Chapter 2

Alexander the man that was called the demon dog was inside the body of a 17 year old.

when he saw the reflection on the water on some forest, he became shocked

Alexander punched himself to see if this was real or just his overdose of drugs effect.

He came to know it was indeed the truth that he was transported to another world.

(this is the world where warlord is able to destroy the mountains and is able to establish their own kingdom and rule this world with power and authority)

Alexander nodded and said continue

(you are the son of a warlord and the oldest child out of all the sons and daughters, you are the rightful next warlord)

(you have to proclaim your authority and try to establish your own kingdom, you have to fulfill the wish of this body)

Alexander understood that this must be the wish of this body that he will have to fulfill.

Give me the plot of this story

(host is indeed smart, you are the villain of this world)

I already have figured that I was a villain

(mmm you are indeed smart, now I will explain the plot of this world please pay attention carefully )

Alexander nodded

(this body name is Alexander, he was 43 year old when he died by the hands of his enemy, people believed him to be a cruel person and a worthless person)

So I have traveled back in time and occupied this body

(yes you are correct, this body faced hardship along his life but he delt with it and faced it like a brave person,people believed him to be a evil person and a villain but that was not the case)

(he was a kind person to normal people and a evil person to his enemy and people that had done evil like the protagonist of this world)

(the protagonist had the plot armor and even though he did evil things he was considered a good person because of his plot armor)

He should have become a actual villain rather then being called villain by some worthless people that didn't even know him properly.

Alexander said I will not make the same mistake as this original body did because I am merciless and I am brutal.

(host can do whatever the host wants but you cannot kill protagonist at this time but in the near future you will be able to do so)

Alexander said with a cold voice, remember system I am only doing this because I want Lee my beloved

(I can understand host, please Train yourself)

( i will be giving you two kinds of swords that you can choose

The demon lord sword, the divine light sword)

Tell me whatthese swords are able to do!

(The demon lord sword is made out of the strongest metal in the universe and is able to do many things, it can produce hellfire which is stronger than Fire in existence and it is even stronger than the divine fire, At its full power it can destroy many mountains and is able to slice through many oceans and the sky with just one swing)

(it has the power to control devils,demons and evil beings, it has dark demon power embedded onto this demon sword)

(it is extremely weak against divine power but if the One that is using it stronger than the divine Powers be it magic or anything the demon sword will be stronger then the divine power)

(The Sword and the person that is welding it is no different, once the sword accept the person as it master it becomes one with the person)

(even if the demon sword is thousands of thousands of miles away but if the owner summons it, it will come in just seconds)

(No person will be able to touch the sword and try to weld it, it will become heavy as thousands of mountains)

Alexander smiled and said, this sword is made for me.

(do you want to know about the divine sword or will you chose the demon sword?)

Alexander said before I choose my sword I want to know about the divine sword maybe it's stronger than the demon sword

(divine sword is extremely powerful weapon, it is made out of second most strongest metal)

(it has the ability to destroy countless demons and devils and evil beings)

(mountains, River, 17 seas in this world, sky, is no match for the divine sword)

(The divine sword only accept holy, Saint like person, host is not recommended to choose this weapon.

(The demon demon lord sword is perfect for you because it likes darkness and evil which is indeed inside of you)

Alexander Really didn't care about the divine sword even if he picks it, it will not accept him because he's not holy or righteous nor is he a Saint.

I choose the demon lord sword said Alexander

(host has made a perfect chose)

Suddenly sword appeared it was black, The aura of the sword was evil, The power that came out of the sword was extremely strong)

the sword was 4 feet tall but compared to the size of Alexandra it was small

The original Alexander was 7 feet 5 inches tall but he was not skinny but extremely muscular

In front of others he was a giant but unfortunately the original Alexander was extremely weak even with his huge size and stature.

Everyone battled with sword and magic but because he had no Magic he was extremely weak but brute strength he was the strongest out of anyone.

but now this was not the original Alexander, this was someone that had no fear of death and someone that can brutally kill anyone, current Alexander that occupied the body of someone that had same name as him, he will do anything to bring back lee

It seems this sword has Accepted me as his master, for now on you will be my sword, you'll have to fight along with me and destroy the people that is against me

The demon sword started to shake and stopped

Alexander smiled wickedly, you're exactly like me.

show my status

name: Alexander


Sword level:1, abilities: hellfire level one, able to control monsters, demons and any evil beings(can get more abilities by leveling up or by completing tasks

Intelligent:10 (human IQ is equivalent to 120 IQ)




brute strength:500(equivalent of whole army of a normal humans)

Righteous or evil: evil


occupied areas(none)


Wife or wives(none)

Hated(99) almost all of people

Loved(1) only one person loves him(sad)

Agility(99) fast as hell boi

Alexander:wtf so weak