Wheel Crow

Lin Xuan and the rest were traveling quickly through the forest as they led the mystic-rank and yellow-rank users. Their destination was toward the East!

All of a sudden, Lin Xuan stopped in his tracks. Without saying a word, he raised his right fist, and everyone behind him stopped in their tracks.

"Get out of here!"

The Heavenly Dragon mixed with the Dragon King's prestige and terrifying sound waves wreaked havoc in the surroundings, instantly startling a large number of crows.

"Sir, this is bad. They are a top tier ninja beast from the Crow Clan."

"Quick, gather together. Be careful not to look into their eyes."

"Observe the comrades around you. if you notice any unusual movements, control them immediately!"

A few more experienced Chuunins immediately stood up and quickly gave orders. Then, all of them gathered behind Lin Xuan, closed their eyes, and focused listening for any movements in their surroundings.