Body Transformation

"Yeah, I've finally broken through!"

Lin Xuan could feel the surging power in his body. Although he didn't have the title of earth-rank, he had the strength of an earth-rank. He could be seen as an earth-rank master, and the sudden change in the mystic-rank list had attracted a lot of attention from the world.

"Lin Xuan? Who is Lin Xuan? How did he suddenly jump to third place?"

"You don't know him? He's the captain of Di Yi. The prodigy and powerhouse who shone in the world competition. Have you been living under a rock?"

"He was at the twentieth rank before, but he suddenly jumped to third place. His battle strength has increased so much, how did he do it?!"

"Lin Xuan is so awesome!"

"Wow, wow, wow, he's making a huge breakthrough at the peak of mystic-rank. Looks like he's learned some kind of skill or a powerful spell?"

"Divine powers and spells are not enough. You'll need cultivation techniques or bloodline equipment to improve!"