**Ch 326: Harsh Words

One of Evan's advisors shouted from somewhere above the ceiling. "Victoria, get out of here!"

He didn't have to tell me twice to get the heck out of there. After Evan's last terrifying shriek, I sidestepped my leg out from being underneath the table, and then I stood upright. I immediately turned away right as Orlando bit into Evan's neck to detain him. As I carefully sprinted along the slippery bloodshed that covered the floor, I had to evade many detained vampires, plus I had to steer away from the others fighting, which spread on the floor. More vampires flew down from the ceiling, and they continuously fought at ground level. As I was nearing the door, my hair was yanked, and I got pulled into a vast chest.

"Hello, Victoria." Max's voice hissed into my ear before I felt his sharp fangs dig at my flesh to perforate holes into the crook of my neck as he bent my head back into his body.

Off to the side from our left across the floor, Zach's authority echoed our way once he had tossed away one of Evan's guardians that he had detained. "Max, don't you dare feed on her! We need her alive, not dead! Take her back to the Mill's mansion! She belongs to Orlando!"

"I guess it's your lucky break," Max's whispering breath grazed into my ear, which sheerly repulsed me.

Just as my kicking feet were lifted from the floor, they instantly fell back down, and Max released me when he wailed in pain. I spun around to see Glenn set his whole body on fire. Max howled as he rolled around on the floor, attempting to put the flames out. But before he could succeed in putting out the flames that enveloped his body, he was detained. Making a fist with his hand, Glenn smoldered the fire, and now Max's body was a burned corpse.

"Get outside!" Glenn told me in a serious, strict tone. And I quickly got out of there. Outside the warehouse, I heard the battling chants echoing outside from across the abandoned property. All of a sudden, as I was jogging as fast as I could, for being pregnant, Kai appeared in front of me with Rome, Ivan, Jack, and Ace. John and his clan had also appeared next to them. Before I could say they were in trouble, Kai seized my wrist and tugged me into his body. The next thing I knew, I was feeling sick and dizzy as my surroundings swirled together like paint splashing over a portrait. Within a snap of a photo, I was tossed on the bed from inside the bedroom, and then the glass doors got shut in a hurry. My stomach churned rotten, and I ran to the bathroom and vomited my dinner in the toilet. After I cleaned my mouth, I cried on the bed for who knows how long as my worries increased by the hour.

Midnight arrived, and the bedroom door unlocked before Kai came in as I sat upright from the bed. My puffy eyes gaped at the shredded clothes that hung like drapes on his upper shoulders. As his heavy steps took him to enter his closet, I noticed not once did he peer my way. I cautiously crawled off of the mattress as I heard him shuffling through his things once I neared the edge of his closet.


My eyes peeked in as he was fastening the buttons together on his black dress shirt. Still, he didn't bother to take one glimpse at me as he was seemingly focusing on his shirt. A cold shiver crept into my skin once he dropped his arms down, and he faced me with this most petrifying look. Those parlous red eyes seared right into my spirit as he took a minute to scowl at me.

Then he stepped forward with quite the aggression as he spoke harshly. "I need to show you something."

He grasped my wrist firmly enough that I couldn't resist if I tried, yet he remained hindered from harming me as he marched me into Ivan's and Mia's room. Already inside before our arrival, Rome, Veronica, Jack, and Ace were at the front of the bed. My eyes followed theirs, and I found Ivan gravelly weeping. Instantly my heart ached to see Mia detained. Dried-out discolored brown skin overlaid on her boney body. Her light brown and blonde hair was thinner and it merely hung to her nearly bald skull. Her mouth was open with this haunting expression of the sheer pain she went through. To make matters extensively worse, her head was barely attached to her neck from how brutally Crystal and Alejandro's wife severed it. Poor Ivan buried his face into her boney chest, and I felt an unbearable ache for him. Once I peered at Kai, I wish I hadn't. No, differently than a metal spear, his eyes gored right into my already torn heart and soul.

"This is why I said over a thousand times to stay away from those Mills!" Kai raged in my face. "As a Queen, you are to protect your vampiresses and their little ones! If Ivan got detained and I couldn't recover his body for whatever the case would be, then Mia would forever be lost! She has no offspring to wake her up! Ivan is the only one who can!"

"I understand," I merely whispered.

"I don't think you do!" the guttural in his voice made him roar while everyone else didn't speak. "As of now, we are down one Alpha because Evan got detained, and half of his clan has been detained as well. That leaves us vulnerable until they wake up. Before they can, they have to go into a detained sleep to heal themselves from the venom they sustained from that attack!"

"I know, Kai, and I'm sorry. But you never told me the Mills were vampires!" I sobbed. "You never said Orlando, Alejandro, and Zach were Alphas."

"That's because I was trying to protect you–" He briefly held out his hand toward everyone else. "–And I was trying to prevent anything like this from happening to the Coven! Unlike my father and most of my relatives. I wasn't in denial that this was bound to happen, but nobody listened to me, not even my mate!"

"I'm sorry!" I cried, causing more tears to fall off my face.

"Sorry, doesn't cut it! You better learn from this mistake and be the Queen I need you to be! I need you by my side for our clan and Coven after I transform you!" Kai hissed in my face. All I could do was shake my head that I would be, then I was out of there.