
Another Morning

In the dark forests that conceal evil witches who curse at god from their dens. But this coven, the witches' of Huri start the day unlike any other. At their hidden house, bright and early. The children are lined up in one of multiple separated training grounds built all around the tree house. Some simply fenced off mud pits others have weapon racks and target dummies, all designed with purpose.

"EllOO CHILDRENNN are you ready for today" Outis winks at the kids greeting them

"YES MOTHER" the kids shout back with love

"Everybody today will be very long, with very different lessons so pay attention and I will be watching all throughout the day."

"Now for the first class you have me so let's smile and work hard" Outis makes a gesture putting her fingers to her face making a big smile making the kids blush. She looks through her slightly closed eyes to see little vatu smiling wide.

Outis walk's in front of the kids getting closer to a row of wood stumps with paper targets attached to them.

"MAGIC!" casually she walks in front of the kids

"It's the ultimate power. Now magic is simple because only those with will can use it, It is formed from dominance, the control of your emotions, soul, and the very world under you. To understand of this concept; you must learn The Word. A technique that only the strong can use and the strongest of wills can master, but be warned humans like ourselves do have limits but more later"

Outis extends her hand, unfurling her fingers, aiming at a stump.

"This spell is the simplest of things but it only works on animate beings that have will so normally wood stumps wouldn't work. But our sisters put dummy souls into the targets, so it will work for now"

"Listen closely. The Word works like this: you have to see the target's aura then imagen your own aura growing larger and taking hold of your targets, scaring them.

"Twist" suddenly the whole stump starts twirling like a tornado tightening up into a toothpick.

"Woooe" the kids in awe of her power

"The Word is a powerful weapon it can be used in the shortest of seconds when you master dominating the souls structure you can put power in your words without even thinking it becomes a matter of choice"

"Break" the twisted stumps fly's to pieces

"But be warned if you use this on someone or something stronger than you there will be recoil and more than not it will fail you if you can't mentally terrify your targets. So use with insight we are witches' we don't fight we scare. Fear and emotions are toys of death in our hands now line up and enact you're dominance"

"YES MOTHER" the kids each stand up to one of the stumps, one after the other in order they shout.

"Break, Twist, Split ,Shatter" some of the stumps are affected, others not at all. Few failed to follow through and didn't break or twist completely.

Vatu closes his eyes taking this practice slowly, Feeling the aura around him focusing on isolating his target but standing next to him is the angriest kid Vatu knows. Reyna shouting at the target over and over again only barely breaking it each time. With every attempt Vatu feels a hot wave of rage hit against him and on the left appears a little melted snowman looking thing trying its hardest but doesn't understand.

"Okay focus, thiiink! I'm scary, I'm big. Think harder!"

The inside of Vatu's mind to those capable of seeing it looks like a black hole exuding dark smoke in this swirling pattern, expanding by the second.

"Deeper vatu you're a monster go deeper!"

As Vatu continues everyone around him pauses as they feel this weird heavy sensation, Then like their whole body's are being pulled towards him. Looking down they see their shadows bending, moving on their own. Coalescing around the young boy

"Grab it!"

Reyna and Quilo look at Vatu shaking were they stand. Looking at vatu they see an entirely different kid swelling with energy. Vatu's hair flows up like he's deep underwater, eyes blank, and wearing a devilish smile, Quilo falls back on ground terrified, tears fall down her face but no cries it's so bad Koil goes to her covering her eye in an attempt to protect her but he freezes in place with her. Reyna stands next to Vatu, legs shaking, pouring sweet, looking Down on him but he only sees a growing blob like shadow, about to engulf all of them.

"Hehe" Outis sitting on the steps of the Treehouse wearing the kindest smile that only a mother watching her children play could display. She wears this the whole time watching attentively, seeing all their aura's and witnessing what Vatu is doing. In the midst of this altercation Brosac, one of the children also overcome by Vatu's rampaging power, looks back to Outis. Shaken but still trying to speak, he looks at his mother in pain, mouth open but no sounds. Brosac sees this same expression, understanding that she completely understands what's happening.

Vatu perfectly still, inside his head imaging a visage of himself concentrating on the task. Unknowingly releasing something unknown, something dark and powerful. Vatu's aura expanded enough to consume the whole class, paralyzed as Vatu mentally grabs hold of the target, contracting his hand as if he's squeezing a ball. Outis watches him see's the shape of his massive aura change drastically.

Once a massive blob of darkness starts bubbling when a massive skinny arm bursts from the top along with many smaller similar arms growing around it, the main one falls. Speeding at the row of stumps, air swirls fiercely around kicking up dust.

"Twist" Vatu speaks out gently.

At the same time Outis appears behind him as the single massive hand from up top crashes down around the most of the stumps. One in center followed by the disturbing army of hands budding out from his aura, they grasp hold of the children. Slowly Vatu turns his hand clock wise making the stumps shake and his classmates heads turn against their own will, hand marks appearing on their necks and bodies.

"I'm scary, I'm big, fear, fear, FEAR! Be AFRAID DAMNIT!" He thinks to himself, letting a hidden nature take full control.

The top middle stump begins to warp curling upwards like a swirling lollipop, all the adjacent stumps begin flowing, condensing and twisting their basic shape. Uprooted as well, the whole area is displaced moving like water in spite of the laws of physics, all to accommodate Vatu's word . The few second's passed after the uttered word, leaves an abstract wood sculpture that looks like a galaxy of wood being sucked in by a black hole.

What we see of the aftermath is a still Vatu facing the destroyed row of targets, as Outis reaches her hand below his cheek, directing his gaze up behind him. As Vatu stared forward when he felt that touch on his cheek that building dark energy seemed to vanish.

"Huh, hehe I did It sister Outis, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it" He jumped back hugging Outis's waist.

"That was extraordinary vatu" She smiles down on him brushing his hair back, Vatu looks up at her eyes full of wonder.

"Class, can you tell me what went wrong?" On the floor; all of them look terrified, surprised they still live after that experience. They all turn to her in silence.

"You all got scared" She looks around at their confused faces. Outis moves Vatu to the side walking around.

"To let yourself forget what you are, and fear your brother. I will forgive this but be aware that it was not brother Vatu's fault, It's your weakness. Each one of those targets had the spirit level of half a normal man and some of you could barely command them. Due to lack of focus or strength, maybe even hesitation. But enough with this you all can strive to fill the gap of power between you all."

As she says this one of the children thinks to how they survived, looking at sister Outis he remembers Feeling the the touch of some other power while on the brink of death, relieving the weight on us.

"Lets move to the next lesson with sister Sasha." The children all get up, Brosac looks at Outis attentively.