Disha Spell, Immobile

Myriad difficulties spirit entering the holy tribulation!

The primordial spirit's light shone in Lin Xuan's sea of consciousness, wiping away all his sadness. Not only that, but it also dispelled the two debuff spells, weakness and speed reduction.

It was fortunate that this Cursed Ghost had yet to learn a higher level disha spell — Immobile!

Otherwise, Lin Xuan was sure to lose.

Looking at the heavy blade light that the Ghost General used to slash down, Lin Xuan did not choose to take it head-on. Instead, he followed the wind currents that the cleaver had caused and dodged!

"You don't have to hold back!!"

Lin Xuan said with a grin. The Ghost General's blade just now clearly did not use its ultimate move. Therefore, Lin Xuan did not use his skill to counter it.

"Alright, since you're so confident, I'll go all out!"