[96] I attest that everything he said is true! _1

A group of classmates asked about Tang Feng's current situation with apparent concern.

But even a fool could tell they were only looking for a sense of superiority from him.

It was a chance to prove they weren't the worst off among their peers.

After Li Wenxuan spoke, he elegantly swirled his wine glass, his eyes glinting with schadenfreude.

Dare compete with me for a woman? Don't you even look at what you're capable of.

Fang Hongbin was secretly delighted.

This could be considered helping Li Wenxuan, and he should be able to curry favor with him.

Jiang Zi looked worriedly at Tang Feng, fearing he would become so embarrassed that he'd resort to violence.

But Tang Feng wasn't as thin-skinned as she had imagined.

He was just curious about how Li Wenxuan knew he had been fired?

He didn't seem to have mentioned it in the class group.

At once, he activated the scan system, curious to see what kind of powerful background this most glamorous classmate had.

"System scanning..."