**Ch 311: Normal Conversation

"Wow, that is..." Orlando could barely speak. "That is something."

"I know." I put my handbag and jacket on the seat. "It's a lot to take in." I sighed, sitting across from him at the booth with my coffee.

He reached out and touched my hand on the table. "It doesn't change anything between us," he proclaimed. "I'm still waiting to get you back."

"You know it isn't possible." I frowned, thinking I should leave, but a part of me didn't want to. Of course, I listened to the wrong little angel on my shoulder.

"I know Kai broke you to feel this way, but my promise remains," Orlando gently told me, and I felt nervous because I didn't want any of Kai's guardians busting me with my ex.

"Can we drop this subject?" I frowned even gloomier as I slipped my hand away from his warm touch.

"Of course." Orlando consented.

"Are you and Rebecca a thing now?" I don't know why I bothered to ask, but I did.

Orlando laughed. "Only to make you jealous."

I rolled my eyes. "You're childish."

"Yet it worked." Orlando and I both cracked up at his silly conclusion.

"It didn't." I defended. "I only thought you couldn't stand her."

"I can't," he replied.

"You seem closer than you're willing to admit." I say after taking a sip from my coffee.

Orlando shook his head. "If you insist on staying with Kai, why do you care?" he asked, and this time he wasn't as audacious as the first time he asked me. Rather he was amicable and benevolent.

"None of this is easy on me either," I told him truthfully. "Now, you promised me a normal conversation."

Orlando chuckled. "You're the one who brought up Rebecca."

He wasn't wrong there since I did.

"How's your grandpa doing?" I smiled, smoothing things over from mentioning Rebecca.

Orlando chuckled. "The old man is still kicking."

I giggled because I knew Morbius Mill to be a spunky old gentleman who loved to keep himself active.

"How has everything been going with your pregnancy?" Orlando asked. "I'm sure morning sickness hasn't been fun."

I do my best not to chuckle awkwardly. If only he knew I was dealing with the peak of my morning sickness when I stayed with him during the days I was trying to divorce Kai because I thought he cheated on me. Little did I know, he was feeding on someone, and who would've guessed I was actually pregnant? Pregnant with three vamp babies, that is. Orlando didn't know it, but he was already supporting me through my morning sickness, during that time. I can remember it was quite harsh, but it got much worse by the time I was back with Kai to find out vampires are real.

"No, it hasn't been pleasant, but I'm getting through it," I lied as I recall back to those days, I was very sick. Between Orlando and Kai, they both supported me through it. As of recently, the pregnancy has been going smoothly, and all I want to do is eat, but I can't share any of this with Orlando.

"Are you prepared to have triplets?" I didn't understand why Orlando would ask me such a strange question, and my eyebrow cocked upward.

Rather than answering him, I asked him, "What are you getting at?"

"I mean, one baby is hard enough, but adding an extra two would make it more difficult." He clarified what he meant.

Only if he knew how complicated this was really going to be for me. He had no idea that my babies weren't even human. I can only pray that they won't be ruthless killers like their father. And I feel that is the most crucial concern I have with being a human mother. Come to think of it, I must pray not to lose control of myself as a vampiress one day. That thought alone was terrifying to imagine myself feeding on a human.

"I'm sure there will be many challenges I'll have to face, but it doesn't change anything because I love them," I replied heartedly, expressing a compassionate smile as I blocked my worried thoughts.

Orlando's smile is more gentle, but he seemed wary about it. "I'm only worried about you because you shouldn't be with Kai. I can't see him being a father and caring for you or the babies properly."

"I'll be fine," I confirmed. "How is Crystal doing?" It's best to try veering the topic away from Kai and my pregnancy.

"She's doing good, but she misses you." Orlando took the bait as he replied.

"I miss her too." I frowned.

"You should see her sometime," Orlando encouraged. "Before Kai, you guys were inseparable."

"I'll be sure to make an effort to reach out to her," I promised, carrying a deep sadness in my voice. Kai has really taken over my life. It's one thing to forbid me to see Orlando, but Crystal shouldn't have ever mattered. Kai knows I am staying with him, so he shouldn't have to feel I will ever leave him.

"Be honest with me." Orlando got deeper with his question. "Would you come back to me if Grandpa Morbius freed you from him?"

A long sigh blew through my slightly parted lips. Of course, he has to ask me such a deep-hearted question.

"Only if it was a reality, and we worked out the whole incident with you and Ashley, then yes, I would," I say utterly brokenhearted because it was only a dream to think it could ever come true.

"You say that like there isn't any hope for us to be together." Orlando's bright eyes dulled as he sulked when he replied.

"Because there isn't," I confirmed, and it pained him, but then a shine of hope crinkled in his ocean-blue eyes.

"I'll prove you wrong," he declared, taking my words as a challenge, it would seem.

After chatting with him for a little longer, I hugged Orlando goodbye and left for my next class. Just to be cautious, I drowned my body in perfume along the way. To avoid Kai or his friends from smelling Orlando's scent on me. Vampires are sensitive to smells because of how keen their noses are to various odors. That's why they shower more than once a day. To cut back their scent from other vampires' targeting them. Any individual or even vampire has a distinctive scent they can pick up on, but showering and some strong perfumes can block that particular scent. As long as nobody from Kai's clan spotted me with my ex, then I should be in the clear from my husband ever knowing about it.