**Ch 346: Symbolized with a Rose

Since she wasn't answering him, Gaston second-guessed himself, so he quickly added with a stammer. "Unless y-you want to be alone, I-I can leave."

Morticia giggled as she warmly replied. "Company would be nice."

Mr. Collin beamed even brighter when he heard her soft welcome. So he rolled up his brown elastic pants before he placed his feet beside hers in the water, and he took a seat next to her on the first step.

"I'm sorry about Griffin," Gaston uttered as he tapped the side of his left knee, which wasn't in her view to notice it. Although, it certainly didn't go unnoticed by me catching the fact that he felt anxious.

"It's fine," Morticia replied. "I'd rather know now than after we were already married."

"Yes, it could've been worse. Uhm, excuse me." Gaston agreed as he crackly chuckled before he cleared his throat.

"Certainly!" Morticia giggled, though she brushed more dolorous teardrops away, but her strong smile remained.

"Do you know when they're getting married?" Gaston asked, and it seemed like he was only dragging this out.

"After your wedding with Emily, they'll be the next to get married. Then I suppose you all will probably have your first offspring with the second generation," Morticia expressed with a delighted smile as more tears streamed through her eyes. She was doing everything she could to control them, but she had a mixture of cheerful and woeful tears.

Gaston exhaled a low breath, and then he uttered softly. "What if I told you there was a good reason why this happened?"

"What do you mean?" Morticia asked, baffled, so he symbolized the meaning with the rose he had plucked for her.

"Why are you giving me a red rose?" Her eyes gaped in shock at receiving such an intimate token as she pinched it between her fingertips.

"Giving roses to each other has special meanings," Kai told me, and I remembered reading briefly about it.

Mr. Collin cupped his fingers underneath her jaw, and then he dried her tears away with his thumbs. Not saying a word, he gently kissed her lips, tenderly sealed to her skin. Facing all the emotional pain and happiness for her older sister, she easily got swept off her feet. Her palms held his nape and face as the rose twirled into the water when she dropped it. Between the strands of her long curly red hair, he repositioned his fingers right under her right earlobe, and his thumb relaxed on her jaw. Over a good solid minute, their lips dissolved together as they kissed on and off in their pecking movement. Their mouths motion and rotate into a rhythm as they softly pant between their lips. Starting at her left hip, he used his free hand and began to trace the outline of her body as he caressed his palm along her side. Once he stroked her ribcage, she shoved him away whenever she realized what she was doing was improper and wrong.

"This isn't right!" Morticia asserted. "You're getting married!"

"I'm not marrying, Emily," Gaston proclaimed. "But I will marry you."

"You're talking crazy! You're having doubts about getting married!" Morticia expressed with a wide circular gap on her mouth and eyes.

"I'm not having any doubts because you are my destined mate," Gaston revealed to her as more confusion swept through her mind. As of now, he completed the first two steps to set the bond between them.

After barely taking a moment to think, Morticia angrily rejected him. "I won't do this to Emily! We can't be together. Morbius hates my father as it is! How dare you lie like this just to cause us trouble!"

"Let this sink i—" A hand slapped him across the face as he spoke.

"Stay away from me!" Morticia yelled before she withered into sparkly dust particles when she left.

"Well, that didn't go well," I commented as Kai's dad briefly held his sore cheek when he stared at the rose in the water.

"She needs more time. This is why Ace waited to tell Rose. My mom was already facing heartbreak when my dad told her," Kai explained, and I understood that.

"I didn't know Morbius still hates Vincent after all these years," I noted after I realized what his mom said.

"Morbius and his allies have always been trouble. Anyhow, touch my Dad's arm before he leaves," Kai replied as I watched his dad.

Mr. Collin picked up the rose from out of the water. He gently shakes the water droplets off it as he stands. Just before he left, I touched his arm, and we arrived inside his bedroom. Outside the marble window, I noticed it was getting late. For over an hour, he paced back and forth until a knock tapped on the door. He opened it up, and I smiled to see it was Kai's mother.

"I'm sorry I hit–"

Not allowing her to finish her apology, Mr. Collin pulled her into his arms and kissed her as he swung the door shut with his hand. Their hands were all over each other as they kissed wildly like they were two animals in heat. She caressed her fingernails over every ripple on his firm abs and upward to his pecs. Layers of her dress started to get tossed off her body, and then he picked her up to straddle the front of his crotch.

"Ok, Kai, pull me out!" I hollered as I turned away, but that's when I realized outside the window was a blood moon that revealed itself from behind the clouds. They were enticed by the moon, and with the overbearing emotions that got triggered from them discovering they're destined mates.

"What's wrong?" Kai played stupid.

"I'm not interested in watching your parents do it!" I complained while he laughed.

"Why not? We might learn some good pointers," Kai teased while I wasn't finding this to be funny.

"There is something wrong with your head!" I shook my head as he cracked up.

Since he wasn't getting me out, I walked through a wall as I heard his parents moaning. On the outside of the door, I still heard them moaning, but I was too shocked to care because I discovered Mr. Mill and Dwight were standing outside his bedroom door. Anger streaked their red eyes to hear Kai's parents' intimate affair.

"Mr. Mill and Dwight are here," I notified Kai.

"I see that," Kai noted. "I'm going to take you out for a break."

"Shouldn't I peek around?" I suggested. "Maybe there could be more clues we could gather on what happened."

"There is nothing we can do about it. This was so far back into the past that it doesn't matter anymore." Kai rejected my idea as he pulled me out.