**Ch 365: Kai's seethed Wrath

"Someone summon Jack while I call Victoria," Kai told them before he called his wife. Strange enough, when he called, the phone had no ring tone. So he dialed again but got the same dead response. 

"I can't reach her," Kai outwardly frets.

"Jack isn't responding to me either," Ace announced, expressing his concern.

Rome then added to inform them as his complexion paled. "So far, none of the Guardians I've reached out to won't answer my summon or text, but I'm still trying to reach the others I haven't contacted yet."

Nothing about this was making any sense as to why they couldn't get ahold of any of them. Out of options, Kai did the only next logical idea he could think of, so he tapped into the frequency to sense his unborn offspring. 

His heart raced until his heartbeat floundered into the depth of all bleakness, and his palms got cold as his vision darkened when he blacked out for mere seconds. A burning sensation heated into the back of his head as he felt nauseous to discover all three of his offspring had been detained. To even think they were detained so instantaneously that none of them had any chance to call for him has made him want to vomit the gallons of blood he recently drank up.

"We need to get there," Rome's voice echoed into his ears, and his eyes snapped awake at the slim chance that maybe Victoria wasn't dead yet.

"Get someone to watch the baby!" Kai panicked. "Something happened to them. My offspring were detained. Tell Rose and the vampiresses who are with her to get back here now."

Rome and Ace were wordless to him announcing something this dreadful. Ace couldn't fathom how Kai felt right now. For Kai's sake, he collected his head. So Ace concentrated on what he needed to do with the baby as he quickly summoned his wife.

Hardly anybody was home at the mansion. Rose's parents went on a date, and his parents were at a business dinner party with Kai's parents. Everyone else was either with Mr. Collin. Or they were too busy doing their own thing. A good handful were heading over to Evan's party. Other vampires were doing their assigned jobs by being on guard duty to closely watch inside or outside of the mansion to keep everyone safe.

Most of the vamp or human teens or kids were in bed for school. Not that Ace would leave his baby with any of them. So he only had one option on who he trusted.

Darlene walked into the living room. She beamed to hear Ace call her to watch the baby. For being a minion, Darlene was still trustworthy because she loved vamp babies. Plus, she'd never dare cross anyone in the Collin Coven, especially her Master.

After Rose had the baby, Darlene has been helping her out while she recovered whenever Ace was busy with something he had to do.

Being an advisor, he still had work and responsibilities that required his attention. Under the Alphas, Ace was at the highest Rank a vampire could reach to be the right-hand vampire for the Alpha he chose to work for, which was Kai in his case.

"Rose will be here soon. I gave him blood, so he should be good. If he's fussy, he's only crying for his mother," he notified Darlene with an updated rundown.

"If there are any problems, I'll reach out to you or Rose," Darlene reassured him, and then they disappeared.


Faint smells of human blood were one of the first things Kai and his three advisors caught a whiff of after they arrived in the lobby with Kai's other guardians.

"Spread out," Kai ordered in a quiet tone. In different directions, everyone vanished to do just that. Catching Victoria's scent, Kai quickly dashed to the dinosaur gallery. His steps were steady, and the smell of blood got stronger as he followed the pathway through these reassembled dinosaur bones. Unsteady heartbeats pulsated rapidly against his chest as he neared the triceratops display. Blood stained the horns and the head of the triceratops that stood in front of the display. Kai closed his eyes upon the realization that he smelled Victoria's blood on it. His stomach churned in tighter knots to think his wife was dead. 

Life became meaningless without his family, and he had that sudden wish to detain himself from the unforgivable pangs that kept piercing his heart into a hollow void. Whoever dared have the guts to kill his mate will ultimately pay for their egregious mistake. Kai growled at the inward thought.

"I found Jack." Kai's eyes burst apart when he heard Glenn's voice resound to his ears from somewhere ahead. From here, he bolted over to where Glenn was by the Raptor display.

"REX!" he growled a deep rumbling roar from his vocals, now that he knew the culprit.

In a solid icicle, Jack naturally stood with his right shoe slightly forward, and his arms were down. It was an obvious indication that he was walking before he knew Rex's adviser nailed him with his ice gift. 

Ace and Rome came to them with a few guardians.

"The guardians are spread out everywhere, and every one of them has been turned into ice," Ace informed Kai, but he didn't respond. In his deadly silence, his wrath was searing through his blood.

"Oh, Jack!" Sharlene showed up from out of nowhere after she felt her unborn baby's distressed alert about Jack once he or she woke up not too long ago. Just because Sharlene pushed Jack away didn't imply she denied him having a bond with the offspring she carried.

"I'm going to detain Savannah!" Sharlene gritted her teeth.

She stepped forward to touch Jack's icy face, but Glenn was quick to grab her wrist. "Don't touch him!" he warned. "You and your unborn baby will turn into ice too."

She took his word for it and stayed back.

"I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not, but your father is here with Chester and some of your cousins," one of Kai's guardians notified him before he handed him Victoria's burnt phone.

Kai held it in his palm. The screen was shattered beyond repair, and the phone itself, was burnt to a crisp. There was nothing salvageable about it. Out of vexation, he squeezed her phone into his palm too hard, crumbling it apart into tiny bits of dust.

"Thaw them out," he emitted, staying rather seethed without rancor. Although, his eyes foreshadowed his perilous enmity brewing through him. An ominous warning came from his malevolent gaze, which made everyone's senses go on alert. Any wrong move, and they knew Kai would lose it, and it wouldn't be pretty once he unleashed his wrath. None of them were certain they could handle Kai because this involved his wife and offspring.