was only silence while Mr. Collin assembled the details in his head until his mouth moved to talk. "It's not like you to kill someone of great importance to my family business," he told Jack in a serious tone. His tone was seethed, yet, coldly stern as his eyes moved between him and Rome, who were submitting their heads to the front of him.

"I know. I lost control, and I am earnestly sorry about it." Jack apologized and bowed his head again to show his submission. At first, Mr. Collin only blankly stared at them. Again they lowered their heads while their bodies remained still. Then his eyes moved toward his son. Without a doubt, he figured Kai had known the truth as well.

"Your friendship and loyalty never ceases to impress me." Mr. Collin remarked. True friendship and respect are an honest stronghold they shared, and Mr. Collin understood that. "I apologize for wrongfully accusing you," he told his son, and Kai nodded to accept it.

"With that being said. Rome and I will take any punishment that you deem worthy." Jack respectfully confirmed.

Silence eerily lurked for a minute while Mr. Collin was lost in his thoughts on how to handle this matter. As he thoroughly sorted everything in his head, his strict demeanor settled, and his icy gaze melted into being softer than a feather-stuffed pillow.

"I shall let this go." he determined, which relieved that heavy weight off their shoulders.

"Thank you." Rome and Jack obliged their gratitude like a duo together.

Mr. Collin nodded before he advised Jack. "I must insist that you make things right with Sharlene. I know you aren't at fault for her pregnancy or for marking her with your sacred mark. However, it doesn't change the fact that it happened. You must do what is right for her and your offspring."

"I must agree with you, Alpha." Jack respectfully responded, and then he and Rome bowed one last time before they stood back behind the sofa Kai and Chester sat on.