The Plague

Countless rats emerged from the ground. Lin Xuan estimated that there were at least 100,000 of them, and there was still an endless stream of them coming out from the ground, rushing toward Chaksha city.

It was impossible for all of these rats to be ability users, but they all had an obscure divine power. Even if they weren't ability users, they were still believers in the former God of Catastrophe, Io. They were the general believers!

What was even more terrifying was that when these rats gathered together, it was equivalent to countless fragments of Io's power coming together to form a stronger powerful bond!

Of course, it was impossible for Io to bestow all his power, but it was not impossible for him to bestow all the disastrous rat plague to them. After all, he had suffered two losses from Taixia before, so he knew how powerful Taixia was. If he wanted to gain something, he had to lose something else!