Three Great Worlds Dungeon

Lin Xuan sighed a little. The people of the endless sea king world dungeon were really full of disasters. They had been oppressed for 800 years, and then they welcomed the destruction of the sea king when it happened. This was really tragic for a place!

The endless sea king world dungeon was not easy; it was terrifying. The Thunder Dragon Emperor ate the Thunder Fruit, the Tentacle King Zhang ate the Blade Fruit, the Frost Sea Emperor ate the Ice Fruit, and the Kun Whale ate the Bird Fruit… All of them were overpowering!

Each emperor was known as a walking catastrophe, not to mention that there were even more terrifying sea dragons above the sea emperor!

Thankfully, sea dragons rarely appeared. Otherwise, even Taixia Country would not hesitate to withdraw from the endless sea king world dungeon as well.

If one wanted to get a good dungeon evaluation, then one would have to kill the sea beast.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan shook his head.