Dragon Knight then backed up slowly with his magic wand pointing at Enzo until he was about 20 feet away.
'Is he a wizard or a sorcerer?' Enzo thought.
This is the first encounter he was having with a magic class in the game. Enzo didn't know much about them because he didn't feel much of a need to research them, but it was easy to guess that a person carrying a magic wand would be using a magician type class.
The crowd around them started cheering as they backed up to give space to Enzo and Dragon Knight.
Enzo specifically heard shouts from his friends encouraging him.
"Kill that rando, Dragon Knight!"
"Show him how we Dragon Hunters do it!"
'Dragon Hunters?'
Enzo then observed the friends seriously for the first time.
[Dragon Archer]
[Level 10]
[Dragon Assassin]
[Level 10]
All of them had the same naming scheme as Dragon Knight.
'I wonder if all of them also have names that don't match their classes?' Enzo wondered, because although his name was Dragon Knight, he obviously wasn't using the Knight class.
Enzo unsheathed his katana and got ready to fight. There was no way he was going to pass up the opportunity to get more experience with fighting other players, win or lose. That's one of the reasons why he was so okay with provoking the arrogant knight.
"We doing this to the death?" Enzo asked with a smile.
"Of course you idiot." Dragon Knight answered with disdain visible on both his face and in his voice.
"Hehe." Enzo chuckled.
A fight to the death would not only offer much more fighting experience, but also give him the opportunity to kill the arrogant bastard.
"3. 2. 1. Go!" One of Dragon Knight's friends yelled.
Dragon Knight immediately waved his magic wand in a circle to cast a spell.
"Fireball!" He shouted.
A large orange fireball with a diameter of around 3 feet (1 m) popped out of the tip of the wand and flew towards Enzo at a very fast speed.
Luckily, Enzo had a lot of time to prepare because of the delay between when Dragon Knight shouted the name of his attack and when the attack appeared.
He dove to the side, causing the fireball to shoot past him and into the crowd.
It still burnt some of his skin because of how close it was, but the damage was negligible.
Enzo jumped up and started running towards Dragon Knight with his sword in both hands and pointed diagonally down behind him.
However, he was only able to make it a few feet closer before he had to dodge another fireball.
Enzo jumped to the ground, then got up as quickly as he could to continue running towards Dragon Knight.
"Stop jumping to the ground you little bitch!
Enzo rolled on the ground this time instead of a full on dive, allowing him to get back up to his feet faster.
Enzo was able to make it just a few feet farther before the next fireball came at him this time because of the roll, so he decided to continue doing that.
"Agh!" Dragon Knight shouted in anger.
Enzo was only about 10 feet away from the knock off version of Harry Putter now.
That's when Dragon Knight finally decided to switch up the spell.
"Avada Kedavera!" He shouted in an odd voice.
A blast of green lightning shot out from his wand towards Enzo's direction.
The bad thing about this new spell is that it is much faster than the fireball, but the good thing about the spell is that the diameter is much smaller than the fireball.
Enzo was able to easily dodge the spell even though it was very fast because of Dragon Knight's insistence on shouting out the spell he would use before doing it.
"You really should stop yelling out your spells Harry Putter!" Enzo yelled as he continued to run.
He didn't even need to roll this time to dodge, he only had to lean to one side and the blast of lightning shot past his shoulder.
[You have marked Dragon Knight as your prey.]
The notification signaling the activation of his spell finally appeared.
Enzo was mostly just instigating this fight for fun and for experience so he didn't really see Dragon Knight as his prey like the monsters he fights until now. Once he was ready to strike down his weapon he felt that Dragon Knight really was his prey.
After the Predator's Mark skill activated, his Insight skill also activated.
A slight golden glow showed itself on Dragon Knight's neck.
Enzo was only 4 or so feet away from Dragon Knight at this point, so he finally swung his sword in the direction of Dragon Knight's neck.
"You're not going to be the boy who lived anymore Harry Putter!" Enzo shouted.
However, the magician wasn't just going to sit there and watch as his neck was sliced off. He ducked under the katana and jumped back after standing up.
"Lightning Bolt!"
This time a much faster, but blue colored, lightning bolt flew at Enzo.
It struck him right in the middle of his chest because of how close Enzo now was to him and because of how fast the new lightning bolt was.
The attack didn't do much damage relative to how much damage other attacks would do, but the real damage lay in the aftereffects of it.
Enzo quickly realized he could no longer move any part of his body.
Luckily for Enzo, the paralysis only lasted for no longer than a second, and the casting time of the fireball was more than a few seconds.
Enzo jumped to the side without being able to roll away this time, and the fireball grazed his ear.
It didn't hurt much, but Enzo could tell some of his ear was seared and a few hairs were singed.
'I need a new strategy.' He thought to himself.
Charging at the magician just wasn't working, because he could always just run away.
I'm sure you guys are tired of me saying it by now, but I really am surprised again by how much support we got yesterday on the novel. Welcome to the over 30 new readers who added the novel to their library, I hope you enjoy it.