**Ch 308: Disagreement

"Since that was settled, there is something I need to confirm," Evan mentioned, getting everyone to stare at him.

"What's that?" Mr. Collin nonchalantly asked.

"Does Victoria know the truth about what happened in Springwood?" Evan inquired to know since he wasn't sure, so that's why he never brought it up around her presence.

"Not anymore," Kai answered. "Rome obliterated her memory."

"How did you do that?" Jeremiah curiously asked as he relaxed his back on the limestone wall by the fireplace.

"After Rome did his thing, I held her in my mind control gift until we could get Zoey to meet us at the campus," Kai explained.

"Why did you need Zoey?" Evan further questioned as he was confused about it.

"To heal the cuts and bruises she sustained from Seth's rough handle on her. Once Zoey was done, I gently released her from my gift when I had her walk forward." Kai replied, doing whatever he could to withhold his wrath from remembering that incident.

"And you always hated that mind control gift, but now it seems to be serving you well," Evan voiced with a chuckle because he always admired Kai's gifts.

"You might say that." Kai rolled his eyes. "Anyways, there is something else I'd like to discuss."

"Let's hear it," Henry replied after he peeked at the time on his phone since he promised his wife some quality time together, but he saw it was still early, so he had a few more minutes to spare.

"More or less, I wanna wake Vlad because we need him for what we know is coming," Kai brought to the meeting in hopes his family would concur.

Yet it all seemed to backfire on him when Jeremiah disagreed. "I think we're more than capable of keeping your wife safe."

Kai snorted steam from his nose. "I don't get what everyone's issue is with this! He's our grandfather! You all know he'd wanna be awake!"

"Unlike the rest of us, you're the prodigal grandson." Evan chuckles at the thought, and Kai shakes his head in disapproval at how obstinate his family was being. He needed to find Vlad's resting spot, and only some of his family members knew where that might be. His alpha tone will work on anybody in their Coven, however, it doesn't work on the Alpha males in their Royal family. Otherwise, if it did, Mr. Collin would've used it on him for the rest of his life.

"I think everyone can agree that we want your dad to keep his full authority over the Collin Coven," Henry replies as he recalled grandpa Vlad had put Mr. Collin in charge of the Coven while he took a rest with their grandma and most of their followers.

No one had any real issue with their blood-related Headmaster because if it wasn't for him and their grandma, none of them would have been born, so they each loved their grandparents dearly. Their main issue is everyone wanted to avoid any war from breaking out.

Another fact, they knew he favored Kai, and if Kai wanted war, then Vlad would be sure to make it happen, and that was their main issue. Whether Kai could take a minute to understand this part, but most of the family wanted to see if the strongest Covens would remain civil. Though it was a slim chance, they each kept their hopes held high for it. Unlike them, after the wars, Kai went to rest once he was sure his Coven was stable enough to stand without the need for him, so his mind is still living in those early ages of chaos, making him more alert. Whereas they have been awake on and off all this time, so their defenses declined by a little, because they had witnessed most of the Covens mellow down since after the second world war broke out. Sure, there may have been single battles with a handful of Covens, but most of the more Superior Covens, like theirs, didn't battle each other too much.

On the other hand, from Mr. Collin's perspective, he could barely handle his unruly son, and now the idea of keeping his father tamed would be near impossible for him to do. Not to mention his mother would be nearly just as bad as her husband. Equally, Kai and Vlad hate humans, and they could care less for their lives, and his mother had a hardened disdain for male humans because early men frequently tried to detain the little ones in their coven, including her grandchildren.

"This is only because you wanna keep power!" Kai gnashed his fangs at his father, who was taken aback by it, just by a little. Part of the other issue, Kai also knew his father didn't want to give up his authority over the Coven.

"Don't be absurd!" Mr. Collin defended himself. "I told you, Vlad, wished to be awoken during the month of the blue moon."

Kai growls viciously at his family. "Nobody from the Vampire Covenant has determined when that might be! For all any of us know, it could be in another ten years. I don't have that kinda time to waste when I need him now for Victoria's sake!"

"If this issue of yours relates to those Mills, then as I told you before, they aren't a concern or threat," Mr. Collin reminded him yet again while he massaged his right temple with his fingertips. Kai was stunned to hear him say such words.

"Your father is right about those Mills. Victoria's love for Orlando will run short before too long," Henry agreed, backing his uncle up.

"So, it is true." Kai stood from the sofa as he meanly scanned each one of his family members within the room. "You've all gone naive to these real threats."

Henry sighed before he replied. "We haven't gone naive to anything. Everyone is still being prudent because there is too much at risk."

"If we act without thinking, you could end up losing your wife before you have any chance to transform her into a vampiress," Jeremiah put in his two insights, and he tried to get his younger cousin to understand.

"I'm going to end up losing her over my own family's stupidity," Kai hissed, clenching his fist tight enough to turn his knuckles pale.

"Relax, brother." Chester gently said as he stood up to comfort him, but Kai stepped aside as he growled.

"Mark my words. I will find Vlad either with or without your help." With that final announcement, he pushed through the double doors in a hurry to get away from them.