Chapter 7

Chapter 7

From what Robert had read from the Colonel's mind at the

North Pole, there was a monthly auction at an air force base in

New Mexico. That auction was only a few days away so Robert set

on his way.

His car sounded like a race car and it was always a thrill

to drive. Robert had some time to spare so he drove up to

Arizona and stopped to see the Grand Canyon. The vastness


him and something else occurred. As Robert stood at the edge

of the canyon, there was a sudden feeling of beckoning. It was

like the whole world was opening up. to him an inducing or

drawing him within. This was very strange to Robert. He did not

realize how such an enormous feeling could come from a canyon.

He didn't realize just where the feeling was actually coming


Robert left the canyon with reluctance. He wanted to

explore but there was no time. He had his priorities.

Robert arrived at the air field the morning of the


He had time to survey the planes up for auction and found just

the one he wanted. It was an RF-IOIA, Voodoo Photo-

Reconnaissance plane. It had two jet engines but that wasn't

what Robert was interested in. He was looking for a two-seater

and since this plane was used for reconnaissance, it would have

plenty of storage space.

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There were several bidders on this plane, but none of them could contend with the hundred and fifty seven thousand dollar bid from Robert. A rather cheap price for what the jet had originally cost; especially since the jet was perfectly air worthy. The reading of Colonel Daniel Stone's mind had given Robert all the experience he needed to fly the plane himself but he would have to ship it from the nearest air field at home anyway, so he decided just to have it shipped directly to his hanger. After making those preparations, he began his journey back to Texas. He was headed for Dallas. A place where he could find the materials and equipment he needed.

He made good time, stopping at motels along the way and spending

more time running through his thoughts, trying to predict every

possible upcoming circumstance and what to do in each case.

When Robert arrived in Dallas, he bought a city map and memorized it quickly. He then proceeded to the nearest phone

booth and opened it up to the beginning of the yellow pages.

He then began turning page after page, memorizing as he went. After twenty minutes, he knew every business, address and products available throughout Dallas.

Robert was now wearing a nice beige dress coat and pants.

He needed the inside pockets in his jacket to conceal the thousand

dollar bills he was carrying. It was June and Robert would have looked

a little bit odd if anyone had noticed.

Robert travelled throughout Dallas for two weeks, locating just exactly the supplies, equipment and materials he needed, paying in cash and having each purchase delivered to his home

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with a two week delay. There were still many electronic devices, supplies and equipment that Robert couldn't acquire but was able to order through catalogues at various businesses. Robert was


almost finished shopping, but there was one item he had saved

for last. Robert knew that the best place to purchase this item

would be at a business that only catered to businesses.

He arrived at the business he had selected and walked inside

There inside the door, was one of the most beautiful girls Robert had ever seen. She had straight black hair down to her shoulders, and the prettiest green eyes that enraptured Robert's attention. Robert just stood there as she smiled, and tried to hold back

the emotions of love that were trying to overcome him. The

beautiful girl spoke: "Hello, may I ask what business you are

from?" She spoke with the most gentleness of tone.


"Your business ... you are from a business aren't you? We

only cater to businesses."

"Oh yes, I am from Spencer Aviation. We're a new business

about two hundred miles west of here. In fact, we won't be

opening for a few weeks but we do need a computer."

"Well fine, what type of a computer are you looking for?

Oh, let me get some brochures. I'll be right back." This gave

Robert the opportunity to think to himself. "Should I. No it

wouldn't be fair." He couldn't stand the indecision. "Yes, I

must. To hell with fairness. This may be my only chance." The

girl reappeared and said: "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.

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My name is Kathy Dalton."

"Hi, I'm Robert Spencer, president of Spencer Aviation."

They shook hands and Robert entered her mind, but only in search of her love. Any more would be too much of an invasion. He found what he was looking for. She had the same feelings for him as

he did for her. Robert was overjoyed but kept it all inside.

She spoke with humorous suspicion. "Your awful young for a president."

"Well, you see ... I inherited a large sum of money and my

business is how I intend to invest." Kathy didn't believe him but she

wasn't about to let him go. "Here are some brochures you can look


"That's ok; just show me to your most advanced computer." "You

don't fool around, do you?"

"Every chance I get." Kathy smiled a most beautiful smile

and led Robert down the hallway. Robert didn't know how much longer he could suppress his feelings. His emotions were slowly overtaking his control and before they reached their destination, Robert asked for directions to the restroom. Once inside, Robert sat down on the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them ever so tightly and shaking a little more than a tremor. Robert entered his mind and went straight

to the second level, searching for a room that could help him.

In a matter of minutes, he located a room of mental realization and

understood the thoughts and the identification of the flow

of feelings, he would need to overcome his emotions. He got up

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and washed his face. He was now under a new composure. He found Kathy

where he had left her. She was waiting for him and hoping no one would

call her away. They both smiled at each other warmly and continued on

their way. They reached a row of computers

and Kathy gently turned and pointed to a fancy looking computer. "This is the TS 1000. Our most advanced computer."

"How much memory does it have?"

"It has unlimited memory, depending on how many of these units you connect." She pointed to a small metal black box next to the computer. "One is all you really need but some companies

use two when they have a lot to file." Robert was vaguely listening to her. He was enjoying the beautiful tone of her voice and the graceful movements she made in her gestures. "This computer also offers disc capability and is compatible to many extras."

"How much memory does one of those boxes hold?"

"Oh ... about five thousand books the size of an encyclopedia."

"Fine, I'll take the computer and thirty two memory boxes." "But

we don't have that many on hand." Kathy turned away

from the computer and looked Robert straight in the eyes. "What are

you going to do with thirty two memory boxes?"

"Will you believe me if I told you?" "I will try."

"I'm going to design an A. I."

"A what?"

"An artificially intelligent computer." "But that's supposed to be impossible."

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"I deal in the impossible." Kathy was impressed. Not at

what he said but the way he said it. She almost believed him. Robert

took a step toward the computer and punched a few buttons. Then he

faced Kathy and said: "How much will all of this be?"

"Well, the computer is forty two hundred and each box is five

hundred and seventy five."

"That's twenty two thousand, six hundred plus taxes and shipping and handling. I think I have it here." Robert reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a bundle of thousand dollar bills. Kathy's eyes opened wide. She had never seen that much money before.

"You really are serious."

"Yes indeed. Can you arrange to have everything shipped to my


"Don't you mean your business?" They both laughed. Robert was

truly in love with this girl and he didn't know what to do about it.

He looked down for a moment and Kathy opened up and said: "Where are

you going from here?" Robert looked up and faced Kathy with all of his

spirit. He could now see the love in Kathy's eyes. Robert spoke: "Got

any plans for tonight?"


"How about dinner, you can choose the spot." Kathy spoke very

softly: "I'd love to." To Robert, this was an invitation. He took a

step forward and kissed her gently on the lips. The seal had been

broken and Robert was now deeply in love but he only showed the equal

to her feelings. Robert— spoke softly: "When

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and where shall I pick you up?"

"I live at 3204 Cedar St. I'll be ready at 8:00, but you can come

early if you want."

"I know where you live and I'll be there at 7:30."

They finished their business and as Robert was walking out the

door, he turned to see Kathy leaning against a desk and watching him

go with a smile of content.

Robert was now headed to a motel to change his clothes.

He wanted to be very presentable for this very special night.

It was now 5:30 and Robert decided to go for a drive and try to locate any possible tails. His mental range was a

hundred yards as he analyzed individual after individual, locating no one suspicious. He went back to the motel and waited until 7:000 clock.

When Robert reached Kathy's house, he made a couple of circles around the neighborhood, again looking for anything suspicious. Again, he found nothing. Robert arrived at her house and knocked

on her front door. It was a small house but quaint. Kathy

answered the door in a robe and invited Robert in. She smiled

at Robert and said: "I was afraid you might get lost."

"Oh, I never get lost outside of myself." Kathy laughed and

walked toward her bedroom.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be ready in twenty minutes."

Robert browsed around the living room admiring all the pictures;

especially the one of Kathy and two other girls who looked like

her sisters.

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Kathy finally emerged in a beautiful pink dress. Robert was

pleased as they looked at each other, seeming to know each other's

thoughts. They were both smiling. Robert pointed to one of the

pictures and said: "Are these your sisters?"

"Yes they are."

"They're almost as beautiful as you."

"Please Robert, let's get passed the local chit chat."

Kathy walked over and sat down on the couch next to Robert and took

his hand and said: "You and I both know there is something special

between us. Is it love at first sight or what?"

"There are many things I want to tell you but I can't."

Kathy's sudden interest became compassion.

"Why not?"

"It's a long story and I hope to tell it to you soon but right

now it would be a mistake."

"Your only confusing me."

"Yes, but if' I told you, there is a chance that you could be in


"Are you in danger Robert?"

"Every day, there is the possibility and just being with

you here and now has already brought on the chance that you could be

confronted or captured."

"Captured! This sounds serious. Are you in trouble with the mob?"


"Robert, I feel for you like I've never felt for anyone

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before. If you are in trouble, then let me share in your troubles."

"Let us try another direction. Give me time to clear up my

difficulties. It could be a few months or more but I: am determined to

find a solution and when I do, I will return to you and we can begin


"You mean I have to wait all that time just to see you again?"

"You must not contact me in any way. You see, my enemy is

a secret organization. They will read my mail and listen to any

of my phone calls. They have followed me before and they may

soon be following me again. They have gone as far as to kill

the wife of my best friend and partner."

"They kill?"

"Yes, they are very powerful." "Why don't they just take you?"

"It's all very complicated, but they are waiting for something

that I am supposed to acquire."

"Which is?"

"A wife."

"A wife! How ridiculous. Why in the world would they care about

your wife?"

"As I said, it is all very complicated and now is the time that you begin to doubt me so I am going to give you proof of the significance of my tale. Take my hand and close your eyes." She did. "In your mind you see as usual but now I am going to lead you to a place in my mind where love becomes reality. You will remember these feelings for the rest of your life. Are you

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"Is this like meditation?"

"No. Just follow my lead'.' Kathy kept her eyes closed and

suddenly felt the presence of Robert in her mind. She was astonished.

Robert led her to the promised room and Kathy followed him eagerly.

When she reached the room, her heart was filled

with exhilaration. Robert left her there for a few moments and then

led her back to her own self. Kathy opened her eyes and

said: "That was the most beautiful experience of my life. I wanted to

stay longer. How did you do that?"

"It's a gift. The very gift that makes me and my future wife a


"How are you going to escape these enemies? I mean, I believe you

whole ,heartedly."

"I'm going to try and find a place ,.,here they cannot follow."

"Is that why you bought the computer? To build an AI and

find the information you need?"

"That's part of it. There's much more I cannot tell you for your

own safety. But I do have something to ask of you. I feel I've known

you long enough. If I am successful and do find a way to live in

peace. will you consider coming with me?"

"Oh yes. I want to be with you more than anyone else in the

world." She reached for him and rested her head upon his shoulder. "I

love you Robert."

"I love you to. If only you could know how much.'" "Let's skip

dinner and order out for pizza."

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"Ok." Kathy made the call and returned to Robert to a welcoming embrace as they kissed unto their hearts desire.

The pizza finally arrived and they ate it with a bottle of white


Kathy laid down on the couch and rested her head in Robert's lap while Robert ran his fingers through her soft and silky hair. Kathy turned toward Robert and said: "How many children do you


"Oh, ten or fifteen."

"Ten or fifteen! Are you crazy?"

"Don't worry babe. I can lead you through a painless childbirth

Wouldn't you enjoy a large family?"

"Well, I guess it would be exciting in the least. Are you being


"No, we're just fantasizing. It's getting late. What time

do you have to get up in the morning?" Kathy got up and took Robert's hand and began leading him into the bedroom. Robert's desires were like a call of the wild. His heart was beating at

a quick and steady pace. He followed her lead as she dimmed the lights to the room and silently began unbuttoning Robert's shirt. Robert was thinking quickly. He was trying to think of some way to have her and still be able to protect her. He drew a blank.

He grabbed her wrist and said: "Stop! There is something you must know. You don't officially become a target until we have made love. Right now, I cannot allow you the danger babe. They have psychics and they will know the minute we make love."

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Kathy lowered her head and said:"How can I love you?" There were tears in her eyes. Robert took her into his arms and spoke softly into her ear: "My beloved. Hold me tightly and close your eyes. I'm going to give you all the love that I have." Robert delivered an enormous amount of his love until he thought that she couldn't handle anymore. Kathy was in supreme ecstasy and then she fainted. Robert carried her to her bed and tried to revive her. She came to alertness and as she laughed she said: "Wow, what a rush.

Does an orgasm count as making love?" Robert laughed. "Come here and

kiss me again" she said. "If I'm not going to see you for awhile, I

want all I can get."

The two of them were entangled for another hour but they did not

make love. Robert insisted that she get some sleep for her job in the

morning. Before he left, he reminded her for her own safety, not to

talk to anyone about what she knew and by

no means to try and contact him. She respected his opinion. Before he

left, Robert placed twenty one thousand dollar bills on her Kitchen
