**Ch 325: Outnumbered Battle

Somebody abruptly jumped on top of the table, I was underneath. "You know, baby, if Kai didn't kiss you or tell you he was your destined mate, I would've taken in his offspring as my own. But I decided a while ago I'm going to detain them. In fact, if you would've stopped puking up the fake birth control pills Aunt Emily gave you after your ultrasound, those little brats would have already been detained! But no worries, my future wifey, you and I will start a new family after I get rid of Kai and his offspring!" Orlando's threatening voice emitted above me from under the table.

From the very beginning, they knew I was pregnant before I even did when I stayed with them. I knew those pills Emily prescribed to me tasted like poison. All along, those pills were toxic to my unborn babies, but luckily I stopped taking them.

"Go back to Kai, Melody, and don't trust them..." Those whispering words from my mother's ghostly spirit jarred my memory from when I stayed with Orlando. Now I understood what my mother's warning was, she meant don't trust the Mills.

Over a long minute, everyone got quiet. Not a single sound was heard inside the warehouse. Bone-chilling quietness further terrified me because I knew they were toying with me.

"Come out, babe! I promise my bite won't hurt. I know you'll love it." My body shuddered whenever I heard Orlando's voice break through the frightening silence as he still stood on the table right above my head.

Several tears swelled in each of my eyelids. I couldn't believe Orlando had been a vampire, an Alpha vampire, at that. The whole time, they all deluded me. Other than not telling me the truth about them being vampires, Kai never once lied to me about them. My heart shattered to learn the man I love and my friends I saw as my family had all betrayed me in the worst sickening way.


My ankle was grabbed tightly, and I was roughly yanked out from underneath the table after a few tires were rolled out of the way. Orlando picked me up from under my armpits, and he smashed me against this construction Cat vehicle.

His eyes were blood-red, and his fangs slightly showed between his parted smirk.

"There's my beautiful fiancee." He opened his mouth and roughly bent my neck sideways.


"Leave her alone!"

When I screamed, Mia jumped in from on top of the rusted yellow construction vehicle, and she somehow managed to kick Orlando in the head-side, which knocked him away. She dropped to the cemented flooring with a smooth landing, facing Crystal on the opposite side of the table from me.

"Kai is coming, Victoria!" Mia shouted, and then she hissed at Crystal.

Crystal flew up in the air to attack her as Mia did the same. Their bodies clashed together with such a loud bone-breaking whump that it echoed in the warehouse. Using their claws and fangs, they bit and clawed at each other, levitating in the air. Until Crystal gained the upper hand and she smashed Mia on her back onto the hardened floor. Her fangs were brisk to sink deeply into Mia's neck.

In severe agony, Mia screamed as Crystal tore pieces of her flesh off her neck, which had her blood pouring out by the gallon. Then Alejandro's wife joined in on the opposite side of her neck. Approximately from where I stood, I glanced everywhere to find whatever item I can use to strike the vampiresses with, to help Mia out.

"Watch out for Orlando, Victoria!" Mia shrieked in torment.

I realized Orlando was getting up, and he faced me with fury until his ominous sight looked past my shoulder. As I stepped backwards, my backside hit something vast.

"You need to stay behind me." Evan's steady voice spoke to me whenever Mia's screaming went silent. He moved me to the side of him as I glimpsed around and saw his guardians everywhere, from crawling on the ceiling to walking along the floor or walls. All at the exact time, twice as many guardians from Orlando's, Zach's, and Alejandro's clans were facing Evan's clan, so they must've mentally summoned their guardians to get here. Evan's clan was terribly outnumbered, yet, they remained valorous in the face of danger.

In a three, two, one count, they charged and mauled each other. Arms and legs were getting mutilated off their joints. Blood started dripping from the high ceiling as they battled upside down from my standpoint. A handful would fall to the floor after being detained. Spread out on the floor, vampires were also in a full-on battle too. Right down to their bare skin, clothing was getting shredded off their upper bodies. Like brutal beasts, they ripped one another apart without hesitation. Gallons of blood saturated the floor and splattered on the walls and the glass windows. Droplets of blood still rained from the ceiling as vampires fought above my head.

Taking my attention from the vampires attacking each other, my sight veered towards Orlando, and I watched as his tan crinkled away to ash and his handsome face turned hideous like the true nature he had hidden beneath himself.

"I've been waiting for this moment to duel with you," Orlando taunted Evan as he spiked his thick claws like a dragon from his curled fingertips.

"I'm all yours." Evan curtly sneered.

He pushed me back right before both Alphas pounced on each other like mighty lions. To protect my body, I ducked under a wooden round table, which stood next to another construction vehicle.

Their bodies rolled and tumbled on the floor as their fangs and claws slashed into their chests and stomachs. Orlando was quick to gain the advantage to pin Evan to the ground underneath him. With one strike after another, Orlando's claws tore into his casual dress suit like he was a ferocious werewolf. Around Evan's torso, Orlando ripped right into his flesh. Until Evan kicked his feet up, and threw Orlando off of him with such force that he went flying away.

In grave pain, Evan shrieked as blood was seeping from the deep gash wounds on his chest as he weakly stood up. The upper part of his suit was shredded so badly that it looked like stringy rags hanging off from his shoulders. Almost his whole chest, and his abs were exposed, and it was all sliced up with thick crisscrossed wounds and hanging flesh. On top of that, he wasn't healing. His skin was turning a cadaverous appearance.

Orlando wickedly laughed as he unexpectedly reached him with his hand stretched out. "You've lost, Evan!"

"You won't have her!" Evan screeched in pain before he fell to his knees. Blood gushed from his ears, mouth, and eyes as Orlando used his powerful gift on him. I couldn't believe I was witnessing Orlando taking Evan down. One by one, his clan was losing to them too.