Sky-patrolling Alliance

After eating the meal, the two of them bid farewell. Looking at Su Huaizhou walking forward blindly, Lin Xuan felt an inexplicable sense of pity in his heart, this girl was worthy of being loved by others. However, what would happen in the future was still unknown!

After watching Su Huaizhou leave, Lin Xuan also strolled back to the manor. His merit points had already been approved a few days ago, but the other students were still waiting. There were quite a number of people participating in the battle this time, the first batch to be approved would definitely be the group of prodigies that received the most attention.

However, three to four days had passed. The members of Di Yi's school team had basically received their own merit points and happily went to the Jade Sea Palace to exchange for spells. However, when they went there, they found out that things weren't what they had imagined at all.