Royal Court

The principal put the 20 barrels of wine into his personal space. In his mind, he was already sketching out the list of wine sellers. He would give the old important five barrels, the heavenly man five barrels, and with the remaining… He'll have to figure it out himself.

Twenty barrels were not even enough to share!

As he was thinking, he subconsciously licked his lips when he saw the ten barrels of wine that Lin Xuan put aside. He wanted it!

Then, he shook his head with a bitter smile. Forget it, he had to leave some money for this kid.

Lin Xuan didn't know what the old man was thinking about. If he knew that, he would definitely offer it to him with both hands. It was just wine. As he was a juvenile, he couldn't drink alcohol. Additionally, he didn't like drinking alcohol in his previous life, 'Besides, he would probably offer some to the old immortal. Maybe I can build my relationship with him like that!'