【97】Besides Wenxuan, whose face could be so big?_1


Everyone turned their attention to Jiang Zi.

She continued calmly, "A couple of days ago, Tang Feng and I went shopping for clothes at Qianda Plaza, and we ran into Mr. Rui from the Qianda Group, Zhou Bingrui."

Upon hearing this name, most of the classmates were baffled.

"Who is Zhou Bingrui?"

"You don't know Zhou Bingrui? He's the crown prince of Qianda Group, the sole heir of the Zhou family."

"I've heard of him too. They say he's pretty famous in Zhonghai's upper-class circles, a true super-rich second-generation."

"I wonder if Wenxuan knows this Mr. Rui?"

Li Wenxuan heard someone asking about him and could only but cough twice, "Of course, I know Mr. Rui. I saw him at a reception last time and exchanged a few words with him."

As he said this, he felt somewhat uneasy.

He indeed knew Mr. Rui, but it was doubtful Mr. Rui knew him.

With his standing, he couldn't reach such big shots.