
The black Nativity

Deep In a maze of dense forest lives a house. A house nestled by the surrounding massive trees that create a large pocket called home to a coven of witches. Housing them in the center of this alcove is a giant odd looking tree, with strange face carvings decorating the trunk. But also house-like structures built in and around, Decorated by falling dark leaves tinged with a reflecting changing color. They sadly fall down from above luminated by a yellow harvest moon during an O so special night.

Deep below under the tree house there's a room. A room where light does not exist, only the darkness that slowly feeds, even the aspect of being seen does not exist in this room within the tree's roots.

"AAAHHH!… AHHHAHAAA! hew hoo hew hoo"

"Breath sister Outis. You can do this, here hold my hand" said a cloaked woman with a large build. CRUNCH

"AHHHHHHHHmmmmmmmmhh my hand you ahhhh" the large woman says, holding in her cries of pain.

Blowing on her crushed hand repeatedly.

"Maybe you should have let me do that Helga kekehee" says a smaller cloaked woman who waves her creepy scarecrow like a wooden hand.

"This is not the time for jokes, Katee. It's happening, The hour is approaching AND! We cannot let our sister down again. Letting the coven continue Like how it is, Never"

"We know sister, It won't fail this time. the ritual is flawless and sister Outis is... determined this time"

"AAHHAAAAAAAAIIIIIIE(ear piercing screams) shut up and help me, Starahahhaaarrr starrrrrrrrrrt the the thaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Start the fucking chanting!"


The six women around Outis panicked and formed a circle around Outis and started to sing. As the song continues the candles around dim heavily and change into a light blue flame.

in unison they sing "Abaddon angel of the abyss wielder of the key of reckoning bless this offering we give to you and part with us a vestige of your great power the dark depths that consume all (prayers in another language) βυθίστε τη λάμψη του Θεού give us the power. give this child powers alike give him your blessing....

The air starts to freeze becoming hard, almost impossible to breathe. So hard the other women struggle to sing, shivering against this evil force, These witches who commune with evil daily are shivering quite possibly afraid, but afraid of what?

One of the witches opens her eyes while still singing. Unavailable to hold her curiosity she notices there isn't any sound.

"Wait I can't hear screaming, I can't hear myself"

She sees that Outis is lying there on the stone altar. Frantically moving in pain The breath from her screams erupts misty clouds but no sound.

"what is happening, I can't hear a thing"

Candles placed around the room start to flicker, Some fully extinguished as they change to a white shimmering flame with a black outline. All at once they flicker and everything goes dark.

"Shit do the others notice, Am I the only one, Shit I cant stop chanting I I I can't let them and Outis down, I have to keep singing".

Then it appeared walking past the shaking witch, Slowly towards Outis. With no sound or presence, like it did not exist, as if it took everything of this world and made it black, made it empty and cold. Standing over 7 feet hiding its appearance under black robes and hood in the visage of the reaper itself, getting closer to our Outis.

"The shaking won't stop. My toes I feel them cracking off like I've been standing in snow for days , lips chapped and bleeding but their still moving on their own, singing the song darkness falls over my shoulders. But for Outis anything even this" she closes her eyes, hands held tight together praying but not to god.

The being reach's out with a glowing white hand from its robes to the child in Outis's stomach.

"This is it, it's happening, there's no way this child will fail. None of the other rituals happened like this....."