Sword Art — Yin Yang Dusk

This was a set of top-tier sword techniques that included movement techniques, sword techniques, and the rarely-seen Supreme of the Moon. When it danced, it was as light as a feather. Every sword light seemed to draw a moon phase, and the scene was extremely beautiful!

The final killer move was the final stab!

In the eyes of ordinary people, Flying to the Moon was like watching an immortal riding on the wind, floating and detached from the world. This stab was the essence of the Flying to the Moon, fast!

Like a shooting star, the tip of the sword had already stabbed the Death God's Yin Spirit. This stab was not blocked because it was too fast, but it did not cause any more damage to it!

Spell Art — Second Stage Life Reaping!

The endless life force that was harvested by this spell turned into deathly Yin Spirit aura, quickly healing the Death God Yin Spirit's injuries. It looked like it was about to fully recover.