**Ch 366: The Beast Awaken

Glenn cautiously went over towards Jack. The palm on his right hand glowed like a red hot iron before he grabbed Jack's wrist. Steam sizzled around his hand, and the ice cracked before it broke apart into chunks while some icy chips melted into his clothes.

Jack growled in pain, and Glenn released his wrist. His claws were out as Glenn was ready to block Jack's attack until he realized it was only him. Jack first relaxed before withdrawing his claws into normal-sized fingernails.

"You're OK!" Sharlene flew into his arms and hugged him super tight. It didn't matter that his clothes were damp because she was too happy that he was okay.

With a puzzled expression, Jack hugged her, yet he was slightly confused since all she did was compel him away. Before he mistakenly got her pregnant, they had a good relationship and friendship, but her weird pregnancy hormones caused them a lot of strain after Rex had done this to them. The fact that she was finally hugging him has warmed his heart in a way she wouldn't understand.

Once Sharlene released his neck, Jack asked when he looked at everyone in front of him, "What happened?"

"Rex attacked you, and he took Victoria," Kai's sharp, austere voice replied before Glenn tiptoed away to thaw out everyone else.

"Savannah!" Jack gritted his teeth. "She blocked their scent!"

Kai didn't speak because he was still doing what he could to keep his demeanor tranquil as he mentally assessed the situation. Hunters were known for their games, and right now, Rex won his prize by taking Victoria. He understood an Alpha's venom was potent and effective. In little to no time, he acknowledged Victoria and his offspring wouldn't have a chance to summon him because the pain was too excruciating. 

Vampires and vampiresses each have toxic venom that renders their victims powerless. Vampires, in general, have more powerful venom than vampiresses, but Alphas have triple times the toxicity compared to anyone else. No doubt, Kai knew Rex would be the one to bite her to make his claim over her. Which meant there was a small window that she was still alive.

Hence, there was another problem that appeared in Kai's predicament. Soon that window would close because detained unborn vamp babies will eventually kill the mother. Unless they are surgically removed, but he doubted Rex had any plans for that. He'll keep her alive long enough until he's done playing with her. As he thought about these horrible images of all the things Rex was doing to his mate, he clutched his fists tightly as his face turned crimson.


He offishly scowled at Rome for interrupting his thoughts. Any other time, Rome was always able to tame him down. Currently, he felt like if he tried now, Kai, would likely rip his head off his neck. The thought of that made Rome swallow hard, so he chose to zip it for once in his life.

Kai inhaled as he walked around while everybody else stayed still and quiet. Not once did he smell Rex's scent or anybody else's from his clan, not even a tiny whiff of it. Savannah blocked it so well that he couldn't trace it.

"He needs to be taken to the ICU right away!" Zoey's voice resounded to Kai's ears as he had momentarily forgotten his family was there.

"Kai, wait!" Ace tried calling him, but he took off too quickly.

Right in the corridor was where he went, and he smelled his wife was here not too long ago. Barely up ahead, a man was being lifted onto a stretcher so he could be taken to the hospital. Human blood was all Kai could smell just before his father made eye contact with him down the corridor. Soon to follow Mr. Collin's gaze were Chester, Zoey, Evan, and everybody else who was present.

"Stay back, Kai!" Mr. Collin warned as he saw the monstrous expression.

"You expect me to stay back when my wife is gone!" Kai growled, lurking in their direction.

Mr. Collin frowned as he tried to reason with him. "Harming Larry won't bring Victoria back. You need to regroup yourself, and then we'll find her."

After pausing his steps, Kai took another inhale. Like replaying a video, he saw every step she took, which led right down to Larry's puddle of blood. Not too far from it, he could see where her phone sparked into flames because someone in Rex's clan has the gift to create electricity like Ace can do as well.

"It's his fault!" Instead of reaching out to me, she was too busy trying to save him!" Kai bellowed, putting all the blame on Larry, who was barely alive.

"It's not Larry's fault!" Mr. Collin yelled, but Kai started to charge.

"I'm going to kill him!" he growled as his pace quickened, but before he could reach him.

Zoey faced him, which had Chester go on alert since she wasn't thinking either. Kai was known to be merciless even to vampiresses who tried to face him on the battlefields. He was known to strike anyone with his wrath. Though Kai was never known to hurt any vampiresses in his Coven, however, Chester didn't trust him right now. Ever since he awakened, he has been unpredictable with his mood swings. Now that Kai lost his connection with Victoria and his offspring, Chester knew he literally lost his mind.

Zoey hissed her fangs. "I won't let you harm my patient!"

Kai broadened his chest and height to be perfectly straight as his vocals rumbled a deadly warning for her to back away, but she wouldn't. To further show his dominance, his skin cracked throughout his body into silvery gray tissues, and his upper cheekbones sank inward as his irresistible facial features deformed into a ferocious demonic-looking appearance. His eyes burned like deep fire pits, and his claws grew three inches wide and two inches thick. He towered her as his chest rumbled like a sinister beast that had been awakened.

"I'm gonna kill him, not harm him!" Kai roared in the hope that she would back away, but still, she didn't.

"You need to turn back, Kai, and leave!" Mr. Collin warned as he walked up to protect Zoey from him, and Chester did the same to protect his mate.

Kai discorded viciously, and he stepped forward. "Not until I cut him into tiny pieces!"

"Larry has a family! His wife just had a baby!" Mr. Collin snarled.

Kai chuckled malevolently. "Then his family can die with him!"

"He's under my protection!" Mr. Collin growled, but he didn't care.

Kai charged, so Chester jumped in front of Zoey and his father. Thick green vines burst out of the walls, and they entangled around Kai's neck, arms, and legs. It stopped him, so he stood still as he looked at his ankles and wrists that had him seized in a tight lock. Everyone thought Chester had him until he evilly chortled, which petrified them.