Chapter 12

Chapter 12

They finally arrived at Robert's home and Robert introduced Kristal to the two robots. Kristal was amazed that they could speak and how they were able to float in the air. She looked

at Robert and then at the robots and said: "Do they have names?"

"No I just call them robots."

"I will name them." She looked at the one in charge of the lab

and said: "From now on, your name is Sam."

"Affirmative." Kristal then looked at the other robot

and thought for a moment: "I will call you Sally and Sam will be your husband. Do you understand?" Again, with a computer voice, the robot responded: "Our memory banks include the rites of humans. We understand and comply."

Ok Sally, why don't you ... give Sam a kiss." Robert was standing

to the side, trying to keep from laughing. It was

2:45 AM and Robert was growing sleepy. The robots touched face to face

and Kristal was pleased. Sam turned to Robert and said:

"Do we go on our honeymoon now." Robert smiled and started

to laugh but he barely managed to hold it back: "Yes. Why don't

you two spend the night in the lab and converse among yourselves."

"Affirmative." The robots left and Robert and Kristal headed for

the house. Kristal took Roberts hand and said:

"What other surprises do you have?"

"Just wait and see."

They both had a bite to eat and Robert gave Kristal his

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bed while he slept on the couch. They slept until 10:00 AM

the next day. Robert got up and immediately felt David Sands presence

along with the man he was with. He looked out the window and there they sat, just outside the main gate. Robert fixed breakfast for four. Simple eggs and bacon and toast with

a glass of milk. Him and Kristal ate then Robert prepared the rest of the meal on a large tray and proceeded out the door toward the car. He had told Kristal to stay in the house. Robert finally reached the driver's side of the car where David was sitting and he rolled down his window. "Thought I would bring you a bite to eat. You must of had a rough night~ David glared at Robert and then finally said: "Well thank you." David took

the tray and placed it on the seat and said': "I guess you know we have come for the kid."

"Oh don't worry about her. She is getting along very nicely.

"You're a strange character, Mr. Spencer. I'm not quite

sure what you're up to but we have means of controlling you and

getting what we want." Robert's tone of voice changed. He was now very

sincere as he spoke with a clear arrogance of leisure. He decided to

lie: "We are perfectly safe. I have acquired

new powers and any confrontation will be a regretted disaster for you

or anyone else. Listen closely to my words. You may attempt to

retrieve the girl and I'm sure you consider it your right as an

official of an unofficial government, but take

this message to your superiors. There is no person in the world who,

if I choose, can evade my every command or punishment.

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I can control anyone of your superiors and sooner or later, you won't

know who to trust. Do you desire an example?"

"No. I will deliver your message but you must beware.

We are not an organization to be conquered. As you know, we are willing to sacrifice life in the advancement of knowledge. I am aware of your trickery and I 'will let you know that if

you become too much of a problem, you ',as well can be eradicated." David was lying as well. The foundation would never allow their prized possession to be harmed. Robert looked up at the sky.

He had read both of their minds and knew that David's last statement was a lie. Robert looked at David as he sat in the

car with arrogance and intensity. Robert spoke with pronounced sincerity: "Kristal will be spending a while with me; then

I plan to send her back to her parents. You won't need her anymore, as I will be taking away her psychic ability. Until

we meet again." Robert walked away and felt content with what

he had said. He turned and watched the evil car as it drove away. Robert thought about what he had said as he realized

once again that any number of weapons could take him out forever.

When Robert entered the house, he found Kristal communicating

with his computer. She turned around to see Robert and said:

"Hi, I took computer in school but this one talks back."

"Yes, it is a very special computer. Ask it any question you like

and it will answer."

"Really, Any question?"

"Any question." Kristal typed in a question: "Why is Robert

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so special?" Robert hi t the clear key ..

"Sorry, some things can't be disclosed. You look terrible.

Why don't you go take a shower. You can play with the computer later." Kristal left and Robert entered a code word for all

of the important information. He instructed the computer to erase its entire memory if anyone tried to enter the coded

area by means of attaching other decoding computers. The computer confirmed the new entry. Robert then went looking for Kristal.

He found her in the living room with only a towel around her. Robert was a little bit stunned but he acted as if he didn't notice. He walked toward the kitchen as he said: "If you'll

get dressed, I'll give you a full tour of my facilities."

Kristal was blushing a little. She walked toward her room and wondered if Robert was watching her as she went. She wanted

to turn around and see but she didn't dare reveal her pretension of indifference.

They began their tour with the hangar. Kristal was amazed

at the jet: "Wow, does it fly?"

"Better than any plane in the world." "Can I fly in it with you?"

"Maybe sometime. Kristal, you must remember never to tell anyone

of the things you see at my home. If you talk to anyone including your

parents, you could bring great trouble to me. Do you understand?"


"Good girl" Kristal didn't like his response. It made

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her feel small and reminded her of the way her math teacher, Mr.

Boyle, used to treat her. "Oh, and there is something else. I told

those men who were chasing us that I was going to take away your

psychic powers, so in the future, you must let on

that you no longer have any psychic abilities. Can you do that?"

"What psychic powers?" They both smiled. Robert got down on one

knee: "I read your mind when I saw you in the towel.

I was surprised to find out that you want me. I am truly flattered and

I have similar feelings for you." Kristal blushed and gazed

to the side. She was in love and didn't know what to say. Robert

looked at the ground and said: "I'm sorry Kristal but this

guys already taken. I have a lover in waiting and when you

meet her, you will understand me even better."

"I'm sorry, I just can't help liking you. You're so beautiful."

"Why shouldn't you like me? I liked you from my first

vision. We can have a special relationship with just a little respect of each other's personal feelings. Why don't you become like my little sister and I will be your big brother?"

"That would be grand. I always hated being the only child. will you do something for me? Will you give me just one kiss?" Robert leaned over and kissed her on the cheek and with that touch, he sent a special warm feeling into Kristal's mind. Kristal took a deep breath and tried to hold back a smile.

She looked at Robert and said: "Let's get on with the tour."

"I only have one other room to show you. It's my laboratory.

Step through this door." They entered and Sam came to attention.

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"What do you do with all this stuff?" "I build things like Sam

and Sally."

"Where did you learn so much? Nobody can do what you do." "It's

just part of the gift, babe."

"When can we go flying in your airplane?"

"It's a jet, or rather a spacecraft. Why don't we take a spin in

it tonight."

"Great! I can't wait. Where are we going?" "That's a surprise."