Chapter 3

Alexander observed his surroundings and said, This seems like a forest and my clothes is dirty that even a begger would not wear this.


Alexander said with great glee, this Forest is indeed Large and probably filled with monsters and beast and probably demons.

this is what Alexander needed it, by the help of the demon sword he can probably control some demons or even monsters.

System how many demons and monsters can I control?

(host can control seven normal demons and 10 normal monsters, they will be loyal to you until they die, if you want to increase how many monsters or

demons you can control, you can level up your sword by killing demons, monsters, beast.)

Mmm, lets use this demon lord sword, he held the demon lords sword And sliced a huge boulder that was 20 feet tall.

when the Demon Lord sword hit the huge boulder it's sliced it like it was butter.

The system said that the sword was heavier than thousands of mountain, he dropped his sword and suddenly the ground shook with a mighty force, all the surrounding started to get destroyed and the ground was hugely damage.

Great mistake said Alexander

Fuck fuck fuck

His sword was still going straight down underground the ground, all the surrounding was still shaking like a great earthquake

Before he could go any deeper he quickly grabbed his sword.

he was 100 feet underground.


I should have enough strength to jump over 100 feet.

with brute strength

He jumped, The force was so strong that he left a dent on the ground

he quickly got out of the hole

He looked around and saw that all of the surrounding was destroyed.

(ding, you have killed, middle class demon)

(ding, you have killed, common class demon)

(has leveled up by 4 levels)

(ding, you have killed a elite monster)

(you have receive five more levels)

(ding, your sword has upgraded to another level, can control how heavy it becomes)

(ding unlocked the system shop)

Alexander was not dumb and knew that The force of the sword and the extreme power of sword killed some monsters and demons

He was thankful that he received a Headstart

System show my status

name: Alexander


Sword level:2,abilities: hellfire level two, able to control more monsters, demons and any evil beings(can get more abilities by leveling up or by completing tasks

Intelligent:11 (human IQ is equivalent to 125 IQ)




brute strength:511(equivalent of whole army of a normal humans)

Righteous or evil: evil


occupied areas(none)


Wife or wives(none)

Hated(99) almost all of people

Loved(1) only one person loves him(sad)

Agility(101) fast as hell boi

Shop: available to look at or buy things from it

Alexander smiled evilly and said: I can control more monsters now, hehe

What currency do I need to use for your shop system?

(The currency is called the points and points are extremely important)

how can I receive these points? Because you never told me

(host never asked and you can get these points by Completing task)

you haven't given me a Task yet

(kill nine common monsters and receive four points)

2 hours later

Why has no monster Appeared yet I have been exploring this forest for two hours and not a single monster has appeared.

The truth was the monsters was hiding from him, The monsters was not dumb they had a brain of 13-year-old they knew if they went near him they will die,especially with that dangerous sword that the person held.

2 more hours later

Alexander was pissed

When he wanted to die because he found no beast suddenly a huge beast spotted him before he could run.

The person also spotted the beast and with a huge grin and full of ecstasy, he ran after the beast will all his might

Beast was running fast as hell but the human being was faster then him and matter of second the person was right near him who was waving his hand evilly at him and smiling greatly.

Beast shivered with fear but before he could attack the person his head was already separated from his body.

(ding, host has killed a common beast, please kill eight more beast)

Every beast heard the laughing sound of this evil human being, they shivered with fear and promised to themselves that they will never encounter him.

eight hour later

Alexander was only able to kill one monster and after that not a single monster was seen.

if you could say that Alexander was greatly pissed then that would be insult to his anger

He thought that this would be easy task but no these Coward of a beast don't even want to die by his hand.

He sat on the stone Emotionless but his previous life memory overflowed him and which made him more determined to complete this body wish and to meet Lee again.

he he spoke loudly and murderous voice echod throughout the forest

If you don't fucking bring Eight common monster, I swear I will start to cut down every tree and burn ever trees and bushes until I find every single one of you.

I was skin you alive and drink your blood said Alexander like mad-men.

The common monsters shivered with fear and they choose eight common beast to die.

These eight beast came near Alexander and was peppered to die

Alexander smiled greatly and said to himself, why kill them when you can make them your slave.

System can I see these monsters attributes?


Display them in front of me

(The red horned beast,level 5

Can be extremely strong until level 99

Can Turn into a human like being when he reaches level 30

Can turn into legendary monster when turned level 99, can make people feel despair and hopeless, can cast hallucination spell)

They can turn into a human like being win the beach level 30?

This beast is worthy of being my slave!

show me the second beast

(Four legged beast,level 6

Can be extremely strong until level 100

Can turn into legendary monster when turned 100, has the power of ice and is able to control water, extremely strong against fire, can turn into a human being when reached level 30

This is also worthy of being my slave

show me the third beast

(Tiger like beast, level 6

Can be extremely strong until level 100

Can turn into legendary monster when turned 100, ability to make fire and controlling fire, extremely weak against water.

Can become human like being when raced level 30

This is also worthy of being my servant

Said Alexander wickedly

show me the other monsters

All the others are weak.

The eight monsters Quietly waited but got scared every second the person in front of them looked like the god of hell, They got more scared when he started staring at them, this human was not a normal human being, he was extremely tall and extremely muscular but they couldn't feel any magic form him but nevertheless he was strong

after sometime Alexander held the sword and before the monster knew it The five others was killed beside the three monster.

Alexander Held his divine sword and pointed at the monster become my slave.

after a second these three monster became extremely loyal to Alexander but they still remembered what Alexander done and they could make any free decision but because of extreme loyalty toward Alexander, they will do anything Alexander ask for, loyalty was the only option for them and the second option was death.

if Alexander wanted he could make them like Puppet but he didn't like the idea so he gifted them decision making, he didn't make them puppet because he was a nice guy.

No he just wanted see what they will do, he didn't want puppet that would be boring.