Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Robert's shopping spree was finally ended. All he had to

do now was go home and wait for the packages to arrive. He was going

to drive home during the night and he noticed that there

was hardly any traffic on the expressway so he decided to try

out the modifications he had built into his corvette. He pushed

her up to a hundred and she was holding steady. He climbed further

until he was at a hundred sixty. The engine ran great so he coasted

until he was back at the speed limit. All Robert could think

about was the first real love he had ever experienced. It would surely

spurn him to attain his goal as quickly as possible.

Kathy lay awake until almost three in the morning. She was enjoying the intense feelings of love she had experienced through Robert's special gift. Her initial goals were to work her way through college and then try to start a family and a career.

But now, everything was changed. She now had the chance of a lifetime. If she could be with Robert, she somehow knew that

all her dreams would come true. She didn't care so much about

the danger. On the front line, there was love. And love was the invincible torch of undeniable need and desire. She believed

that it would guide her and Robert pass all the flanks of the enemies within. She was more in love now than she could of ever realized before. It was as if Robert had put a spell on her and all she wanted was for him to repeat it again and again.

She would call in sick the next two days just to have time "f'

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to ponder an deliberate the events which would most surely come about. Mostly, she just wanted time to feel the love she had been given.

Robert arrived home safely and immediately began setting

up his operation. The packages, boxes and crates were arriving daily. Robert would be receiving a great deal of supplies, equipment and materials. Mentally, he had already found a spot for each major and minor delivery. He spent the next three and

a half weeks dispersing the deliveries until he had almost all he had ordered. All he lacked was the additional computer memory boxes and the Air Force Jet he had bought at auction. The jet arrived the following day, loaded on the back of a flat bed tractor trailer. Robert wanted to get it into the hanger as quickly as possible, hoping not to draw any unwanted attention. The driver obliged him as they towed the jet down the long ramp and into the hanger, closing the doors behind. The driver looked at Robert and said: "Well it's been quite a trip. Everywhere

I stopped to eat, I had to hire someone to keep all the kids from getting to close."

"Well I bet you could use some coffee. Come on inside. My name is


"I'm Jeff." They shook hands. Jeff was a nice young man.

A cadet in the Air Force. He stood as tall as Robert and had blond

hair and blue eyes. They walked toward the house.

"I don't see any air fields around here. What do you plan to do

with that jet?"

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"Oh I'm just going to salvage what I can and experiment with- the


"Are you trying to improve upon it?"


"What kind of experience do you have?"

"Oh, it's not experience that's important. I just happen

to be rich and scientifically engaged. That plus an extreme amount of curiosity." They faced each other and smiled but the cadet wasn't so nearly convinced.

After coffee, they were walking out to the truck when Robert

turned to Jeff and said: "Are you a pilot?"

"No, I'm in transportation but I'm trying to qualify to become a pilot."

"Well, I wish you the best of luck. Here's a little bonus for

your trouble." Robert handed him an envelope. Jeff opened

it and said: "Wow!, thanks! Five hundred dollars is quite a tip."

"Well, you've been very helpful. Good luck on your trip home."

The truck pulled out slowly as Robert walked to his car and punched"

the remote to open the front gate.

It was late in the evening and Robert decided to just make tracks

to his recliner and listen to some music for the rest

of the evening. Tomorrow would be a big day. Robert was living alone

but he tried to visit his grandparents at least every weekend. Robert

was feeling lonely. He deeply needed the comfort of his only love. He

decided to write Kathy a letter:

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"Dearest Kathryn,

You are always on my mind and I think of you most

whenever I remember that wonderful night we spent

together. I am working as fast as I can to bring us

together again. I know you are feeling the same and

I hope it will be a comfort for you to know that

everything here is going as planned. There is

nothing that can stand between us. I know you feel

the same for me but keep me in your heart ever so




Robert reread his letter and decided it wasn't enough. He decided to compose a poem. He thought for a while and then began to compose:

Dance to my fire

Of power and pride Of wonder and beauty Of love


Dream of the wind

And wish for the night A whispering silence

A flickering light

A silent and twisted pool of delight And no one will


No one tonight

She cries to her lover and sinks to her knees her

voice, a tremble and only to please

A breath of despair

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And a beat of her heart A rush of emotion

Till life do we part

A babe in my shelter Beautiful and wild with lips of

the rose And eyes of the child

Touched by the shadow And stolen away

Her love was a prisoner There was nothing to say

Follow the angel Follow the love Remember the

castles And watch from above

Robert placed the letter and the poem in an envelope and addressed it to Kathy. The next day, he would secretly deliver it to his grandparents and ask them to go out of town to mail it.