Phoenix Dead Souls Black Market

"Let's go, I'll bring the three of you to see the black market."

After the senior introduced a few of his close friends to Lin Xuan and the other two, he brought them to the mysterious black market.

"As for me, I still have to go to my office to do some paperwork. I'll bring you there but won't stay long. I'll call a few of my old classmates and have a drink with them tonight."

As he did not know that Lin Xuan and the others were here for the promotion mission, he really thought that the three of them were just here to see the sights. Therefore, he did not mention the battle part. In fact, he even thought that if there was a battle mission in the future, he could bring his juniors with him.

"We're actually here for the promotion... We're a little tight on time right now."

Seeing that the senior was sincerely helping them and that the gathering might take a lot of time, Lin Xuan might as well make things clear.