Main Director

Lin Xuan pushed the door open and walked in. It was a rather large guest room. There was a circular wooden table in the middle of the room, and about ten people were sitting around the table. There were also quite a number of ability users standing respectfully at the side, waiting for the layout of the new world dungeon.

Without a doubt, the people sitting there were all earth-rank powerhouses. Their auras were heavy, and they had a sense of glory exuberating without even saying a word. However, before Lin Xuan walked in, they were all listening to the staff at the front of the line talking about the construction progress of Kunlun City. Suddenly, there was a strange sound, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"Lin Xuan? A new earth-rank ability user? He's been in the limelight recently!"

"Why is he here? Why is he late?"