
Nurturing of the Stillborn

Hiding in the forest is a rumored coven that lives and dies for her ruling majesty Queen Elizibeth the 1st. But who would believe that a bunch of witches work for the ruler of church and state, hmm who knows, who could even fathom that witches could be reasoned with. But there's one thing everyone in Europe does know, they're real and out there. In every corner that mold grows a witch will be waiting for your guard to drop.

"When in name of cock sucking god is class gonna start" said a wild looking child, Spiky bright red hair and a face covered in claw mark like scars.

"It's only been 5 minutes since class started, Reyna, you loud monkey." Say's a small girl with white hair, a bowl cut, and large doll-like eyes. Sitting at her desk looking off into space.

"NO its been 6 cock sucking minutes" said Reyna

"Gosh you can't stop with the cock sucking Reyna, can yooou, or we could talk more about it later. in my room you hotblooded dope" says a taller skinny boy with purple slick hair covering half of his eye.

"KNOCK IT OFF KOIL" Reyna shouted with panic in his voice " I'm so sick of your shit, you gotta stop talking to me"

"Ahh the ire of real man" he takes a deep breath in "haaaa so pungent, I hope class never starts" Koil looks at Reyna ravenously.

"Who knows?" said the white haired girl. "Like it bothers me" replied a tan boy in the back with his head shaved all except a point in the front.

"Drop dead I'm sick of talking to kids" say's Reyna

"Maybe we have a new sibling" said in a tired voice by a lazy looking girl with long blond hair and freckles.

The class stops to think wow whose kid is it and why haven't we seen it around or any of the mothers pregnant.

"Hey Brosac do you think that's what happened I mean we don't know much but are really getting a new brother or sister" said the white haired girl

"Don't get your hopes up Quilo it's not easy for our mothers to have kids like us"

"but we barely get to see Mother Outis, and she never shows up for class" Said the blond girl

"Okay we should stop, some things we just shouldn't pry into, Mother Outis especially. The older kids don't even ask about her kids" says Koil

Reyna "like it matters I'm the best and no stupid baby like the rest of you can stand up to"

Creaking of a door opening.

Panic and horror run through the kids as they move as if a fire was up their ass and the only way to put it out was sitting at their wood desks. Moving them back into rows and sitting down all while the door opens

"Good Morning class" in a sensual voice that has an uneasy weight to every word she speaks, as if you're drowning in water as you listen.

The class sweating from moving an organized circle to a straight line looks back to see.

"This is your new brother Vatu, he's is 12 years old and joining today's class"

A small boy with thick black hair and pale white skin clutches tight to a tall woman that looks to be in her thirties. Black eyeliner with slick straight black hair running down her back, lips tattooed black with a symbol resembling a curving star that leads down the left side of her mouth.

"Go on sweetie pull up a desk and take a seat"

He lets go barley looking up at the class face flushed red you can see, the heavy purple eyeliner and a four pointed star on his forehead. He runs to the left side and grabs an extra desk pulling it towards the lined up kids. Loudly dragging the desk he looks for a place to put his desk but seeing there's no immediate opening, Vatu just stands there nervously for a second. Outis looks and sees him struggling, she waves up her hand that glows with a green faded light and swirls her finger around. Vatu and the desk both start to float, in fact all desk and kids desk slightly float up and all separating to both sides of the room Vatu with them.

"Now to start today's lesson" Outis walks by them to the front of the class waving her hand around again, moving all the kids back into an organized line facing the class with Vatu right in the middle sitting at his desk.

"Vatu could you tell the class about the 3 principles that makes us Witches strong"

"eeehhh yes mother, our hands and magic and feelings" The class snickers under their breath trying not to laugh.

"Now now class this isn't something to laugh at, what vatu said is not wrong even about our hands" Holds up her hand making a boob squeeze gesture.

"but the rest of class knows the 3 principles as something different. Class"

"Mind! Is one right?" Raising her hand and whole body up enthusiastically is the white haired girl.

"Good Quilo, Our magic can be very complicated especially when using them"

"Body" shouts Reyna

"how could we touch feel or use anything with hands and finally feelings"

"Feeling wait that's not one" Said Reyna "heheeh" the class laughed "but mother said vatu is right" Quilo replies

"In other words you're soul. The soul is the most important aspect we use for our soul is everything, it's emotion like love and hate, it's how you feel and understand the world. Not just through seeing or touching but understanding that we are not alone, or just walking meat, we have souls and therefore are human, This is why we are strong. Now Vatu pay attention because this is the first thing we all learn to become witches.

And that's connecting to the world and all of nature itself.

"Wow, I can do that," says Vatu.

"Now we all have and are connected, even you Vatu, you just don't know how to use it."

"Seriously" (vatu smiling joyfully)

"Open your ears, our strength as witches come from the earth, nature and everything in between. How we use it is making a bridge with our mind between the soul and the world holding that connection, Harmonizing to use its power. This is what magic is. Any questions class. No response but vatu raises his hand

"How do we make the bridge"

"Oh what great question sweetie"

Vatu blushes.

"How we create the bridge is no easy task and taking control over the energy around us is even harder. That's why there are so many different ways to harness its strength but for now vatu you'll learn the way we all did as children so get ready. Everyone quite it's time, close your eyes" Vatu looks around and they all have their eyes closed and back straight, and his eyes close fast.

"Okay now empty you're minds take a deep breath and feel the air going in and out now picture that air going up your noose and circling in your head over and over circling in out just like that now picture a dot in center of your brain think of this as a hole a window that air can flow in, now just breathe deeper like the window leads your lungs up threw the noose in the brain down the chest to your lunges and out your mouth."

"Focus, Focus on that dot in the mind expanding and shrinking steadily getting bigger and don't think just picture…"



And longer….

"Just like that vatu"

She poke his forehead with one finger.

"feel and see the true world"

"AHHHHHHHH" Vatu's eyes open instantly screaming in horror seeing visions of twisting winds, No more room just a mirage of colorful static waves his mind exploding over and over again this process is not normal for students but vatus opening was far more traumatic they have seen before.

"Vatu it's okay" Outis pulls him to the floor and holds him close to her breast "shush shuush you can do this, just accept the torrent of power that is nature, and we are part of it."

To everyone else it looks like vatu is being comforted but no, What's happening to vatu is the opposite. Outis was not only forcing Vatu's bridge wider, she also pour madness tainted energy into his mind. It's actually akin to the head witch pouring all her power experience hate and feelings into vatu, Drowning him in information his mind doesn't understand and it's killing the young child vatu hiding his drooling pain twisted face from the other kids.

The true world is oceans of power and desire and if the normal were to experience the mass of all nature they would be overwhelmed and pushed back to the physical realm. However; witches absorb, channel the natural energy around them. They can understand the feelings that surround them sometimes, influencing their very being.

"My O My everyone class is over you lesson will resume later i need to speak with Vatu alone"

The class leaves with worry, wonder and confusion on their face. They all walk out and last kid Quilo looks at vatu for a second then closes the door.

"Ahh my dear Vatu I'm sorry to force this on you but it's time for you to learn this; you need me always and forever you are mine Vatu. You're pain suffering strength it means nothing to you and everything to me that's why I love you Dear Vatu that's the only way you will get love" the madness flowing from Outis slows down and vatu tries looking up with fading eyes tears and snot pouring down his face "Did i do it, I'm Doing it right mother aren't I?"

'Yes baby, you're doing it" Outis gently embraces vatu

"My sweet child know that my love is always with you"

The madness flows like a tidal wave into Vatu, Twitching a little then going limp with dead eyes.

"ha..haha this is love isn't I'm doing good mother" looking over her shoulder smiling and twitching body shaking and limp

"yes Vatu i knew you could do it I know you'll always accept my love'

petting Vatu's head they sit mother and child.