Inside the Valley

The mountain path here was rugged, and there were not many plants around. Only bamboo was abundant, growing in clusters all over the mountain.

These bamboos were originally ordinary, but even so, they had been tempered into demonic plants by the thunderbolts day by day. Their trunks were tough, and there were faint lightning strikes on them. They were good materials for forging artifacts.

As they continued forward, the lightning became even dense. Even Lin Xuan was a little frightened when he saw it. After all, this was pure lightning, the most righteous and fair great Dao between the Heavens and earth.

Lin Xuan stopped in his tracks, not because he did not want to continue forward, but because there were too many thunderbolts here. Wave after wave of numbing effects made Lin Xuan unable to move.

After a long while, Lin Xuan used all his strength and fell to the ground, lying flat!