**Ch 321: Wonderful News

Many more vampires joined the crowds, and I'm not sure how everybody else failed to notice, but small groups of vampires gathered high on top of the campus buildings. Right in the shadow is where they hid within each accessible building on the rooftop. Others leaned up against the corner of the buildings or on the trees. Each vampire hid in plain sight while the crowd cried for the lost.

Tyler and his clan appeared, standing outside the crowd. Those vampires who tried to assault Mia and me, were spread out within the crowd with their clan. There were many I saw at the masked ball, which Kai had forewarned me, that they were their enemies.

"Are you ok?" my body flinched as

Alejandro's voice startled me.

I felt more nervous than baffled as to why the Collin Coven's enemies were gathering here. Without realizing it, the crowd of humans were getting surrounded by these vile creatures, and I didn't understand why.

"I should go home. Tell Crystal I'm sorry I missed her," I notified Alejandro.

"Wait..." his voice trailed off as I veered on my heels to discover Orlando behind me.

"Victoria, I'm so glad you came!" he wrapped me in his arms, and I actually felt safer to be in his arms. Until the feeling vanished because I found Ace leaning up against a building as his eyes intensely watched me nastier than a wolf. Spread out, Kai's guardians were also everywhere. Although, they were watching those eviler vampires instead of me. Still, I didn't see Crystal, but I noticed Zach was talking to a group of guys.

"It's nice to see you too, but I was just leaving," I told Orlando after we hugged.

"I have to talk to you first," Orlando demanded, reaching for my hand.

"Wait, I—"

He gripped my hand into his and dragged me away before I could tell him I couldn't talk. Across from the crowd, he pulled me up against a brick building in the mere shadows. Surprisingly, there were no vampires here, but I still noticed them everywhere else, including Kai's guardians, but I didn't see Ace anymore.

"I can't stay here long, but what did you have to say?" I required to know from Orlando because he seemed overly frisson.

"I have such wonderful news!" he raved excitedly, but I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me because he wouldn't blurt it out already.

"Well, tell me?" I smiled, and he cupped my face into his warm palms.

As my eyes gazed into those deep ocean-blue eyes of his, my heart sang like a harp, and my mind drifted as his voice whispered, "Grandpa Morbius did it, he..."

I didn't hear what he muttered as his lips drew in closer. His breath fanned my lips before I felt our skin touch. Over and over again, our lips peck on and off. Things got hotly heated between us as our lips followed perfectly linked together. Needy and hungry, our lips motion in such a ravishing way as my arms involuntarily wrapped around his shoulder and my other hand held his nape. Outside of my jacket, his hands roamed up and down my waist and backside. I completely lost myself on his tender lips until my mind snapped awake, and I pushed against his chest.

"Stop, this isn't right." I outwardly uttered, breaking my lips free from his.

"How can't this be right?" Orlando questioned me, then he leaned inward to kiss me again, but I kept him back with my palms on his chest.

"I'm married." I reminded him.

Devastation enlarged his pupils as he exclaimed. "That's not fair when you were never once his. You were always mine, and now you will be mine again."

"What are you saying?" I was very perplexed as he was smiling away.

Orlando chimed so gaily, "Grandpa Morbius did it, Victoria!"

"Did what?" I say, baffled.

"Didn't you hear me? He found a way to set you free from Kai!" Orlando announced. "All you have to do is come with me and testify against Kai in court."

I shook my head. This can't be a reality. Still, Orlando wasn't getting it.

"I can't," I uttered, and the excitement in his eyes dimmed.

"I don't understand," he mumbled, brokenhearted. "Don't you love me anymore?"

I swallowed hard. "No, it's not that I don't love you..." I could barely collect my words. "Y-you wouldn't understand. We can't be together. It's not safe to mess with Kai." I tried to be gentle with how I could tell him.

"I don't get it!" Orlando angrily snapped. "I've told you beforehand as long as our love remains, then he can't stop us."

"I do love you, Orlando, but that isn't enough," I told him, and he shook his head in disbelief.

"You promised you'd never be like Zoey!" Orlando reminded me of that day I did tell him I'd never betray him like Zoey betrayed CJ.

Still, to this day, I don't know the real story behind CJ and Zoey. She's been a vampiress long before CJ was born. Truth be told, the whole Collin Coven existed way before the Mill family was born. The only thing that would make sense is that CJ must've fallen in love with her, and he mistook their friendship for a relationship. Perhaps CJ thought she was going to marry him. Crystal's older brother is pushy, and he frequently gets confused about the difference between a friendship and a relationship.

Hence, I understood why Zoey broke his heart. She couldn't tell CJ the Collins were vampires. I may not know their story, on how it went down between them, but I know enough to comprehend that part at least. Although I still can't understand why the Mills feel Chester forced Zoey to marry him whenever she's been married to him. When it comes down to it, none of it makes any sense when you think about it.

"I know I did Orlando, but things have changed. You can't mess with Kai. You have no idea what he's capable of doing." I grimaced as tears invaded my eyes.

"Why are you with him when you're that scared of him? I can help you." Orlando snarled. "I can protect you!"

"No, you can't, Orlando!"

I got around his grasp and went to walk forward, only to halt in my steps. My eyes gaped to see Tyler between the grieving crowd of people, but he wasn't the only one staring at us. Seth and a handful of other vampires from different clans were focused on us too. Orlando came beside me, and he gave me a weird look before he glanced around. Though they weren't anywhere close to one another, Tyler, Seth, and more Alphas and vampires all seemingly made eye contact with Orlando. Then in one blink, they vanished like eerie Phantoms.