Blood Transformation Ritual

The Tyrant Fire Dragon was raging, and the Grim Reaper of Goat Demon was harvesting souls. A large number of superhumans could barely keep these two beasts at bay through subtle cooperation. They could not hold for too long. Firstly, the energy consumption was too great, their continuous output could not last long. Secondly, they could not withstand the opponent's attack. Once hit by one of the two, it was highly possible that they would be seriously injured directly.

The current situation has finally stabilized. The only thing to be wary of was the Rat King who did not show up. After all, he was the king of a clan. Even when his strength was to be disregarded, his subordinates could still make a sum of hundreds of thousands of Rat warriors. With the intensity of the battles hiking, things would only be tougher.

It was indeed a strange occurrence, that the Rat King was nowhere to be found even at this time!